Save the Whales.... Collect the Whole Set! Quirky and Serious Musings of Me, A Quirky and Not So Serious Girl
Monday, July 23, 2007
Why is it...?
that I got done with HP 6 today with just enough time to get dressed and come to work?
I feel torn in two directions with a question asked of me about a loan of money?
with each kids' program I get to do, I feel more and more like less and less of being a manager?
I feel like I am so busy that I have to pencil people in?
Good night and ?
Friday, July 20, 2007
HP 7
But not just any book.
A book I have been anxiously waiting for and counting down the days to the day it is released. Which will be tomorrow. Have you guessed it yet?
I have it in my posession right now. It is in a box in my office. But due to some major jinxes and mondo huge hexes, there it will have to sit until tomorrow. Until now, I never wished to be an open 24 hours type of library...
I've been re-reading one through six these last couple of weeks. And yes, I did see the newest movie just days ago. But none of this enters into my head which can feel that box just sitting there.
But tomorrow will be here soon enough. And I will have a book to read. Sometimes the ancipation can be the greater joy: )
Good day and draco dormiens nunquam titillandus!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Head Up

the medical examiner,

Polynesian dancers,

Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Naive Eve
This doesn't make me love her any less. Nothing would cause that.
But I am so heartbroken over this turn of events. I felt yesterday as if I finally understood why ancient Jews tore their clothes and poured ashes on their heads. I wanted to. I told B that I felt as if I were in mourning. Mourning for the potential and greatness that I saw in flickers around her.
I am better today. It still hurts and I'm really not sure when we will sit down with her. B had a job interview in town today. He seems to think that it went really well. He (as always) has been really great and given me several extras hugs. We're hiding away for the fourth though. No phones, lock the doors and pull down the shades kind of hiding. Very good balm for the souls of both of us.
Good day and I'll be back Thursday.