Save the Whales.... Collect the Whole Set! Quirky and Serious Musings of Me, A Quirky and Not So Serious Girl
Saturday, September 30, 2006
So much going on... not in my life but in those close to me. Some I can talk about openly, some I can't. Needless to say, any thoughts or prayers would be welcome. No one person in particular. Just pray for the ones I love. I'll even make you a deal. You pray for the ones I love, I'll pray for the ones you love. That might end up being one heck of a prayer chain.
My title reminds me of a story called No News. It is best told in tandem and I'll post it here as best I can in honor of the National Storytelling Festival....
This woman is away for six weeks from home and the minute she stops off the train, her good friend is there to meet her. Eager for all the home gossip, she demands to know what has been going on the six weeks she was away. Her friend thinks for a second and tells her that there's been no news. She can hardly believe. Surely something, anything must have happened in her absence. Well, her friend thinks again for a long second and says, Well, your dog did die. My goodness the woman exclaims... how on earth did my dog die. Her friend tells her he just ate some burnt horseflesh and died. Wait a second where did the dog get burnt horseflesh. It was when the barn burnt down. Some horses were inside. Hold on... my barn burnt down. How did my barn burn down? It was a spark from the house. My house, my house burnt down to... how did my house burn down. Oh, yeah, well it was from all the candles. Candles? I don't keep any candles. Someone must have brought them in then. To go around the coffin. What! A coffin! Who died. Your mother-in-law. Oh, gee that's too bad. How did she die? Well, some say that it was the shock from when your husband ran away with the preacher's wife but other than that... there's been no news...
Oh so funny! Good day and pray hard.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Learning about Good Intentions
I learned today that I was completely and utterly wrong. I had hurt the feelings of this wonderful person who I was really trying to help. I thought that if I offered a break, maybe she wouldn't want to stop. Well, I did a horrible job of it and now because she sees it as me taking away her group she does want to stop.
I feel just wretched about it. That was so not my intention. I was thinking that I was doing something good only to find out it was just plain bad what I did.
Well, I've sent her an apology letter. I considered a phone call but was afraid I might end up making it worse. I am hoping and praying that she understands.
Good day and I know that you know that I know, you know? Good communication is dog reading comics : )
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Love(bugs) is in the Air
They have inandated the library and surrounding areas. They are all over the front of my car and all over the library. I have never quite understood the whole stuck on you philosophy that they exhibit. I've told B that "How can you miss me or vice versa if you are never gone?"... plus it makes the getting to see him again that much better.
Pretty soon I will get to see him all the time. I have already spoken with my landlord and started researching rental options. D. thinks I should wait until after we have had our first fight. But knowing me as I do, that could be ages. I don't really fight with anyone. B. doesn't seem to be the fighting type either. We seem like the honest discussion type people. Regardless I am still going to be moving in with him in December. I'm a bit nervous about it as it has been a long time since I've lived with anyone. But we've really been talking about it pretty throughly and making sure any issues are taken care of beforehand.
More for another to get back to work.
Good day and love will find a way...
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Number 130
So as far as the trip is concerned, in all our wanderings, somehow we didn't pick up a disposal camera... so I had to scour the web for somethings close. I do have the pictures from Medieval Times and I will try and get over to Dad's at some point to scan them in.
This was the Royal Pacific Resort and that is where we stayed for the trip. It was a gorgeous hotel. The weather was a slight bit cloudy than pictured here but overall the rains held off for the most part until we were back at the hotel. We had wonderful timing that weekend. Overall I would have to rate it as my best weekend in Orlando. We left here around 6ish on Friday. I, of course, in true vacation spirit, left all my packing to be done after I got off work on Friday. But I did remember most everything. LOL with the exception of B's Friday night gift.
I am a big believer in giving. I love to see the expression on someone's face when they open a gift. Thus I went a tad overboard on the whole B's birthday (it was Sept 13th : ). My plan was to give him a gift on every day from that Friday we left on vacation until that Wednesday. And so I did... though Tuesday was a bit planned but not done exactly. Friday he got an Irish Pub Songs CD, Saturday it was chocolate covered strawberries, Sunday was the trip to Medieval Times, Monday was a love letter. Tuesday he got the day with me. Not my original plan... that was to go to lunch with him at work or to send flowers to his mom...but good gift none the less. And then Wednesday was trip to MOSH (Museum of Science and History), lunch out, Taboo, and dinner out at Outback Steakhouse.

Based on the reaction, I think he loved them all but the Medieval Times seemed to be the thing he liked best. So we did Universal on Saturday and then Islands of Adventure on Sunday. I think we rode almost everything in Universal but not in Islands. I am a completely not a roller coaster girl. LOL And if anyone asked The Revenge of the Mummy is so a roller coaster. We were able to use our hotel keys as express passes and he wanted to go on Revenge of the Mummy. I asked him several times if it was a roller coaster but he thought it wasn't. When we got the front of the line, in big letter on one of the screens, it pronounced that it was a high speed roller coaster. But I didn't run out. I merely got and saw maybe two seconds of the whole ride and screamed really loudly and often. He received several evil looks after the ride was over. LOL When he asked me what I thought of the all the special effects, I could only answer truthfully, " What special effects?". LOL
So today has been pretty quiet thus far. We are down a couple of people. Keep my LA in your prayers today. Her husband is undergoing a procedure today and I think it is more the results that she is worried about than the actual procedure. And while you are at it, J is going in for surgery for her arm on the 3rd of October and Grandmother apparently just got out of the hospital. I am not sure for what.
As for me, I am doing good. Cold is still hanging in there but it is on the fringes at least. Henri my middle kitten is driving me batty. He gets sick and then is fine for a day and then gets sick again. I am thinking I may have to switch out foods or something. He isn't sick according to the last visit to my vet but I am not sure what is making him vomit. He has done this before and it cleared up before. B survived the trip with me and is still quite wonderful. Sorry my mind goes off on a tangent when I think of him. I just love and he is so the perfect guy for me.
Okay wiping silly grin off my face and finishing this.
Good day and peace be with you.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Head of Fuzz
The whole Orlando experience was just beyond great. B was just the most wonderful person to be there with : ) We just had a blast. I will fill in with details tomorrow when I have more time.
Today was all about playing catchup. I was out yesterday (part of the not so wonderful) still getting over this horrible horrible cold/flu/black plague thing. I really want to go home and be buried under covers but I felt back enough yesterday about leaving my staff here with no manager. I am actually feeling better though I still sound quite wretched.
My car has also decided to be evil as well. The battery completely died this morning... it was enough to make me wish for another vacay : P The first part of the week was just sublime. And even with the worst part of the week, it wasn't all bad. B. was extremely sweet and kept me in popsicles and pizza rolls : ) He did a great job of keeping me cheered up during my bothersome bit of being sick.
Good night and I missed you all : )
Thursday, September 07, 2006
The Good, the Bad and the Wet
Afterwards I headed out to Wallyworld to do some trip shopping. I was in the toy department contemplating when this girl (early twenties) approached me. She was hunting a toy boat. After hunting aisle after aisle with her, we (myself, the girl and the very non-helping shopguy) had finally found a police boat in the matchbox cars. I then suggested that she check the pool toys aisle. The story was that she was sending them to her boyfriend. He wasn't sure if he wanted to go into the AirForce or Navy so she was going to send the toys and a note saying she didn't care what he did but that she would be there for him regardless. I could understand where she was coming from since the only reason I was in the toy department was hunting a birthday gift for B. LOL The things you do for the guy you love...
But the adventure doesn't end there. After a mad dash through some major rain (it had let up a little when I had headed over to WW originally), it began to really, whole heartedly come down. I made it through several large lakes when I made the turn onto my street and was just leaving the puddle when the car died. It's late, it's raining and I am just seven blocks from home. Ugh! I promptly called J and P as they are knowledgeable car peoples. The nice neighborly guy whose house I stopped in front of stopped to make sure I was okay and then the police. A tiny eek... as I have yet to have any dealings with them. The neighbor guy and police pushed my car to a side street and thus began the wait. I contacted J&P back and they were on their way to rescue me. I then spend my time on the phone with B as he kept me company. He was very sweet and wanted to know what he could do to help. But he did that as he kept my mind off my car. But J&P quickly showed up and set about to getting me home. After much drying of the engine and checking of wires and etc, I finally made it back home in my own car.
Thankfully it appears that the crisis didn't leave aftereffects on the car as I made it to work this morning. I was a bit worried as I am so far from home at work. It is a good 45 minute drive one way. But all ended well. Tonight I am just heading to J&Ps for laundry, dinner and sleepover. YAY! And so will end my day... onto tomorrow and the start of VACATION!
I will try and post tomorrow. But past that, I will be off until the 18th.
Good night and happy, happy, joy, joy!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
A Big Thanks...
No, a good time was had by all at the shindig at Mom and Dad's house this weekend. It was wild and quirky as always. He got to meet the family (minus P who was on a much needed vacay) and some of the family friends (kind of a secondary family for me). I think he fit in pretty well. He did seem a bit nervous when it was just Mom, Dad and I left. But I liked Dad's question of "What is important to you?" I must get my good questioning skills from him. But B's answer of " Well, Eve..." was just perfect : P
Overall this was one of my top weekends of all time. I spent the rest of it with B. We mainly hung out at the apartment. This was definitely not one of those safe to drive weekends. We played several games of SkipBo which is really fun ( and no, J, I did NOT sing the song nor made him sing the song).
I thought today would be harder to get into with work but it hasn't been that bad. I've gotten quite a bit done. I still need to finish next week and the week after's schedule though. Hopefully my week will just fly past... bring on the vacation! All right, dinner's almost over so I best go now. One day down. Only three more to go.
Good day and hope you had a lovely one too.