Hmmm... not hard to guess how I am feeling right now. It is the end of the work day and all I am hoping for is a nice quiet bed. It makes me even more tired to think that tomorrow is an early day. Ugh! It doesn't help that next week is a majorly busy one. Time to look into another personal day... I need a vacay. Or at least a minibreak. One with time to read and no deadlines on my plate. One more thing to research.
I spent part of today investigating a Batman storyline for a staff worker. And another part of it working on making finances work out due to a cancelled guest pass. Like I said major time for beddy bye.
Good night and sweet dreams..
Save the Whales.... Collect the Whole Set! Quirky and Serious Musings of Me, A Quirky and Not So Serious Girl
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Pissing Cats
I had a lovely day off yesterday. I washed my car (evil though it is), cleaned out my pantry and enjoyed a lovely morning/afternoon of sleeping in. I needed it... today has been quite crazy for a Saturday. For one, there are people here. Or at least more than the normal amount. That and I am getting mucho complaints about the grass. It is prairie grass and it is supposed to be tall but the community obviously doesn't like tall grass. This is the most vocal community I have been in yet. I am beginning now to understand why they chose not to drop a day around here. Imagine the complaints we would get about that!
I heard back from M. She is doing okay but was a bit down from all the testrostone flying round her way. She is surrounded by guys so it is a bit to be expected. Once things get settled around here, I want to go visit her. It has just been ages since I've seen her. I think the last time was at the wedding and she was a bit preoccupied with everything else:) I also got a call from R. yesterday. He sounds older. I didn't even recognize him on the phone. We are going to try and coordinate schedules so that we can get together for lunch. I've heard of strategic strikes that are easier to plan!
I've got another recruit for the Operation Love Match. J from work is determined to get me set up. Her first suggestion was just a wee off base though. It was the eighteen year old she was checking books out to. I told her to skip the formalities and cut straight to the jail house. He does have an older brother though... a definite possibility.
Nothing back from the cruise ship yet. At this moment I just need info to help me decide whether or not it is even a possibility.
Oh the title! R. was filling me in on the fact that he has a depressed cat. Through my laughter, I had the inspiration to ask how exactly one knows the a cat is depressed or not. Apparently, pissing on everything is a pretty good indication that your cat is unhappy. Obviously mine are pretty content though Hazel does piss on my bed but only when she is in heat. She's getting fixed in about 2 or 3 weeks. Fingers crossed that this behavior doesn't continue about being fixed.
Good day and as promised Annie on Acid
I heard back from M. She is doing okay but was a bit down from all the testrostone flying round her way. She is surrounded by guys so it is a bit to be expected. Once things get settled around here, I want to go visit her. It has just been ages since I've seen her. I think the last time was at the wedding and she was a bit preoccupied with everything else:) I also got a call from R. yesterday. He sounds older. I didn't even recognize him on the phone. We are going to try and coordinate schedules so that we can get together for lunch. I've heard of strategic strikes that are easier to plan!
I've got another recruit for the Operation Love Match. J from work is determined to get me set up. Her first suggestion was just a wee off base though. It was the eighteen year old she was checking books out to. I told her to skip the formalities and cut straight to the jail house. He does have an older brother though... a definite possibility.
Nothing back from the cruise ship yet. At this moment I just need info to help me decide whether or not it is even a possibility.
Oh the title! R. was filling me in on the fact that he has a depressed cat. Through my laughter, I had the inspiration to ask how exactly one knows the a cat is depressed or not. Apparently, pissing on everything is a pretty good indication that your cat is unhappy. Obviously mine are pretty content though Hazel does piss on my bed but only when she is in heat. She's getting fixed in about 2 or 3 weeks. Fingers crossed that this behavior doesn't continue about being fixed.
Good day and as promised Annie on Acid

Thursday, September 15, 2005
Annie gone bad
I decided this morning that it is what I look like. I am taking over two storytimes for my children's person and decided to dress up for one of them. The main character looks like

and I will have to post my pics after the storytime. Thank goodness the other storytime is on Humor and I can get away with looking like Annie on Acid... It is a good story however. The things I do for my job.
I wrote M and R a day or so ago but have only heard back from R. You would think that it would be easier in this day and with this technology to keep up with people. I have done a pretty bad job of that. But M I apologized to and R I just ragged about not keeping up with me. But it is my job ( one of many) to pick on R. My life's work : P He seems to be doing okay. He's got awoman and cats :) I wish I knew of a better job for him. I really wish he could have kept up with school. I want him to be happy in all aspects of his life not just some. Weird though it is when talking of an ex. We drove each other crazy in good way and bad. But he is also the only one I kept up with. He is the only one that I thought of (outside of everything) as a truly good guy. Does this mean the rest of the guys I dated have to wear black in my spaghetti western? No the others had shades of good and bad. They'll be wearing grey. Dark grey some of them....
Good day and yippee -ka- yaw- yay!
and I will have to post my pics after the storytime. Thank goodness the other storytime is on Humor and I can get away with looking like Annie on Acid... It is a good story however. The things I do for my job.
I wrote M and R a day or so ago but have only heard back from R. You would think that it would be easier in this day and with this technology to keep up with people. I have done a pretty bad job of that. But M I apologized to and R I just ragged about not keeping up with me. But it is my job ( one of many) to pick on R. My life's work : P He seems to be doing okay. He's got awoman and cats :) I wish I knew of a better job for him. I really wish he could have kept up with school. I want him to be happy in all aspects of his life not just some. Weird though it is when talking of an ex. We drove each other crazy in good way and bad. But he is also the only one I kept up with. He is the only one that I thought of (outside of everything) as a truly good guy. Does this mean the rest of the guys I dated have to wear black in my spaghetti western? No the others had shades of good and bad. They'll be wearing grey. Dark grey some of them....
Good day and yippee -ka- yaw- yay!
Monday, September 12, 2005
Coo, coo, coo...
Pigeons have been trained by the U.S. Coast Guard to spot people at sea. This was my Snapple fact of the day. I love it. What line of the budget is that one in? Well, we'll provide $ 15 million to the Coast Guard for boats, crew, training and pigeons? Coo, coo, coo-coo... little Timmy's lost off the Coast of Palm Coast. We'll get right on it, Pigeon Toad. Another fine rescue!
I have spent the afternoon grave hunting. No, it is not something all the cool librarians are doing. I am hunting for the grave of a particular person that is the great uncle of another particular person. I have narrow it down to two possible cemeteries. Can we say field trip? I wonder if the library will fund my mileage for that one : ) Actually I came across a cool article on a class of elementary students who did go on a field trip to the cemetery and other cool points in the city. They were studying city history ( I should write the teacher and make Dad's book required reading for the class: )
Just a normal day here in LibraryLand. I did send it my resume and letter to the cruise people. What an awesome job title for hopefully a very awesome job. I wonder if they have a club. The Cruise Ship Librarians. Talk about exclusive...
Good day and happy digging!
I have spent the afternoon grave hunting. No, it is not something all the cool librarians are doing. I am hunting for the grave of a particular person that is the great uncle of another particular person. I have narrow it down to two possible cemeteries. Can we say field trip? I wonder if the library will fund my mileage for that one : ) Actually I came across a cool article on a class of elementary students who did go on a field trip to the cemetery and other cool points in the city. They were studying city history ( I should write the teacher and make Dad's book required reading for the class: )
Just a normal day here in LibraryLand. I did send it my resume and letter to the cruise people. What an awesome job title for hopefully a very awesome job. I wonder if they have a club. The Cruise Ship Librarians. Talk about exclusive...
Good day and happy digging!
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Tapping at my chamber door...
P. and I watched "The Crow" Thursday night and thus the quote to begin us off. He misquoted it though seeing as it was from "The Raven" and he was the crow but same family. Speaking of family, I got back from P's this morning to work. I do miss my cats when I am gone but I will see them after work today. She is going to be just fine. I hunted up a great opportunity to work in the Reading Room/Library of the College of Vet Med. It sounded right up her alley and it was for the university so there is the possibility of tution coverage for a couple of classes.
I revamped my resume this morning and will be sending it off on Monday for the cruise offer. Car, apartment, cats, job and family... My ties to here :)I have some friends but not any near and dears here. Each day brings new possibilites. Today could be the day I (fill in the blank). I know, I know. I sound like an afterschool special. LOL.
Good day and vivent le reve!
I revamped my resume this morning and will be sending it off on Monday for the cruise offer. Car, apartment, cats, job and family... My ties to here :)I have some friends but not any near and dears here. Each day brings new possibilites. Today could be the day I (fill in the blank). I know, I know. I sound like an afterschool special. LOL.
Good day and vivent le reve!
Friday, September 09, 2005
And I ran, I ran so far away....
Eighty song lyrics get stuck in my head occasionally. Whenever they make the movie of my life ( and you know they won't be able to resist:), the soundtrack will definitely be memorable. I am currently housing myself in Gatorville for my day off. I've come down for two reasons. I didn't want to get blown away by Ophelia (out damn hurricane out) and I needed to come visit P. She's got some major stuff going on. She resigned from her job due to worries that she might be fired. She also isn't able to continue classes this semester due to finances.
I figured it was best to make sure everything would be okay with her most of all. She is my favorite little sister by the way. It helps that I have no others to get jealous of that fact. She is doing fine though. She is working parttime at a soon to be opened coffee bar and helping with the manual side of setting up i.e. painting, moving supplies, etc. I am not sure what she wants to do next. J. is wanting her to move back home but I know that she loves here so very much. God, I just want her to be happy regardless.
On my front, I just got an email from a friend about positions open on Celebrity Cruises for a librarian. I have thought long and hard about it and I am going to send them my resume. They only sign contracts for 6 months with the option to resign at the end of it. It should like a great opportunity. With only one life, I have got to enjoy it. Maybe there should be prayers for all of us... with Ophelia, D and H dating, J and P selling the house and M and D hanging in there...
Good day and smooth sailing to you!
I figured it was best to make sure everything would be okay with her most of all. She is my favorite little sister by the way. It helps that I have no others to get jealous of that fact. She is doing fine though. She is working parttime at a soon to be opened coffee bar and helping with the manual side of setting up i.e. painting, moving supplies, etc. I am not sure what she wants to do next. J. is wanting her to move back home but I know that she loves here so very much. God, I just want her to be happy regardless.
On my front, I just got an email from a friend about positions open on Celebrity Cruises for a librarian. I have thought long and hard about it and I am going to send them my resume. They only sign contracts for 6 months with the option to resign at the end of it. It should like a great opportunity. With only one life, I have got to enjoy it. Maybe there should be prayers for all of us... with Ophelia, D and H dating, J and P selling the house and M and D hanging in there...
Good day and smooth sailing to you!
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Blub, Blub, Blub
Why did I ever think that managing would be less of a job than children's? It must have been the day my brain accidentally got hit by the shrinking ray and became dino-brain sized. I have been utterly too busy to blog. GASP! I know I know... major faux paw...
It seems I missed my Labor Day for all the sleeping I did. But I have been staying up with Stephen King and he is just so darn hard to put down. Of course, all the scary reading means that I have to read something happy before I go to sleep to hopefully ward off the nightmares. So it is Tommyknockers and Duh! Stupid Things of Human History... LOL
One cool point of interest: I was written up in the newspaper. So, okay it was my library that was the main focal point but I got my picture in it and a couple of quotes to boot. Very cool stuff. This is only the second time in my library career that this has happened. The last time I was in the Advocate. Though I had to be so careful in telling people this. Why? Because they are the same people who had a Wall of Shame and publish pics of johns and prostitutes. Before you get any ideas about my "library", I was in the Advocate when they hosted a program promoting literacy for kids. :P
I went to A's wedding this weekend. Very cool. I looked Fabulous but nary a cute guy in sight. A and her fiance had a deal where neither would invite anyone they had dated to the wedding. It made for a small wedding reception:) If this keeps up, J is going to go through with her threat of calling Oprah and getting me on the show. This week on Oprah, "Marry my Sister or Else!" LOL Okay, God, we all know that the not-good-enoughs have had their day... let's bring on the absolutely-made-fors.
Good day and what if the hokey pokey IS what it's all about?
It seems I missed my Labor Day for all the sleeping I did. But I have been staying up with Stephen King and he is just so darn hard to put down. Of course, all the scary reading means that I have to read something happy before I go to sleep to hopefully ward off the nightmares. So it is Tommyknockers and Duh! Stupid Things of Human History... LOL
One cool point of interest: I was written up in the newspaper. So, okay it was my library that was the main focal point but I got my picture in it and a couple of quotes to boot. Very cool stuff. This is only the second time in my library career that this has happened. The last time I was in the Advocate. Though I had to be so careful in telling people this. Why? Because they are the same people who had a Wall of Shame and publish pics of johns and prostitutes. Before you get any ideas about my "library", I was in the Advocate when they hosted a program promoting literacy for kids. :P
I went to A's wedding this weekend. Very cool. I looked Fabulous but nary a cute guy in sight. A and her fiance had a deal where neither would invite anyone they had dated to the wedding. It made for a small wedding reception:) If this keeps up, J is going to go through with her threat of calling Oprah and getting me on the show. This week on Oprah, "Marry my Sister or Else!" LOL Okay, God, we all know that the not-good-enoughs have had their day... let's bring on the absolutely-made-fors.
Good day and what if the hokey pokey IS what it's all about?
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