Short and Sweet.. : P I am only at work to graze over party yummies. We decided to have a post-thanksgiving party. What can I say I work with a bunch of party animals.... I did finally make the pecan pie and it turned out just fantabulous!
I couldn't sleep last night. Have you ever followed a thought path backwards. I originally started thinking about beauty. I have just finished my weekly watching of America's Next Top Model which had gotten me thinking about beauty (Stick with me, okay). I then decided the three people who I think of as beautiful were my Mom, Aunt Hazel and P. But not just in the tradition sense. There is so much inner beauty that shines through them.
Then I focused mainly on Aunt Hazel. She passed away several years ago but I still think of her often. She is more like a great-aunt. I tended to think of her like a grandmother in the way she acted. She used to fuss over Dad and make him take the recliner. She loved cats but couldn't have any where she lived so we bought her every cat thing imaginable. My favorite was this mug that had a cat as the handle and a fish at the bottom of the mug. My newest kitty is named after her and it is very fitting. I remember our last phone conversation where she told me that she was ready for death. But she still teased me about my last ex-boyfriend like always calling him Mr. What's-His-Name. I really loved her so much and I miss her still. She was such a character. She used to tell me that I was her favorite and not to tell the others. Though I suspect she might have told us all that.
And about then is where I fell asleep. I love when I can see where a thought came about.
Alright, I do believe that was pushing the short barrier. Good day and wish often (I forgot to put that on yesterdays).
Save the Whales.... Collect the Whole Set! Quirky and Serious Musings of Me, A Quirky and Not So Serious Girl
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
My Favorite Thing to do in Post-Turkiness
Though the napping after the ritual stuffing (of the person not the bird) is entirely awesome, it still only ranks at number two in my post-turkiness favorites. My all-time favorite is the writing of the wish list. It is a tradition in my family to do after Thanksgiving dinner. Though I suspect that it was Mom and Dad's idea to keep us traditionally occupied while they traditionally watched the traditional football game on the traditional recliners.
Regardless it is still my favorite. We are supposed to write down what we want for Christmas. But to me it is so much more. It is a once-a-year wish list. Wishes for me, for you, for the world, for now, for Christmas, and for a million billion years later. It is the one time a year where I think "If I could have more, what would I want". It is a list with no doubt, no fear, no wondering "I need to pay the light bill and take the cats to the vet and then put some in savings before I pursue my dreams", no limits.
I always put Peace on earth on it. As of yet, Santa has yet to bring that to my tree but I keep hoping. I imagine Santa is a bit little God in that respect. A jolly being who answers requests sometimes with a "Not yet". How would someone who created laughter not be jolly by the way?
I have the mundane mixed with the marvelous on my list. My best this year was the sunset in a bottle as a marvel. The sheets and new cell phone above it on the list barely got a whimper but sunset definitely brought up some questions. I told them it was up to the giver to define it. P. has threatened to get me Sunset Tequila... ah the joy of Christmas. I have kept ones from years past just to see how what I have wanted has changed or been fulfilled. I am pretty sure that travel to Maine or to Europe was on there. I have done both. Much of what I wish for I can also give myself and it is easy to forget that. I love the giving as much as the getting. I am usually the one who wants to hand everything out and then sit back and open my pile.
Maybe it isn't such an odd tradition... a wish list. I bet Mary had one: more swaddling clothes, a new robe, new sandals for the journey home, peace on earth, myyrh (check), long life for my son... A mixture of mundane and marvelous with some answers being "Not yet".
Regardless it is still my favorite. We are supposed to write down what we want for Christmas. But to me it is so much more. It is a once-a-year wish list. Wishes for me, for you, for the world, for now, for Christmas, and for a million billion years later. It is the one time a year where I think "If I could have more, what would I want". It is a list with no doubt, no fear, no wondering "I need to pay the light bill and take the cats to the vet and then put some in savings before I pursue my dreams", no limits.
I always put Peace on earth on it. As of yet, Santa has yet to bring that to my tree but I keep hoping. I imagine Santa is a bit little God in that respect. A jolly being who answers requests sometimes with a "Not yet". How would someone who created laughter not be jolly by the way?
I have the mundane mixed with the marvelous on my list. My best this year was the sunset in a bottle as a marvel. The sheets and new cell phone above it on the list barely got a whimper but sunset definitely brought up some questions. I told them it was up to the giver to define it. P. has threatened to get me Sunset Tequila... ah the joy of Christmas. I have kept ones from years past just to see how what I have wanted has changed or been fulfilled. I am pretty sure that travel to Maine or to Europe was on there. I have done both. Much of what I wish for I can also give myself and it is easy to forget that. I love the giving as much as the getting. I am usually the one who wants to hand everything out and then sit back and open my pile.
Maybe it isn't such an odd tradition... a wish list. I bet Mary had one: more swaddling clothes, a new robe, new sandals for the journey home, peace on earth, myyrh (check), long life for my son... A mixture of mundane and marvelous with some answers being "Not yet".
Monday, November 21, 2005
New Mystery Series
My co-worker and I have come up with a new faux mystery series. Thus far the titles were the only thing we worked on but they were so hilarious that I don't know if the books could ever live up to them. Mysteries based on a theme... ours is that they all happen in a gym. Something along the lines of "And you thought exercise was good for your health". Though why is it that no one ever accused the lady on Mystery She Wrote of being the murderer? I mean was there anyone left in Crab Apple Cove? The place had to either been a ghost town or the tourism board must have paid some hush-hush money to somebody. It must have thrown the crime statistics all out of wack for Maine.
Okay, sorry tangent but I just wonder sometimes... Okay so the titles we came up with all related to places or exercises in the gym such as Death by Dumbell, Slaughter on the Stairmaster, Rubbed Out in Racquetball,etc. You get the gist. If any of you think of a y word for murder, let me know. Thus far yoga seems to be the only safe place in the gym.
Back to real world... this week looks to be a bit hairy around here. I am a bit nervous as we have yet to be open before and after a major holiday. The best we've had round these parts is Labor Day. But pressing on as usual. I spent Sunday very lazily. I had fallen asleep on the couch the night before. It was a lightswitch sleep. You know where one minute you're awake and the next you're asleep. I woke up that morning with major red eyes as I have forgotten to take my contacts out. So I popped out the contacts and headed back to the couch. I woke up again when Dad called me about Thanksgiving. We are planned to have it at J. and P's as they have the biggest space. My pumpkin pie has been requested. If the library gig doesn't work out, apparently I might make it as Queen of the Pies. I'll be like Queen of Sheba but with a lot less jewelry : P
Pop Quiz: You know how they had a god from everything in Greek and Roman mythology, what would you be god/goddess of? I would definitely be Goddess of Sleep and Pumpkin Pies and Hugs. I'm really good at those too.
This is the blog you get when I don't get enough sleep. I agree with my cats. If we don't get at least our 21 hours worth, we are just worthlesss in the morning.
Good day and only one month and one day more shopping days til my b-day! I prefer jewels but cash will do in a pinch : P
Okay, sorry tangent but I just wonder sometimes... Okay so the titles we came up with all related to places or exercises in the gym such as Death by Dumbell, Slaughter on the Stairmaster, Rubbed Out in Racquetball,etc. You get the gist. If any of you think of a y word for murder, let me know. Thus far yoga seems to be the only safe place in the gym.
Back to real world... this week looks to be a bit hairy around here. I am a bit nervous as we have yet to be open before and after a major holiday. The best we've had round these parts is Labor Day. But pressing on as usual. I spent Sunday very lazily. I had fallen asleep on the couch the night before. It was a lightswitch sleep. You know where one minute you're awake and the next you're asleep. I woke up that morning with major red eyes as I have forgotten to take my contacts out. So I popped out the contacts and headed back to the couch. I woke up again when Dad called me about Thanksgiving. We are planned to have it at J. and P's as they have the biggest space. My pumpkin pie has been requested. If the library gig doesn't work out, apparently I might make it as Queen of the Pies. I'll be like Queen of Sheba but with a lot less jewelry : P
Pop Quiz: You know how they had a god from everything in Greek and Roman mythology, what would you be god/goddess of? I would definitely be Goddess of Sleep and Pumpkin Pies and Hugs. I'm really good at those too.
This is the blog you get when I don't get enough sleep. I agree with my cats. If we don't get at least our 21 hours worth, we are just worthlesss in the morning.
Good day and only one month and one day more shopping days til my b-day! I prefer jewels but cash will do in a pinch : P
Friday, November 18, 2005
The Joys of Work
Yes, I did survive my vacation. I even had the perfect vacation moment. It was on Sunday afternoon. It was perfect.... pajamas, doing a puzzle, watching a movie, eating Triple Chocolate Hagen-Daz and knowing I didn't have to go to work the next day.
I do really love my job. It fits me to a "T" but I still enjoy the not coming in. I mainly was doing non-productive stuff. Though I did clean my apartment (a necessary task) and got my hair cut (majorly cute).
The Diabetes walk was just great. Way too early but just great. The one we have here in town is around the Zoo and was wicked fabulous. The animals were all out and active. I can't say that I was too though. After many nights of sleeping in until beyond the noon hour, getting up at eight was a bit of a chore. But it was for a really good cause. I wonder when the Heartwalk is going on....
I did get to visit my favorite animal in the zoo. They have a red kangeroo. So not meaning to sound like Dr. Seuss but it just rhymed. I like it because of the story behind it. They originally had nine. Apparently there was a kangeroo plague that killed off the other eight and maimed the remaining one so they had to cut off one paw. He is living with his cousins the wallabies. It always makes me ponder. How would I do in a major crisis? Most of my slowdowns have been bumps, not hills and definitely not mountains... I'd like to think that I could handle it with peace and dignity and a rubber chicken. Yes, a rubber chicken is a necessity.
Hazel is at home now in recovery. I got her spayed just the other day. She seems to be bouncing back very quickly. I think she was quite happy to leave the vet. She actually purred while in the car. Normally she meows pitifully. Her tummy is all shaved but she is eating normally and acting like she feels just fine. I was a wee bit worried about how she would do since it was actual surgery.
Oh and more news on the snake front... OMGoodness, what will they do next. I leave my staff for a couple of days and they leave me a dead snake. Apparently there was one right outside the front door and one of my patrons decided to take care of it for us.... with a dumbell. A dumbell dropped on a snake... I've since gotten the number of our local fire guys so that they get to be the ones to deal with it next time. We've probably become part of a snake scary story. All the little snakes curl up to hear again the story of the Dumbell of Death... LOL
Good day and at least our readers are health concious...
I do really love my job. It fits me to a "T" but I still enjoy the not coming in. I mainly was doing non-productive stuff. Though I did clean my apartment (a necessary task) and got my hair cut (majorly cute).
The Diabetes walk was just great. Way too early but just great. The one we have here in town is around the Zoo and was wicked fabulous. The animals were all out and active. I can't say that I was too though. After many nights of sleeping in until beyond the noon hour, getting up at eight was a bit of a chore. But it was for a really good cause. I wonder when the Heartwalk is going on....
I did get to visit my favorite animal in the zoo. They have a red kangeroo. So not meaning to sound like Dr. Seuss but it just rhymed. I like it because of the story behind it. They originally had nine. Apparently there was a kangeroo plague that killed off the other eight and maimed the remaining one so they had to cut off one paw. He is living with his cousins the wallabies. It always makes me ponder. How would I do in a major crisis? Most of my slowdowns have been bumps, not hills and definitely not mountains... I'd like to think that I could handle it with peace and dignity and a rubber chicken. Yes, a rubber chicken is a necessity.
Hazel is at home now in recovery. I got her spayed just the other day. She seems to be bouncing back very quickly. I think she was quite happy to leave the vet. She actually purred while in the car. Normally she meows pitifully. Her tummy is all shaved but she is eating normally and acting like she feels just fine. I was a wee bit worried about how she would do since it was actual surgery.
Oh and more news on the snake front... OMGoodness, what will they do next. I leave my staff for a couple of days and they leave me a dead snake. Apparently there was one right outside the front door and one of my patrons decided to take care of it for us.... with a dumbell. A dumbell dropped on a snake... I've since gotten the number of our local fire guys so that they get to be the ones to deal with it next time. We've probably become part of a snake scary story. All the little snakes curl up to hear again the story of the Dumbell of Death... LOL
Good day and at least our readers are health concious...
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Gone to the Dogs...

I probably won't be around for the weekend as I am taking a long weekend from work. Ah the stresses of the library world : P have gotten to me. What do you mean you lost the book! I am so sicking the library police on you!!! But I hope you all have a fabulous weekend. Myself, I am hoping that the weather will stay beautiful so I can head to the beach and so it won't rain on my walk. I have almost made my goal for the walk. I think it is just going to be really great. My staff kidded me this morning and told me that they are going to sponsor on for walking around the library. I told them it was more dangerous than the zoo. At least at the zoo they warn you that wild animals are there. Around our library heavens know what could be lurking out there...
Good day and I'll get you my ugly-challenged person, you and your non-tall non-feline mammal too. (I'm reading Wicked by Gregory Maguire)
Monday, November 07, 2005
What a Conwinkydink?
Is it all random? Or is there some plan to our lives? I remember being told when I was little to stay in one place when you are lost. Is that true nowadays? I'm feeling a wee bit lost today. It's like I am driving with no particular destination. I have also heard it said that if you stay where you are, that everyone in your life will eventually walk past. There are a couple I may been majorly tempted to kick or trip as they walk past though. Would you want everyone in your life to wander back into it? Or are they like "Dumb and Dumber" only to be endured once?
What got me on this particular thought pattern was Dad's Blog I read it this morning just after signing up for the American Diabetes Association walk for here in Jacksonville FL. His blog was all about giving and mine (prior to reading his) was going to be about asking people to sponsor me. Too weird... he talks about giving in secret and here I was about to ask you all to give pretty darn publicly... at the website no less! So insert basic donate money here speal here and consider yourself asked. If you can, do and if you can't, pray. It'll be like donating time : )
I have only once truly given in secret. It is a tough thing to do. It is hard not to go up to them and tell them what a good thing I did for them. But that would be for my glory and not for God's . It's weird and good and bad the things we chose to keep secret. Back again to the power of words.
Okay so enough of my musings... I did my favorite thing on Sunday... absolutely nothing. I had enough energy to go to lunch with J and P and then back to my house for a nap : O It was actually a lovely day of snuggling with kitties and reading and watching television. I had hoped to clean house but decided it would be better kept to today. Hopefully I can tackle some of it when I get home tonight. It isn't so bad but it needs to be done. Oh, and I did finally get my lightbulbs replaced. Somehow in the span of a couple of days three out of 6 rooms went out.
Good day and let there be light and it was fantabulous!!
What got me on this particular thought pattern was Dad's Blog I read it this morning just after signing up for the American Diabetes Association walk for here in Jacksonville FL. His blog was all about giving and mine (prior to reading his) was going to be about asking people to sponsor me. Too weird... he talks about giving in secret and here I was about to ask you all to give pretty darn publicly... at the website no less! So insert basic donate money here speal here and consider yourself asked. If you can, do and if you can't, pray. It'll be like donating time : )
I have only once truly given in secret. It is a tough thing to do. It is hard not to go up to them and tell them what a good thing I did for them. But that would be for my glory and not for God's . It's weird and good and bad the things we chose to keep secret. Back again to the power of words.
Okay so enough of my musings... I did my favorite thing on Sunday... absolutely nothing. I had enough energy to go to lunch with J and P and then back to my house for a nap : O It was actually a lovely day of snuggling with kitties and reading and watching television. I had hoped to clean house but decided it would be better kept to today. Hopefully I can tackle some of it when I get home tonight. It isn't so bad but it needs to be done. Oh, and I did finally get my lightbulbs replaced. Somehow in the span of a couple of days three out of 6 rooms went out.
Good day and let there be light and it was fantabulous!!
Friday, November 04, 2005
A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Library...
Okay so it wasn't actually a funny thing. It was more like a scary slightly disturbing thing but that has a hard time fitting in the title box. I had stopped to get gas so I could actually make the 20+ miles to work. I stopped at my normal on the way to work gas place which is usually decent cheap. Though it never ever fails that I pass someone just a bit cheaper further down. Oh well... There is a vaccum/detailing place right next door to my gas place. I had just started to get ready to pump when this one guy ran up to a guy walking on the other side of my pump and started a yelling match between them. I was just a wee bit concerned.
Okay, I was more than a wee bit. The one guy who was walking finally walked away. But once he got a bit further away, he was still yelling at the guy. I can only guess that he said something to the guy detailing his car that majorly upset him. At least that is what they were yelling about and inserting curse words like crazy.
It reminded me of what I had been thinking about while reading this graphic novel series "Y: The Last Man". It is the story of how all the men are struck down in a plague that kills everything male but one guy and his monkey. It then covers the resulting lives afterwards of the women. Both of these things got me thinking about the nature of violence. I don't understand the whole concept. Is it more gender specific or is it more societially acceptable in one sex or the other?
I also thought about that saying of "The pen is mighter than the sword" and it is not true. The words that the pen wrote are mighter. They try to teach you in kindergarden to not eat paste, share with others and don't say bad things about each other. You know that it hurts so why do it? I love words. For a number of years I have worked with and around kids so the normal things you say when you stub your toes are out. So I have taken to use the word "bugger" for my curse word. It is socially acceptable, the kids think it is so funny and you get to vent properly. LOL
Oh and the reading of graphic novels is not just a fluke. I read tons of them. I have a huge comic book collection too. I am currently making my way through the Sandman while waiting for the library to get in the next Y:The Last Man and Fables. Too many books to read... the library has a limit of 50 items on your card at one time. I keep overshooting that limit : ) I think I was the only patron who was really upset when they put the limit on. Though my protest of "BUGGER!!!!" was not heard by the uppers. It was probably more like a internal protest. : P All I can say is thank goodness for overrides....
Good day and it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Evey-Q!
Okay, I was more than a wee bit. The one guy who was walking finally walked away. But once he got a bit further away, he was still yelling at the guy. I can only guess that he said something to the guy detailing his car that majorly upset him. At least that is what they were yelling about and inserting curse words like crazy.
It reminded me of what I had been thinking about while reading this graphic novel series "Y: The Last Man". It is the story of how all the men are struck down in a plague that kills everything male but one guy and his monkey. It then covers the resulting lives afterwards of the women. Both of these things got me thinking about the nature of violence. I don't understand the whole concept. Is it more gender specific or is it more societially acceptable in one sex or the other?
I also thought about that saying of "The pen is mighter than the sword" and it is not true. The words that the pen wrote are mighter. They try to teach you in kindergarden to not eat paste, share with others and don't say bad things about each other. You know that it hurts so why do it? I love words. For a number of years I have worked with and around kids so the normal things you say when you stub your toes are out. So I have taken to use the word "bugger" for my curse word. It is socially acceptable, the kids think it is so funny and you get to vent properly. LOL
Oh and the reading of graphic novels is not just a fluke. I read tons of them. I have a huge comic book collection too. I am currently making my way through the Sandman while waiting for the library to get in the next Y:The Last Man and Fables. Too many books to read... the library has a limit of 50 items on your card at one time. I keep overshooting that limit : ) I think I was the only patron who was really upset when they put the limit on. Though my protest of "BUGGER!!!!" was not heard by the uppers. It was probably more like a internal protest. : P All I can say is thank goodness for overrides....
Good day and it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Evey-Q!
Thursday, November 03, 2005
I thought so hard that I broke my brain...
That's it. I am swearing off thinking. I think too much. Or at least I have a headache so that's my only solution to why. I hosted a meeting here at the branch today. You know the Sesame Street game where they sing "One of these kids is doing their own thing" and you have to find the kid that just doesn't fit. That is me and I like that. I like doing my own thing.
Speaking of doing my own thing, I had a nice long conversation with myself the other day. LOL When they told us to choose a path in life, I chose the pyscho path... j/k. I saw it on a tshirt the other day. But the conversation had to do with my 3 to 5 year plan. Though at present it is more like a goal. Though I do have some to dos mixed in there. I want to be settled in a location working in a library. The preferable location is overseas but there are still factors to consider. The 5 to 10 year plan is based in the idea that I will be settled and what I want after that happens. Though at current it is sounding more like a prison sentence. How long you here? 3 to 5 years though I may get time off for good behavior.
I'd like a sign from God... preferably a neon one. Or at least a Burma shave one....
Good day and Choose This One, Eve O : )
Speaking of doing my own thing, I had a nice long conversation with myself the other day. LOL When they told us to choose a path in life, I chose the pyscho path... j/k. I saw it on a tshirt the other day. But the conversation had to do with my 3 to 5 year plan. Though at present it is more like a goal. Though I do have some to dos mixed in there. I want to be settled in a location working in a library. The preferable location is overseas but there are still factors to consider. The 5 to 10 year plan is based in the idea that I will be settled and what I want after that happens. Though at current it is sounding more like a prison sentence. How long you here? 3 to 5 years though I may get time off for good behavior.
I'd like a sign from God... preferably a neon one. Or at least a Burma shave one....
Good day and Choose This One, Eve O : )
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Chicken Decapitated Syndrome
Or for those not awake this morning, running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I've got monthly statistics to turn in this morning thus the whole CDS. I wonder if I can buy insurance for that... we had a visit from our voluntary insurance guy this morning. I don't know if I can handle death and dismemberment this early in the morning.
I mainly just talked with him about IRAs. Mmmmm... money : P It so does not make the world go round but it pays for a nice seat on the merry-go. As of yet, I have never consider myself poor. Even growing up, I knew we didn't have much at all but I never thought of us as poor. To me we laughed too much to be poor. I always imagined the almost teary, very serious Sally Struthers begging, people as poor. I do remember celebrating when checks came in though. Now I tend to think of money as paper. It tends to lose its hold when you think of it that way. Or P. has a great way to think about it. She sees it as hours worked. That really helps when I am trying to decide whether I want to splurge on something or not. Is that skirt really worth a day of my working? Skirts it will buy but not the truly important things.
Gifts/fruits of the world, yes... gifts/fruits of the spirit, no. Love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, much would any of us pay if they could truly be bought.
That would be one heck of an ebay auction LOL.
Good day and peace be with you... that'll be $ 19.95 : P
I mainly just talked with him about IRAs. Mmmmm... money : P It so does not make the world go round but it pays for a nice seat on the merry-go. As of yet, I have never consider myself poor. Even growing up, I knew we didn't have much at all but I never thought of us as poor. To me we laughed too much to be poor. I always imagined the almost teary, very serious Sally Struthers begging, people as poor. I do remember celebrating when checks came in though. Now I tend to think of money as paper. It tends to lose its hold when you think of it that way. Or P. has a great way to think about it. She sees it as hours worked. That really helps when I am trying to decide whether I want to splurge on something or not. Is that skirt really worth a day of my working? Skirts it will buy but not the truly important things.
Gifts/fruits of the world, yes... gifts/fruits of the spirit, no. Love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, much would any of us pay if they could truly be bought.
That would be one heck of an ebay auction LOL.
Good day and peace be with you... that'll be $ 19.95 : P
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