I have spent part of last night and part of my morning off attempting to retrieve a tape from my New Bettle. At the moment my success can be measured in half a tape case and six million yards of tape. Little did I know that Heartbreak Hotel would be the last thing I would here on my tape player for a bit. Yes, I know that the radio and the CD player are still active but blah! My CD player is in my trunk which makes it quite a bit of a bother to switch CDs and the radio talks way too much. Half a tape case... I am sure that there is a moral in there somewhere... she is half a tape case away from a dj's nightmare... or something to that effect.
On a slighty more up note, my children's book is now in the hands of the artist and I am really looking forward to seeing how it turns out. I told it to J&P last night at dinner and they both really liked it.
Oh well hopefully the player will be fixed eventually and I will appreciate more then. If all else fails I just sing to myself while I drive.... heck, I already do that. Perhaps my player was adding commentary to my singing by performing hari-kari sans Japanese steak knives.
I am looking still for some singing outlet (outside of my car and house). I really did enjoy being a part of a choir. I really would hate to lose all the training that Mrs. Truett put into my voice. Even if every other song was a Disney... it will eventually come to me to go work as a costume character for them. Then I can overthrow them from the inside and take over the world. I'll be the first costume character dictator : )
Good day and Goofies of the world unite : P
Save the Whales.... Collect the Whole Set! Quirky and Serious Musings of Me, A Quirky and Not So Serious Girl
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Of whether pigs have wings
Silly Carol... buffalos have wings : ) Though if a buffalo offered up its wings, I would definitely have to decline. We had a going away/welcome party for two of my staff today. Right now I am so full of sandwiches that I would like to curl up into a warm little ball under my desk. I need to put in order for a Do Not Disturb...Sleeping sign for my door. Though I am pretty sure the uppers would definitely like the idea of paying me for sleeping. I am positive I could also not get away with putting out in the public area my sign which says "Unattended Children will be sold as slaves". Well, they keep saying that we are in a budget crunch. It is just one more inventive and lucrative suggestion I could put forth.
They have also released a memo saying that we are now connecting our bonus and evaluation status. I now have to have proof that I am explemary to get more money... Hmmm maybe I should start a blog drive. To help Eve get here bonus and thus more money for her poor starving kitties, send your compliments to.... or For just minutes out of your day, you could compliment Eve and save a poor kitty ( 1 of 3)...
Must think on this further. Or I could just do it on my own strengths and determination... But what would be the fun in that?
Good day and save a tree... don't do homework
They have also released a memo saying that we are now connecting our bonus and evaluation status. I now have to have proof that I am explemary to get more money... Hmmm maybe I should start a blog drive. To help Eve get here bonus and thus more money for her poor starving kitties, send your compliments to.... or For just minutes out of your day, you could compliment Eve and save a poor kitty ( 1 of 3)...
Must think on this further. Or I could just do it on my own strengths and determination... But what would be the fun in that?
Good day and save a tree... don't do homework
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
You've got fight... for your right... for AC!
Just make sure you all get the right amount of pause in when reading the title of the blog. We are having to figure out who gets to turn down our AC at work. We are having a time of it deciding if it is us at the building or an agency offsite. Right now the panels are reading 76 and 80 respectively and any minute I expect to have a flash flood in the DVDs of melted materials... No interesting dreams to report as of right now. The kitties are doing well and are still only having minor flareups. I go to sleep each night with the pitter patter of little feet. A total of 12 feet in all (3 cats = 12 feet or 3 yards : ) I love that my apartment is so long that you get the doplar effect with the pitter patter.
I also enjoy my drive done while sleeping on my way to work. It is about a 20 to 30 drive to work each morning. As of yet, I haven't figured out how to wake up totally and my drive allows some of the cobwebs to get blown out. On the way here I listened to Peter, Paul and Mary, a variety of Disney songs and Bruce Springsteen. It was a major weird mix day the day I put that one together. I do remember thinking that "500 Miles" by P,P and M reminds me in part of the Prodigal Son. Especially the part where they sing "Not a shirt on my back, not a penny to my name, Lord I can't go a-home this a-way..." I like listening to music that isn't particular Christian and filtering through my head to be Christian. It works well with ones that speak in generalities of love and you.

Oh by the way I have these great siblings. They ( the three of them) are just wow incredible. Each of them is way cool in their own way. D. is just the best guy I know. He is so smart and incredible kind. He has one of the best senses of humor around. He is more patient that I could ever hope to be and he is going to be such a wonderful dad and father someday. J. is so easygoing and determined to set up me up with someone. She is very protective of us and has a great laugh. I love her strength. P. is awesomely tough. She has had to go through a lot and come out with this amazing attitude of life and all things. She is the best communicator of us all. She is so generous. Me... I love them all so very much.
Good day and go hug someone.
I also enjoy my drive done while sleeping on my way to work. It is about a 20 to 30 drive to work each morning. As of yet, I haven't figured out how to wake up totally and my drive allows some of the cobwebs to get blown out. On the way here I listened to Peter, Paul and Mary, a variety of Disney songs and Bruce Springsteen. It was a major weird mix day the day I put that one together. I do remember thinking that "500 Miles" by P,P and M reminds me in part of the Prodigal Son. Especially the part where they sing "Not a shirt on my back, not a penny to my name, Lord I can't go a-home this a-way..." I like listening to music that isn't particular Christian and filtering through my head to be Christian. It works well with ones that speak in generalities of love and you.
Oh by the way I have these great siblings. They ( the three of them) are just wow incredible. Each of them is way cool in their own way. D. is just the best guy I know. He is so smart and incredible kind. He has one of the best senses of humor around. He is more patient that I could ever hope to be and he is going to be such a wonderful dad and father someday. J. is so easygoing and determined to set up me up with someone. She is very protective of us and has a great laugh. I love her strength. P. is awesomely tough. She has had to go through a lot and come out with this amazing attitude of life and all things. She is the best communicator of us all. She is so generous. Me... I love them all so very much.
Good day and go hug someone.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Insert Favorite Animal Sound Byte Here
Most people talk about it being a Zoo at work which is taken with a grain of salt. Well, pull out your shakers... it was a Zoo literally or at least a Zoo visit today. It wasn't as crazy as it could have been. But that didn't stop all sorts of speculation on the day that it could have been. K. our favorite Zoo guy came today with 14 different types of animals and everyone had a great time.
I have always wanted to find out if he was working at the zoo when I was younger. I can remember going to the Zoo with my family. P. and I were running and I tripped. These two lovely Spanish speaking people helped me up and took me to the Zoo office. Once inside, I was bandaged and taken care by the staff. But one major memory stands out in that someone (a guy I think) teased myself and P. that if our parents didn't pick us up that there would be fresh meat for the lions tonight. Major EEK factor to a 10 year old( or so) but thankfully the parentals came and I never found out if I would have been Kid a la King for some lion cub.
There were also animals in my dreams last night. I dreamed that all manner of cats were sneaking into my house and I kept chucking them out the door. "I have three" I must have said a million times plus in my dream. I actually woke myself up because I dreamt that I chucked a cat standing up but I threw it so hard that I bent my torso. I woke up by sitting up i.e. bending my torso. Where is my Joseph for this set of dreams? I love my cats but I very rarely dream of them or any cat for that matter.... It wasn't my book. I had finished rereading Dune by Frank Herbert... not a single cat in there as best I can remember.
P. and I had a great time hanging out with M&D before she packed up her car and heading back home to go to work that night. I had barely gotten in PJs (yes it was like 3 in the afternoon but it was a Sunday:P ) when she knocked back on the door. She had spotted a 30 to 40 gallon tank in the trash and wanted to take it home with her. She guess that someone had had a snake or lizard and it had die and so they just tossed the tank. After almost putting it in the car, she realized that the previous tenant had in fact died.... and was still in the tank covered in water and lots of dead leaves.... major grossness and thus she decided she didn't need the tank after all. LOL She is major thrifty but not that major thrifty : ) Good day and remember to keep your ducks in a row, be nicer to your snakes and keep your kitties happy.
I have always wanted to find out if he was working at the zoo when I was younger. I can remember going to the Zoo with my family. P. and I were running and I tripped. These two lovely Spanish speaking people helped me up and took me to the Zoo office. Once inside, I was bandaged and taken care by the staff. But one major memory stands out in that someone (a guy I think) teased myself and P. that if our parents didn't pick us up that there would be fresh meat for the lions tonight. Major EEK factor to a 10 year old( or so) but thankfully the parentals came and I never found out if I would have been Kid a la King for some lion cub.
There were also animals in my dreams last night. I dreamed that all manner of cats were sneaking into my house and I kept chucking them out the door. "I have three" I must have said a million times plus in my dream. I actually woke myself up because I dreamt that I chucked a cat standing up but I threw it so hard that I bent my torso. I woke up by sitting up i.e. bending my torso. Where is my Joseph for this set of dreams? I love my cats but I very rarely dream of them or any cat for that matter.... It wasn't my book. I had finished rereading Dune by Frank Herbert... not a single cat in there as best I can remember.
P. and I had a great time hanging out with M&D before she packed up her car and heading back home to go to work that night. I had barely gotten in PJs (yes it was like 3 in the afternoon but it was a Sunday:P ) when she knocked back on the door. She had spotted a 30 to 40 gallon tank in the trash and wanted to take it home with her. She guess that someone had had a snake or lizard and it had die and so they just tossed the tank. After almost putting it in the car, she realized that the previous tenant had in fact died.... and was still in the tank covered in water and lots of dead leaves.... major grossness and thus she decided she didn't need the tank after all. LOL She is major thrifty but not that major thrifty : ) Good day and remember to keep your ducks in a row, be nicer to your snakes and keep your kitties happy.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Breaking and Leaving
Yesterday at work, I was challenged to find out how locks work. I found a great article on exactly the inner workings of the locks which lead to an article on safebreaking. Little did I suspect that I might actually need to know how to use a lock the very next day.
P. (my little sis) had come into town from down south yesterday and she always wants to share time with all of her family peoples. So we usually stay at J&P2's house which is awesome because it is like a comfy exclusive bed and breakfast. My apartment is lovely but in comparision has no ac, no cable, no internet, etc... all of which can be found at J&Ps. Not to mention they are always great company. We spent the evening talking, laughing and attempting to thwart each other's attempts at SkipBo ( which I reigned supreme despite J's evil attempts of coup and gloating like crazy). Ah, sisters!
J&P got up in the morning to go to church and us church-hoppers decided to take a hike literally. I have been trying to find a church to match what I want and it is about as hard to find a guy I will date. Another story...But the girls left and P. and I got ready to go... or so we thought. J. (whose memory is sieve-like at best) left and automatically locked her dead bolt. Unfornuately for us, it needed a key in order to get out. They have fifty million keys but none apparently for their front door. We did finally find one for the padlock for their back fence.
I don't think I am cut out for a life of crime. Heavens know it took me at least a dozen times for getting into the safe at work. Not to mention I will never be mistaken for a poker-face. My emotions are usually out for the world to see and I would be the easiest collar a cop ever made. Good day and don't blow your money when getting into the safe.
P. (my little sis) had come into town from down south yesterday and she always wants to share time with all of her family peoples. So we usually stay at J&P2's house which is awesome because it is like a comfy exclusive bed and breakfast. My apartment is lovely but in comparision has no ac, no cable, no internet, etc... all of which can be found at J&Ps. Not to mention they are always great company. We spent the evening talking, laughing and attempting to thwart each other's attempts at SkipBo ( which I reigned supreme despite J's evil attempts of coup and gloating like crazy). Ah, sisters!
J&P got up in the morning to go to church and us church-hoppers decided to take a hike literally. I have been trying to find a church to match what I want and it is about as hard to find a guy I will date. Another story...But the girls left and P. and I got ready to go... or so we thought. J. (whose memory is sieve-like at best) left and automatically locked her dead bolt. Unfornuately for us, it needed a key in order to get out. They have fifty million keys but none apparently for their front door. We did finally find one for the padlock for their back fence.
I don't think I am cut out for a life of crime. Heavens know it took me at least a dozen times for getting into the safe at work. Not to mention I will never be mistaken for a poker-face. My emotions are usually out for the world to see and I would be the easiest collar a cop ever made. Good day and don't blow your money when getting into the safe.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
A Very Hungry Caterpillar Day
I feel for my staff on Saturdays. Every since I got my license and my car, it seems harder to get to work on time as opposed to when I rode the bus. I only had my car for less than a year and my license for a little longer than that. I am not sure why it took so long for me to get the license. Just pure hardheadness I guess. I can be that very much but it is about the strangest things. P., my little sister, knows this very well. She had to deal with it on our cruise when we got into a fight about whether I should take my headphones on a shore excursion. Told you... strangest things to be stubborn about.
I had to hunt down A Very Hungry Caterpillar by Carle today. Not for checkout but to use as an example of what I want my kid's book to look like. One of my staff's spouse was interested in possiblely doing the artwork for it. I wrote it years ago (my story not the AVHC) but have not done much with it. It is a kiplingish Just So Creation story. I've got another brewing in my head but it is meant to be longer and more of a chapter book. A little more Dahl and P.L. Travers... I don't know though. It seems every librarian is an aspiring writer. But then we all are aspiring to something. I don't wish for fame though. Money though is another matter. But I can see myself being the M.C. Hammer of the writing world : ) I have this theory that it is just paper but my student loan people tend to disagree with me. Even though it was through the education that they financed that brought me to this idea. One of the catalogs I get sums it up well with "Think no one knows you exist...try missing a couple of payments" or words to that effect. Good day and aspiring enormous!
I had to hunt down A Very Hungry Caterpillar by Carle today. Not for checkout but to use as an example of what I want my kid's book to look like. One of my staff's spouse was interested in possiblely doing the artwork for it. I wrote it years ago (my story not the AVHC) but have not done much with it. It is a kiplingish Just So Creation story. I've got another brewing in my head but it is meant to be longer and more of a chapter book. A little more Dahl and P.L. Travers... I don't know though. It seems every librarian is an aspiring writer. But then we all are aspiring to something. I don't wish for fame though. Money though is another matter. But I can see myself being the M.C. Hammer of the writing world : ) I have this theory that it is just paper but my student loan people tend to disagree with me. Even though it was through the education that they financed that brought me to this idea. One of the catalogs I get sums it up well with "Think no one knows you exist...try missing a couple of payments" or words to that effect. Good day and aspiring enormous!
Friday, July 22, 2005
Of why the sea is boiling hot

No, this is not my summer house on the pennisula of Florida. If it were, the entire thing would be boarded up with the hallways filled with Ensure and bottled water for the duration of the hurricane season. It is a pic of me in front of the palace at Brighton. I got the chance to intern abroad in London for FSU a couple of years ago. It was ab fab and I am still hankering to continue my travels around the world. Two continents down, five to go...
Second Test
Take Two....thanks to my tutor/Dad. We had an enjoyable lunch where we talked a bit about my trying to decide about house, life and etc. I just have to decide whether to stay on this continent or move to another. This thought was brought to you by the letter C and the number 3. As in 3 cats... that was what brought on the thought. I have three cats which is triple the number my landlord thinks I have. This then brought on the idea that in my own house I could have 3 X 3 the number of cats. However as a single person, I can't have more than 3. Lucky number four cat turns me from normal sane person to crazy cat person. For more details, you have to watch "'Til there was You". As crazy cat person, it totally negates the mere possibility of dating a non-certifiable pyschopath. Hmmm.... I wonder what you need to become certified? Good day and may the laundry elves be merciful....
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