Today reminded me how much I like working with kids. I got to do storytime and it went really well. I felt a wee bit rusty and nervous.
It also reminded me of Snow White. Not because of the storytime but because of lunch. I had an apple with it. I had been reading a number of short stories based on traditional tales. I had been telling one of my staff about it and she didn't recognize any of the stories not based on Disney films. So I had gotten a book of some of the original Grimm tales.
It was cool to go through and see how things had been changed from the original. Did you know that it wasn't a kiss that woke up Snow White? They dropped her coffin and the jolt knocked the apple lose.
Hence my reminder... : P
Good day and someday my prince will drop my coffin... just doesn't have that same ring to it : )
Save the Whales.... Collect the Whole Set! Quirky and Serious Musings of Me, A Quirky and Not So Serious Girl
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Wanted: More Chocolate
Somehow my bowl has been emptied and I am having the hardest time remembering to fill it. I usually put chocolate somethings in it. I have learned many things about my staff by having a bowl...
Yesterday was my day off. I actually got quite a number of things done which is sometimes what I want to happen on a day off. I got a bulb for my car's tail light. I got the oil changed and the tires rotated. Though don't they rotate themselves like every day I drive it?
I also did laundry and washed the dishes. Tomorrow is a day off as well. But B and I are heading off to the museum. They are having a big exhibit of Egyptian Art. If I can't go to the pyramids, I can definitely go to the museum.
I like having like one fun day and one do stuff day during my week.
Good day and live happily.
Yesterday was my day off. I actually got quite a number of things done which is sometimes what I want to happen on a day off. I got a bulb for my car's tail light. I got the oil changed and the tires rotated. Though don't they rotate themselves like every day I drive it?
I also did laundry and washed the dishes. Tomorrow is a day off as well. But B and I are heading off to the museum. They are having a big exhibit of Egyptian Art. If I can't go to the pyramids, I can definitely go to the museum.
I like having like one fun day and one do stuff day during my week.
Good day and live happily.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Why does napping make you more tired?
I had planned to spend today cleaning. Yet instead I spent most of it asleep. Obviously my body was trying to tell me something.
I just had to have the windows open today. It was just a gorgeous day. Well... that of it I saw while awake. The cats love when I open the windows too. It is like KT-TV:P There must have been a Sally Struthers-a-thon on though. There was this one little cat who spent the day meowing outside our windows.
I hate seeing strays but I know the minute I help one, half a million will show up on my doorstep. The cats around here though seem to be pretty taken care of. It appears that it is one big extended family as they all seem to be black and same coat.
Speaking of families, my mom's side is working on getting all together in June. I really want to see everyone but a lot of things are up in the air. I'd like to get together with everyone else and see what their ideas are about it. Right now we seem so ensconced in our own lives.
Good night and mrrow!
I just had to have the windows open today. It was just a gorgeous day. Well... that of it I saw while awake. The cats love when I open the windows too. It is like KT-TV:P There must have been a Sally Struthers-a-thon on though. There was this one little cat who spent the day meowing outside our windows.
I hate seeing strays but I know the minute I help one, half a million will show up on my doorstep. The cats around here though seem to be pretty taken care of. It appears that it is one big extended family as they all seem to be black and same coat.
Speaking of families, my mom's side is working on getting all together in June. I really want to see everyone but a lot of things are up in the air. I'd like to get together with everyone else and see what their ideas are about it. Right now we seem so ensconced in our own lives.
Good night and mrrow!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Do you know the way to San Jose?
Yay! My application for a conference has been approved. Plus my boss still thinks I am doing a great job. She felt that the potential was always there and that I have grown so much. So way coolness for me.
I really hope I can get everything together for the conference though. It would be so awesome especially since it would be right in the neighborhood of Uncle R and Aunt D. And since it is a whole day and two half days, I might be able to bring B. Huzzah!
How cool would that be. I am so incredibly lucky. To have someone who makes it a point to hug me before I go to work.... sublime... It just starts my day out so very well.
Good day and dream with your heart.
I really hope I can get everything together for the conference though. It would be so awesome especially since it would be right in the neighborhood of Uncle R and Aunt D. And since it is a whole day and two half days, I might be able to bring B. Huzzah!
How cool would that be. I am so incredibly lucky. To have someone who makes it a point to hug me before I go to work.... sublime... It just starts my day out so very well.
Good day and dream with your heart.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Just one of the many things vying to do programs at the library... and something I posted so I saw it every day. When I make it to the marrying stage, they are so going to be something at the wedding : ) Or I could go the cheaper route and get my cats to perform. You would be dazzled with the death defying sleeping and rolling over going on....
I remember a couple of years ago going to my Uncle R.'s wedding. Chusaka, their dog, walks my new aunt's mom down the aisle. He then proceeded to flomp down long ways in the front row and occassionally chuffed. I only have the reactions of past parties to know how my kitties would react. Basil would hide out in the room furtherest from the party. Hazel would taunt all the guest by coming within inches of petting distance before scurrying away and Henri would flop down on the carpet and do the kitty backstroke before demanding much love.
This is a picture of Hazel and Basil getting in their required 22 hours of sleeping in per day.

I must not have an all three of them pic on this computer. Henri in looks is a cross between Hazel and Basil. He is also the one who gets spoken to in French. I love all my kitties. B. keeps trying to convince me that Basil is the one who deserves the most love. But I love all my kitties equally. How fitting as I cat post today that I am wearing my cat shirt. Though not a crazy cat lady. That would require four cats and no boyfriend: P
Good day and if you don't talk to your cat about catnip, who will?
Monday, January 08, 2007
levofloxacin ophthalmic solution
Again with the things that I see every day. This one is a notepad note written from my eye doctor's office.
I wrote a letter to myself today. It was good. Sometimes if something has me on the fence, writing it down helps me figure it out a little bit better. It helps me clear the air. It is normally something I don't want anyone to read.
I feel like I have been so serious both at work and at home. I need to have some fun soon. I have felt very focused on getting stuff done. It isn't that I haven't been having fun but few things have been fun for fun sake...Ewww I am acting all grown up... what an eek situation!
Good day and drop the work at work....
I wrote a letter to myself today. It was good. Sometimes if something has me on the fence, writing it down helps me figure it out a little bit better. It helps me clear the air. It is normally something I don't want anyone to read.
I feel like I have been so serious both at work and at home. I need to have some fun soon. I have felt very focused on getting stuff done. It isn't that I haven't been having fun but few things have been fun for fun sake...Ewww I am acting all grown up... what an eek situation!
Good day and drop the work at work....
Saturday, January 06, 2007
an umbrella ambles on London's classic park theatre
So after much pondering and talking (thanks Christelli! Even wishy-washy opinions helped : ), I think I will stay here if possible. I just need to take a good look at what I want this library to be. I've got a good base. Now I want it to be a shining topper...
Outside of that, I am still taking in the new year. The thing I am working on now is continuing the getting healthy plan and working on time management. I have recently seen myself as a masterpiece in the making. It wasn't always like that. I used to be very down on myself. It was like a whole other person inside my head always making me feel horrible. It sounds crazy I know but it was very much like that to me. I just never thought I was good enough.
I don't remember what was the catalyst to make myself stop putting myself down. I just know now what are my strengths and what are the things I need to work on and what are the things I just have to let go of. I love having new things to discover about myself.
What makes this post even weirder is I have been indulging on an America's Next Top Model Marathon. You might think that it might make you feel worse watching these incredibly beautiful girls but it is so cool to see what they see as flaws or sensitive issues. Everyone got one. For me it has always been the weight. I am very bad at snacking when I am upset or bored or tired. Or not stopping when I am full. Right now it is not so much losing weight as it is getting healthier or making better choices. I screw up all the time but I try to learn from my mistakes. Okay removing self from soapbox.... even funnier if you read Dad's posting : P
Good day and stay healthy!
Outside of that, I am still taking in the new year. The thing I am working on now is continuing the getting healthy plan and working on time management. I have recently seen myself as a masterpiece in the making. It wasn't always like that. I used to be very down on myself. It was like a whole other person inside my head always making me feel horrible. It sounds crazy I know but it was very much like that to me. I just never thought I was good enough.
I don't remember what was the catalyst to make myself stop putting myself down. I just know now what are my strengths and what are the things I need to work on and what are the things I just have to let go of. I love having new things to discover about myself.
What makes this post even weirder is I have been indulging on an America's Next Top Model Marathon. You might think that it might make you feel worse watching these incredibly beautiful girls but it is so cool to see what they see as flaws or sensitive issues. Everyone got one. For me it has always been the weight. I am very bad at snacking when I am upset or bored or tired. Or not stopping when I am full. Right now it is not so much losing weight as it is getting healthier or making better choices. I screw up all the time but I try to learn from my mistakes. Okay removing self from soapbox.... even funnier if you read Dad's posting : P
Good day and stay healthy!
Thursday, January 04, 2007
England is walk on rich history for explorer spend stroll
I have made my list of pros and cons and am no closer to a decision.
Yesterday at the end of the day I found out that there is another manager position available at another branch. I have been here for two years and have been really happy here.
But within the last couple of months I have been debating what I want to do. I am pretty certain that I want this year to be my last in Jacksonville. And I have been considering moving from branch manager to senior children's librarian. It would mean different duties but same pay scale. So now this position for another branch is available. And so I sit here pondering on it.
This is my list of pros:
shorter drive
no evenings or weekends
getting gate (less chance of theft)
J, my friend
less staff
settled community
already know this branch (worked here as children's lib and one month as manager)
This is my list of cons:
less staff (I know it's on both list, usually more chances for rubbing the wrong way)
urbanish enviroment (right now I am dealing with a very rural enviroment)
still managing (ie not children's)
less circulation (we have a higher circulation here)
leaving the easier job
Good day and any ideas?
Yesterday at the end of the day I found out that there is another manager position available at another branch. I have been here for two years and have been really happy here.
But within the last couple of months I have been debating what I want to do. I am pretty certain that I want this year to be my last in Jacksonville. And I have been considering moving from branch manager to senior children's librarian. It would mean different duties but same pay scale. So now this position for another branch is available. And so I sit here pondering on it.
This is my list of pros:
shorter drive
no evenings or weekends
getting gate (less chance of theft)
J, my friend
less staff
settled community
already know this branch (worked here as children's lib and one month as manager)
This is my list of cons:
less staff (I know it's on both list, usually more chances for rubbing the wrong way)
urbanish enviroment (right now I am dealing with a very rural enviroment)
still managing (ie not children's)
less circulation (we have a higher circulation here)
leaving the easier job
Good day and any ideas?
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
raven river sounding as musicly like sky
It is one of the magnetic poems that I wrote a while back and it sits at eye level.
Well, still settling in quite well. It was a lovely end of the year. D and H came over for supper and I made bbq chicken. We ate in front of the television but had a good time laughing and talking as well. I like having them close by.
I was lucky enough to have the last couple of days off. The job gave me the 31st and 1st and then I had to take another day off other than Friday. I, of course, choose Tuesday. Yay! Long weekend. B and I spent some time getting bookcases for the new places. Okay, I know I work at a library but yee gods we have a ton of books. I have currently filled two tall and one short and have one set aside for just graphic novels and role playing books. But I still need to get another tall for just the regular books.
Of course being the crazy library lady I decided to put them into order by fiction author and pulled out the nonfic to shelve somewhere else. I know, I know... insane-o-lady. But I really did like getting to go through mine and B's books. I had no idea what all he read. There was a lot of Prachett, Turtledove and other scifi/fantasy authors.
Tonight is our night. Even though we have been together for the last couple of days, we have been busy with errands. So tonight we'll just get to spend time with each other. I love spending time with him. That is happiness.
And for those of you wondering after reading Dad's blog, it is not me. I've never gotten a speeding ticket : P
Good day and okay joke.... This cop pulled over a car full of older gentleman for going 17 on a highway 17. When the cop asked the driver about it, he explained that he had taken the highway sign for the speed limit. It was then that the cop noticed the gentlemen in the back seat who looked very very scared. He asked the driver "what was wrong with those gentlemen?". Oh nothing, the driver replied, they're just still getting over our driving on highway 110.
Well, still settling in quite well. It was a lovely end of the year. D and H came over for supper and I made bbq chicken. We ate in front of the television but had a good time laughing and talking as well. I like having them close by.
I was lucky enough to have the last couple of days off. The job gave me the 31st and 1st and then I had to take another day off other than Friday. I, of course, choose Tuesday. Yay! Long weekend. B and I spent some time getting bookcases for the new places. Okay, I know I work at a library but yee gods we have a ton of books. I have currently filled two tall and one short and have one set aside for just graphic novels and role playing books. But I still need to get another tall for just the regular books.
Of course being the crazy library lady I decided to put them into order by fiction author and pulled out the nonfic to shelve somewhere else. I know, I know... insane-o-lady. But I really did like getting to go through mine and B's books. I had no idea what all he read. There was a lot of Prachett, Turtledove and other scifi/fantasy authors.
Tonight is our night. Even though we have been together for the last couple of days, we have been busy with errands. So tonight we'll just get to spend time with each other. I love spending time with him. That is happiness.
And for those of you wondering after reading Dad's blog, it is not me. I've never gotten a speeding ticket : P
Good day and okay joke.... This cop pulled over a car full of older gentleman for going 17 on a highway 17. When the cop asked the driver about it, he explained that he had taken the highway sign for the speed limit. It was then that the cop noticed the gentlemen in the back seat who looked very very scared. He asked the driver "what was wrong with those gentlemen?". Oh nothing, the driver replied, they're just still getting over our driving on highway 110.
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