Save the Whales.... Collect the Whole Set! Quirky and Serious Musings of Me, A Quirky and Not So Serious Girl
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
A New Year's A-coming
As far as I know, the plans for this eve are fairly low key. We had talked about going to a movie. Or staying in. We both got toys that we have been enjoying recently.
I got a DS and a new game in the mail the other day. And B got Fallout 3 ( a computer game) from his brother. I am wearing my birthday necklace from J today. It is an amethyst butterfly. It combines our two loves.. amethyst for me and butterflies for her.
I am glad to be feeling better finally. I still have a slight cough but it is very slight. I am hoping to get to make cookies this weekend. With the cold, I thought it would be poor form to send cold germs via cookies to Michigan. Not to mention sharing the cold germs via cookies at our works.
I do think in the next place that I need a nice big kitchen. Though I really like having the passthrough. We have begun to talk about moving. Each place gets better than the next. So by time we buy, we will know exactly what we want and what we do not. Stairs are on the do not list. We both just too clumsy for them : P Plus I can't imagine that they would be good for kids. Not that we are there yet, people but it is a consideration in the next couple of years.
I've got to keep up with working on the weight before that happens. I'll take another look at the community ed paper for that. I need something fun and kind of dancy. Plus T wants to take a look at classes too. I think it would be fun to do something with her. She is beyond awesome. She is definitely in the fantabulous range : )
Good day and best of all years for us all.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Ode to Me
This is what I got. It was lovely. But the thing that made me cry was the piece of paper. I share most thing with you people but this was my own little treasure.
Overall, a lovely day.
I am 33 if you were wondering. I don't really care about the number. It is just that. I don't feel any oder or wiser. Except now I have to start my next plans after peace on earth (Thanks, T : )
Hmmm.... world domination has a nice ring to it. Maybe I'll start on that.
Good day and bow to my dominion foolish humans.... ummm maybe not....doesn't feel too Evieish.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
My meant to be Devotions
I had worked slightly on a devotion for our party. It was something that kind of struck me. I had wanted to do it for Dad. He always get stuck doing the devotions. I think sometimes it is a love to do/hate to do kind of thing. And I know that sometimes he stresses out about them. Even though he always does such a phenomenal job. So I wanted to take a stress off him. But being so sick and somewhat overwrought, I couldn't.
So here's what I had. I was going to have each person read a part. And then put the paper flipped over in the middle of the table. On the back, it would read Ch, ri, s, t, is, h, e, r, e
Mary: I was there, thoughtful and faithful. I went through things none had ever been through then or since. But I believed.
Joseph: I was there, supporting my wife. I believed her and God. We traveled far to come to the land of my birth. I would be there for his birth but his death would give all new life.
Shepherd: I was there, in awe and joyous. Everything that the angel told us came true. How could we stop from praising God for all the wondrous things we saw? And still see to this day.
Angel: I was there, praising and a messenger. Spreading the good news that this day would be born a savior. Even into this mortal flesh with all its pain and sorrow, how could one not but sing to his glory?
Star: I was there, shining a way to the Lord. Much like his Word still shines a way to him too.
Wise Men: I seek what all men seek. Salvation. Love. For all my gifts, his was greater still.
Ass: I was there. What was my burden of his mother to the burden for which he would carry even unto his death?
Innkeeper: I was there. How hectic a time was that? People stuck in every which how and place, only to find more on my doorstep looking for room. Imagine your house full to the gills. A man has to turn someone away. Yet how many more turn from him now?
Christ: I am here.
Christmas. Christ mass.
All those there for this one defining event. All those there to play a part. All crowded and around this singular person. Christ. Everything revolves around him. As it should now.
Then as now, there are so many things pulling away from Christ. Mothers, husbands, things to be gotten and given, messages to receive and get, seekers, burdens and hectic times.
But in the end, all that falls away and he is left. He is the pure grain when all the chaff is worn away. The Messiah. The Savior. That which all men seek and all may find. Amen.
Good night and find him.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Whisper Quiet
But plus side, I did get a flu shot back about a month ago. Where is my cold shot though?
B. stayed home with me yesterday. He took me to the doctor too. He is really sweet about me being sick. Every time I tried to talk, he would stop me and hand me a pad of paper and a pen.
My kids and I got to go to the Jags game the other day. They had a blast. I am so glad for them. Overall they are really good kids and they deserve good things.
We decorated the tree on Saturday. We had gotten a faux one because I was concerned about the cats. I was sure that Henri would have drunk all the water out of the bottom. But outside of some sniffing, they haven't paid it too much mind. Which is a bit of a relief. They were much more interested in the step ladder I pulled out to put the star on the top. One would sit under it and bat at the person on the top of it. LOL
We also put up all of the stockings. Okay, so we just happen to have kitty stockings. And two people ones. There is a plain red stocking and a Hello Kitty one. I bet you can't guess which one is mine : )
Good day and here's to a hopefully speech filled tomorrow.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Hard Week
I made it through.
I have a couple of errands to run today but mainly I get to stay home. It is a nice play to be. I have one more CSI book and several more Anne of Green Gables to read. Huzzah.
Good day and happy homes.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
House of Capone and Mouse
A show at the local speakeasy
Mickey is just everywhere including the wreaths... sheesh!
Brass Walt with Minnie
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I never left a gas station so fast the other night coming home. I left even before putting on my seatbelt. Which is so not me. But a truck had pulled up at the next pumping station. The guy got out and he was the reason I left so fast. Not only was he smoking a cigerette while pumping but the car was on. I thought why not be talking on your cell so you can for sure blow us all up. Craziness.
B and I are heading down state to the house of Mouse for Turkey day. I am looking forward to just kicking back and relaxing. He has never been to any of the Disney theme parks and would like to visit them before we leave Florida. We have a little while on that front.
Good day and Happy Thanksgiving all you turkeys.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I was Electrocuted
Thank goodness I had J and T around for it. T drove us there and back and knew what I was going through. J went in with me and let me hold onto her for support. I don't think I would have made it through but for those two.
I had thought it wouldn't be so painful. Man, was I wrong. Parts of it were tolerable but others... shiver... And the thing about the numbness is that there really isn't any pain : P
LOL I just kept thinking of this thing I had read in a science book when I was younger. It was about this French guy who applied current to frog's leg. Not to a frog just to their legs and how he thought he was bringing them to life because they kept twitching. The thought of "I'm just like that frog" kept popping in my head. Plus J made me laugh with her idea of a cheap version of a Cabbage Patch doll. She wants to call it Baby Coleslaw.
She may have questionable ideas. But she was wonderful yesterday. She even offered to beat the guy up who was causing my pain. Just like we were growing up. I am so lucky to have a great sis.
Good day and J and T rock.!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
B is the man I prayed for. I used to pray to God that I would finally find someone who would get me. I am one strange and crazy person so God sent me B. I love him more than an infinity of words. I love being with him and ye Gods, do we laugh. I love how he loves me even with all my insanity and silliness. One time, I decided to test myself. I tried to imagine how I would feel if he weren't in my life. I felt like someone had ripped my heart out of my chest. Or like I could never smile again. In a way, it surprised me. I had known that I loved him but not realized how intensely. He is the only man I wanted to marry and could see myself with at 90. I think about how I love him all throughout the day. And every morning I receive a hug and a kiss. He is so incredibly smart but he knows how to be silly too. I could write I love you a trillion times and that wouldn't say even a tenth of how much I love my husband. It is still so strange to be man and wife... I am not used to it yet. But a lot of the time it feels just right. In his arms, it feels like home. It is amazing.
Good day and je t'adore Marc!
Thursday, November 06, 2008
I am reminded of Job
My sight, my breath, my heart, my husband, my cats, my family, my brains, my reading ability, my humor.....and so much more.
There is so much to be thankful for. Troubles like the stock market go up and down. Sometimes you have lots but sometimes you have less.
I thought to myself yesterday on the drive home that I can not think of a day where I didn't laugh at least once during the day. Of course, on that same drive I screamed aloud too. I was trying out a new stress reliever. LOL It just made me laugh even more : )
Do I have worries and troubles? Who doesn't? But I have faith and God too.
I normally keep it pretty close to heart though. But today, I came into a heated discussion of the country, the troubles and religion.
Good day and why did the duck cross the road?
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Once upon a midnight
This is why I switched to Netflix. I love my library but Netflix I can keep out for as long as I need to.
There was a big debate about Christmas presents this year. We have in years past just gotten presents for everyone. But this year, the debate was on no presents or presents for just one person. I can see it from both sides. But I love giving gifts. And it isn't a quid pro quo issue. It is a I like to see their expression and see their (hopefully) joy. I don't know but this year we are going with the one gift exchange.
We are a work in progress : D
Good day and Merry freaking Christmas : P
Sunday, November 02, 2008
And the photos came...
Military Man and Gomez (i.e. Warren and Mark)
Photos coming soon
I have only been planning it for months (or at least it feels like it). But it was great to have everyone here and Halloween rocks. We were Morticia and Gomez. Everyone seemed to have a good time. It lasted until about 11 pm. There were so many people here : )
And his friends came. Major coup for me. I had only met maybe three before that night and all of them were new faces. Oh huzzah!
The only drawback to hosting a party though is I felt like I didn't get to mingle as much. I was trying to make sure that the food stayed plentiful and that everyone had what they needed. I did get to talk with Amy, Greg's wife for a bit. She has a really caring side for a vampire : )" Okay so my vampire smiley needs work. She is a CNA working on her LPN and is currently working in a nursing home.
It was super nice to put names to faces. Now I can finally picture Greg, Warren, and Carl in my head when Mark mentions them. They are his gaming buddies.
It was a great party. One in which our two sides met and survived : P
Good day and there was no fighting for a right to party but someone did bring a lightsaber just in case.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Seeing clearly
I was impressed. Everyone rallied around to help in some way or another. Then later that day, I noticed that a car had stopped mid a bunch of traffic. There was a crowd of people who pulled over to help the poor driver push it into a side street. Even though I hear daily from my customers about the crime and troubles, I saw the kindness of strangers today.
Good night and thank god for kindness.
Friday, September 05, 2008
I am giving up on Explemary
I do. But I feel like I do so much more. I mean I set up five programs to fill in for the summer programs that the committee didn't schedule. I went out and got all sorts of donations from the community to supplement the prizes for summer reading that never came. I ran the branch for a month doing both children's and management duties for the third time. I increased the volunteer hours by like 200%. I have planned an afterschool program that includes reading activties, scavenger hunts, science projects and arts and crafts activities. I feel like I kick library butt.
i know it is silly but just once I would like to get an Explemary. And that isn't even the highest I could get.
I know that the people and children I work with do appreciate it. But just once a little recogntion would be nice. As a motivational tool, this evaluation thing stinks.
Good night and I think you are doing a wonderful job.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
A good day or the day I washed a cat
Simba on a better day
So I washed a cat today. I figured it might help with the fleas and the sneezing. So far, yes on the fleas and a little on the sneezing. But she did a lot better than other kitties I have washed. Now before you go calling the ASPCA because I obviously love torturing my kitties with cold bathes. I don't. The last time I washed a cat was because he climbed up into a fireplace and was covered in soot. LOL He wasn't happy at the end and neither was I.
Good night and may you never have to wash a cat.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
JaNene's Wish
It has been the storm that thinks it can, thinks it can, thinks it can. When I got to work today, that seemed to be the major topic of conversation.
One of my co-workers, JaNene, really wanted us to close. I thought for sure that we wouldn't. Maybe she'd get her wish on Thursday but certainly not tomorrow.
Well, I was wrong. They closed city office Wednesday and Thursday. Friday is a wait and see day. Every couple of minutes she mentioned closing and her wish. But she always seemed to amend it with a "but not for anyone to get hurt.". She is a very sweet person but a pistol. She is very funny and giving too. All the children that come through the doors of the library are her kids.
Everytime I turn around she is telling another person about Dad and his writing. She has three of his books and they are really treasured possessions. I wouldn't be surprised if she went into work just to get them so they would be safe from the storm.
I feel mostly prepared but a little fearful too. LOL Much like my wedding : D
I picked up something for P's birthday while at the store. Fear and preparing aside, life goes on. It is plastic and buggy and I hope she will like it. I have also been collecting things for B's birthday. September 13th. He'll be 35 the same as D's age. He wants turkey and stuffing and my homemade cookies : ) We had talked about doing more than that. But he wants to keep it low key. I really like giving him stuff. Just recently I worked on addding to his graphic novel collection. He has been reading a series called Exiles. But because he doesn't have any ones in a particular order, it makes it difficult to remember which ones he has. I have bought one the other day for a birthday present but he already had that one. So back into the Chamblin's pile it goes.
Speaking of Chamblin, B and I visited their new location downtown. It was super cooliness. We went on a Sunday and it was so quiet. Normally I have to fight through several people in varying sections. But here, I saw maybe four or five people in the whole place. It was awesome. We should have those last couple of bookshelf shelves filled in in no time.
Good day and stay dry.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
If you can't tell, the view is of a grave yard. They are just so darkly funny.
I've always liked Halloween. My favorite costume (well, wittiest) was the year I dressed up with a Santa hat, red shirt, white skirt and white fur collar. I had everyone guess first and they would all guess Mrs. Claus. I wasn't. I was Christmas.... Eve : D LOL
B and I were talking about showing scary movies that night. I think it would be a good idea to show all the ones related to house. Tie it back into the housewarming part and I've got a castle cake form so I can make a scary house cake. It should be fun. You might have an inkling that I am a wee bit excited about it. : )
Good day and boo!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Again with the 7:00
So right now there is a cat on either side of the door I almost closed to keep the noise down. One wanting to get in and the other out. But they both keep batting at the door and usually at the same time. Crazy kitties.
Last night was interesting. I met up with the dean and alums from FSU College of IS. It was very cool to meet everyone. But it was more like networking meeting. But it was pretty much what I expected. We ate at a restaurant at the new mall. It was my first experience there and I wasn't thrilled. It was like a main street section and a mall. Okay so it was my first time seeing valet parking at a mall. What uber craziness is this?
Good day and me-ow!
Friday, August 15, 2008
How to go from swamped to sane
That's me... swamped not sane. At least for right this moment. I think it is mainly a work slippage. I have been so busy this summer. We just finished our summer reading program and it rocked. The kids kept track of their minutes read and they read over 25000 minutes this summer. Even though B and I took a break around July, I think we need another. It is just so difficult with such a small staff to find a day that works. Right now August 27th is the only day in the two weeks with nothing on it.
I took a mentoring course yesterday. I am excited and just a wee bit nervous. But I think it will end of being a good experience. This blog reminds me that I can be asleep and still talking. LOl Something B has pointed out about me. It is wicked early for me (7:00 am). I just woke up. No alarm or anything.
I feel like the meanest nicest person. I can't tell if it's hormones or staff or the people we deal with. I just don't feel like me. It'll pass but it doesn't mean I have to like it while it is going on. I just have high expectations and expect a lot of myself.
Right now, I expect I should get up and get ready for work. Oh golly goodness, I do need a break. It has just been a busy couple of months. With a lot of changes. I think I'll take the 27th : )
Good day and gimme a break!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Running Low
Now normally, I am looking forward to a weekend off from work. But today I am just tired. I still have about 1 1/2 hours of work yet so no napping just yet.
I hope to have a bit more energy tomorrow. I am taking B to a Cowart family tradition. We are hoping to go to lunch at Blueboys. It is this great sandwich shop which we have had all sorts of get-togethers in. I have pics of us all in front of it for my college graduation celebration wearing gnome hats.
We look like a really dysfunctional dwarf family.
We had a great trip to the Kennedy Space Center over the 4th of July weekend. I've got pics to post but they are on the computer at home. We also went to the Brevard Art Museum to see the Postsecret exhibit. Supremely cool. I wish I could have gotten pics but they didn't allow photography. I loved that you could see front and back. There were several I never saw on the site and several fronts that were decorated or have more messages.
I now have a shiny new gold tooth. Anyday now I will be getting my doctorate from Muppets U and getting an invite to join the band. I could be their new lead singer. Like for sure, man. I mean I even have the blonde hair like Janice.
Good day and keep moving right along.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
My first June Post
So much has happended in what feels like a small space of time. New cars, new marriage, new house, new kitty... and possibily a new job for B. He has been filling out paper work for a new position here in town. He hasn't gotten the offical word yet but since they are having him fill out paperwork, it seems promising. He is really excited because this will put him onto the right career path for what he eventually wants to do. I love that he is excited. I get the feeling that that hasn't always been the case for him jobwise.
I am trying to stand still today. I know that I can get so caught up in everything. It is almost like forgetting to breathe. I always feel like that there is something I need to be doing. Always moving forward.
J came by the other day and helped me unpack and do some decorating. She did such a great job and has an awesome eye. I really think she should go into interior design and P into counseling.
So good day as I sit.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
A Monkey Wrench
But the timing is a bit of a throw off. We have already put in our notice for here. And have not yet signed the lease on the one we are interested in. Maybe for a good reason....
We're going ahead with the move here as a lot could have with the DC job. I'll be happy anywhere as long as I am with him.
Good night and many prayers.
Friday, May 23, 2008
The pre-move mode
Not very far though. Still in town (unless B's job decides otherwise) but the house we have now is older and with older, we have old wiring and old plumbing. We have probably spent a half a month's rent on just lightbulbs and draino.
So this weekend will consist of looking at possible places. And maybe packing a little too. Or at least going through stuff we should get rid of.
I did a storytime for 360 people today. Okay so it was four storytimes for 90 people but still my biggest group yet. I love doing storytelling. I like using my whole body to play out a character or series of characters. I still use a book because it is comfortable and I am not yet sure enough to believe that I alone could hold their attention. Most of the kids seemed to enjoy it and the teachers told me what a good job I did.
I just love words. I love cool words. The ones that stump the kids. I told one boy that he was erudite. And gregarious. He seemed shocked that I, an adult, would call him insulting names. I just love the sound of words.
I like being funny. It is a sound that everyone understands... a laugh.
So that's being my week starting with something not so funny (dental) and ending on something funny (storytime). I wonder what next week will bring.
Good day and LOL!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Back but not talking
It was all due to my dental surgery. Which went well according to my dentist. I had a somewhat different perspective. They had given me valium to take the night before and the day of. I was supposed to be asleep for the whole procedure. No such luck. They couldn't get the IV in. My hand looks like a pin cushion. They said my veins kept running. Hey if you were being poked, you'd run too.
But they removed one wisdom tooth and did two crown lengthenings. I think I like my original dentist even more. Normally my guy makes sure I am really comfortable since I am always so nervous. So all that is left is the crowns.
After all this I deserve a crown. Queen Eve.
Thus good night and long live the Queen.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Now there is a wisdom tooth that needs to be removed so that they can get to the tooth to do the lengthening. It was like I was the old clunker you take in for one thing and everytime they try to fix one thing, there is another to be fixed.
After all this I may need the valium they are going to give me for the surgery : P
Good day and please dear Lord don't forget to floss.
Nerves, nerves and more nerves
B has also had a lot on his plate. He helped create a training for his office and has also been dealing with supervisors switching. It just drains him. He has such strength. He spends all day listening to people who are sick and trying to get them help. I am amazed. He is very cute and very enamoured over Simba. He has just put in for two positions. One is here and the other in Washington. As we walked at Mrs. White's yesterday, we discussed our plans for retirement. Grant you it is like 30 years to plan but I like to have discussions now : P I am just so excited to have him.
Good day and have a silly day.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
In contrast
Mine was not so lovely. And lovely at the same time. I got very frustrated with B. today. Nothing seemed to go like I planned. I planned to get Bill Cosby tickets and they closed the site just as I was trying to decide my seat. I got frustrated with B because he said Let's go to St. Augustine and so I looked into going here and there. In the end, he then said he wasn't feeling well and told me I was too confusing.
The lovely part comes in here. Even though we confused each other and frustrated each other, we still talked and he told me in a nutshell that he would love me confusing and frustrating because that was still me and he loves me. I love him for that. Even though he is confusing and frustrating too.... : D
It is still so weird to have this other person to consider. I am just so used to just doing what I want to do whenever I want to do it. But I wouldn't have it any other way : P
Bonne nuit and sleep well.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
I could a drinking a case of you.
I have seen too many times where a parent gets on the computer and totally ignores the children she brought in with her. Or tells them to shut up. I can think very hard and I don't recall a time where my parents told me to shut up. Then there was an example of a person trying to help another person and about getting their head bitten off. I know that it appeared that the person being helped was just on their last limbs and it just so happened that this was a last straw happening.
I know that it reminds me of when I read Postsecret I want to cry and laugh and get angry all at the same time. I couldn't let this feeling go. Even when I went home for lunch. I usually can and it helps me get through the day.
I just want to hug the world. All I can do is have faith and pray. I feel like I was a full cup and today was my last drop to hold. I wish I could give everyone my glasses. For you all to see what wonderous beautiful people you all are. I am constantly amazed at you all. The smarts, the compassion, the joy, the kindness, the capacity for so much... in those that I talk to daily, think of, live with, am related to, am friends with...
Good night and look through my eyes.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
You take me the way I am
Afterwards I got to another library to take some pics of staff who had won awards. I told K about J putting me in for an award on a particularly down day. Even if I don't win, I still appreciate someone seeing my efforts and recognizing them. I could win an award for my stubbornness. And it isn't sticking up for anything normal. It is weird stuff.
And then I came back to the branch to work on magazines. You would think it would be a boring job. But I actually like it. It is something I haven't done before. And those tasks are really few and far between for me. I usually know or pick it up really quickly. This took a bit to get used to.
I've got most of my thanks cards out now. I have to get an address or two for a couple more and I was going to call M plus a card since I have been a horrible best friend. I haven't called her in so long.
So only 10 and a half hours of being in charge. Thank goodness. I am anxiously awaiting getting back to doing just children and teen stuff. Huzzah.
Good day and nobody expects the Spanish Inquistion...
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Pleased as Punch
I have been slow to recover from a bad cough and some back problems. I have a really hard time relaxing and not doing things around the house. But by not relaxing and taking it easy, I just make it harder on myself. It is just so hard to let go and kick back. It is hard learning to lean on anyone even my hubby. I am used to be the one that could be depended on. Not the other way around.
Okay, so I've been having fun. Filling out forms to change my name is fun. I have to list all the places I've lived since birth. I actually have to use another piece of paper to get them all listed. LOL I've never considered it before. It was super surprising. It is a little hard to think about being another name. My initials will be EMH. LOL When I first told B that he got excited. He was thrilled to have a wife with the initials for Emergency Medical Hologram off of Star Trek Voyager :P I love him but he is nuts :D
Good day and what is the nature of your medical emergency?
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Evey's Believe it or Not...
I don't truly want to manage. I love doing the childrens work. But I am good at it. Or at least I think I am. I used to have my staff do anonymous evals on me and they said I was good too. I am good at picking out where I am not good as well.
I have always been able to see where I need some more work. I am a masterpiece... but only sort of. I am a work done by Leonardo Da Vinci... but at age 4 : )
There is a scene in Hook where they are trying to figure out Robin Williams character. One little boy takes his face and then smooths it all out and says "Oh there you are, Peter." I feel a bit like that today. Under this management, stressed out, sick with a cold, is me, Eve.
Married life is good. The one downside current is no license. I need it to come in so I can begin the name change. Otherwise, life that way is good. B. is just great. He let me sleep until 11 pm last night when I came home early with the cold. It did me a world of good. Though I have been having odd dreams. Last night, I dreamed that I was in Paris helping a friend with his grandmother's recipe for chocolate puffs. And there was some sort of conference going on. It was cool to walk around Paris with B.
Good day and bonjour!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Changes and chances
But a lovely start to our marriage. I hope it is like our wedding... full of laughs, little tears and much happiness. So far so good. Only 51 weeks and 69 years to go : D
Carnival did such a good job. I think it helped that they had so much experience. I really didn't have much to worry about. At some point I will get the pictures from the disposable cameras scanned in so you all can see.
Apparently we've started on the sickness and health part of the marriage. B has a bit of a cold. I got him like 20 cans of chicken noodle soup so he is all good. While getting the soup, I got approached in the parking lot by a woman. She wanted money. I don't normally do money. So I offered to get her something to eat. I never know exactly how to handle these situations. I want to help but it is so hard to know whether it is helping or not. I went and got her a sandwich, warm sides, fruit cup, chocolate bar and drink. I figure it would be a lot so maybe more than just a meal. I stopped at a store across the way and saw her walking across the lot. No bag. I wondered.
I always feel that my kind intentions are God working through me. Or maybe just God working on me. A masterpiece in the making. I mean the most beautiful statue starts off as a rough block of stone. I figure if I hadn't actually helped, maybe the purpose of it was to set an example for someone else to help.
Good day and be kind.
Monday, February 04, 2008
The Giant Chicken Heart that Ate Cleveland Wedding
Things are almost ready. I started packing the things for the reception last night. At this point, I think that the marriage excites me more than the wedding. Although it is a close second. I have tried not to be too crazy. I have tried not to put too much on any one person. I want this wedding to be like us.... fun and thoughtful.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness
I am tapped. I feel like my head is full of sand. Tip me over and you could fill a sandbox.
Right now all I want is to just sing along. Which is funny that is what I did for part of the day. I drove to P.'s. And all I did on the drive was sing along.
I'm itching to travel some more. B and I will travel shortly. A short walk down the aisle and all the way to the Bahamas. : D Plans are coming together fairly nicely. There has been a few hiccups. I was telling a coworker the other day some of the things I have planned. She said that it sounded thoughtful and fun. Which I think describes it pretty well. Describes me pretty well too.
I would ask for many prayers for my friend, Janene. She has had some pretty bad news recently and I just wish her and her family peace and strength. All I can hope for is to trust that the pain will ease and to have faith that God's will be done even in times of sorrow and hurt. Sorry, cry break.... it is wretched being soft hearted sometimes.
Good night and light away!
Monday, January 14, 2008
I love Mark
He has already started taking this "in sickness and health" thing seriously.
I love you, Mark!
(And in case you are confused, B stands for Beloved which stands for Mark. I explained it a long time ago when the whole initial thing got mondo confusing).
Good night and may we all find or have already found our own B.
Friday, January 04, 2008
Not even a half step
And we missed midnight by like two minutes. Apparently it takes more than two minutes to get champagne open and poured into glasses.
But as lovely as the night was, the bed was beyond horrible. It reminded me of the Princess and the Pea. We just couldn't seem to get comfortable. B. seemed to feel it most of all. It was a lovely comforter and pillows but there were like five billion pillows... okay so it was more like six. But half were beaded and fringed.
So here we are. One month and one day until the wedding. Everyone keeps asking if I am nervous. I wasn't until they started asking. But I think it is going to be a good wedding and an awesome marriage. The half step almost taken... the funny thing is now I am now getting the kids questions too.
Wait a second. I'm not even married yet. I keep telling everyone I want 3 years at least with it just being B and I. I want some time to get used to be married. I certainly didn't rush into the marriage. Why would I rush into kids? I know him as my boyfriend, my finacee. I want to get to know him as my husband before we add more to the mix. I'm still adjusting to have a joint checking account with him. I'm imagining that kids might be an even more interesting adjustment LOL.
Good day and three years, people!