Save the Whales.... Collect the Whole Set! Quirky and Serious Musings of Me, A Quirky and Not So Serious Girl
Friday, December 21, 2007
Keep on Pimpin'
Well, one of my co-workers told us yesterday that the kids had been making cards and asked her to hold their stuff while they went in the back with me for crafts.
She said yes and noticed in the midst of their things that they had made a card. It was filled with sweet child sentiments about how much they loved them and wished them happy holidays. She thought it might have been for their mom. It was the final line though that surprised her.
It read..."Happy Holidays and keep on pimpin!"
I about fell on the floor with laughter. That is what I love about working with kids. They are all full of surprises.
Good day and keep on pimpin'. LMAO
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Christmas All December Long
Friday, November 30, 2007
A New View
They actually came on a day when I had forgotten I had asked for them and it was a really bad day. They made it so much better. And just in case you might have wondered what my cats look like in a bed of flowers... look below.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Evil Evil Stickers
I get done printing the addresses and so I go to put them together. They are seal and send with a postcard response card. So I carefully put the address on and then I sticker them shut with an adorable cat sticker.
It was just as I finish with the last carefully placed cat sticker that I realize something.....
I had forgotten to put stamps on my response cards which were now sealed with a cute cat sticker. Evil, evil stickers. They were so cute that they made me forget.
So hence I spent the last thirty minutes carefully and sometimes not so carefully peeling back a cute cat sticker. Just so I could stick a $0.26 stamp on all of these response cards.
But that's okay LOL. I also bought way too many stamps. Careful plans for naught.
I am thankful that I can laugh at it and that I am marrying someone who will probably laugh at it too. I love him for that.
Good night and watch out for le chat evil stickers!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
An Eden for Eves
These were pics from T, P and I's visit to the gardens in Gainesville. It was a pretty perfect day. A good road trip, excellent lunch and lovely weather. Plus they have added a cat called Willow. As if it was not a perfect place already. It has now reached sublime.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
All Hallow's Eve
Monday, October 29, 2007
Taking Fifteen
Good night and Meow!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Who knew I had so much stuff...
This is my last week at the management level. As of next week it is back to children and teen librarian.
It has really been amazing. I've never received so many good things said about me. Everyone seems to want to tell me that they'll miss me and what a great job I did.
I did but I never knew that they noticed. I never noticed how much I put into this job.
Literally how much. I have packed 5 boxes and about 4 crates worth of stuff. I even have furniture to move. It's just a child's seat and a hat tree but it is furniture.
I can't wait to start at children's. The director told me yesterday that she understands that my heart is in children but that she wants me to take a position as children's senior. : )
Even she thinks I'm great...
I never saw it as great work. I just saw it as doing my job to the fullness of my ability. It just happens that I have a great deal of ability. Just not a lot of love for this position. I was afraid that I would stay in because I was good and eventually make myself miserable.
My goal for myself is to be happy. And slowly it comes to me. Just happy.
Oh and so far there is 6 pounds less of me. Go me!
Good day and be happy for you too.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Why do the wrong words seem so right?
I just want things to be done. To start the new job, to be married, to be settled.
Instead I live in a holding pattern. A continuous waiting period. Some self inflicted some administration inflicted.
I want it to begin.
But in truth this is good time spent. It is time to say good bye. It is time to learn how much I want to be married to him. It is time to savor one place before moving onto another. It is time to the idea of our plans.
Good night and it is time : ) to publish.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
A good day
Today (thus far) has been a good day. I took a half day for no other reason than I wanted to. The packages I thought were lost were in fact not. I had some good Chinese food for lunch. My house and yard have already been picked and mowed.
I've been trying something new. It's an online food diary called Fit Day. I almost didn't do it today. But I am glad I did. I've been trying to fill it in before eating. Mainly it gives me an idea of how much I eat. By doing it before, I think a little bit more about what I am putting into my body. It's so hard. Especially the nighttime.
But I am trying to be more aware of the urge to just snack. Most of the time, it is because it tastes good and definitely not because I am hungry.
Good day and garbage in garbage out.....
Saturday, September 22, 2007
We regret to inform you...
It is an odd tug of war to be in. I am sad to be leaving and very happy to be coming. I've been trying to find ways to let the patrons here know. I don't want them to just come in and boom! She's gone.
B and I had a late night visitor last night. There is another black kitty hanging around the house. He looks just a bit odd. His head is much bigger than his body. But I think that is because he is so skinny. I am not sure what exactly to do with him. I did feed him and tried to get him in the house. But he squirmed too much and I had to put him back down. He is so sweet and loving. He does happy feet when he eats and when he is being pet. I think with a little socialization he could be a great pet. Any takers?
Good day and pray for T.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Give you one more minute of my time in this mess you left behind
I am just a muddle of emotions. But I have to do what will make me happy. Life is too short to be unhappy.
I've decided to stop focusing so much on my outward life. There has just been so much going on with P and job stuff. Which has mostly been resolved... she is moving out of here and I am starting my new one on the 15th.
Things have happened that caused me to reevaluate myself. I've decided that stress makes me cry. I cry at the drop of a hat. But it isn't always the right thing for me. It isn't that I am always sad. It is that I don't communicate what I am feeling and attempt to hold it in until I cry. It is an emotional release. But it doesn't truly communicate always how I feel. So I am trying to take a breath when I feel the need to cry and communicate what I am feeling.
The other thing I am working on is my weight and eating right. I tend to eat even when I am not hungry. I am trying to learn what just enough is. I am surprised at how difficult it is. I am also trying to stop and figure what is the reason I am eating if it is not hunger. Plus I am working on adding more exercise into my life. I went walking with H. Sunday night and I'd like to go two more times this week.
Right now I am still considering therapy. I had thought about it before when the first distressing things came out about P. But I am going to try it my way first.
Good day and start here. Go anywhere.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Two Poems
Two sisters died a little each day
Name Now.
Upon cursed lips, all evil crossed
Not one’s lips.
She had sewn her rosy buds shut
With a corpse’s thread.
All evil flowed but not out.
It was swallowed within.
With the last snitch of one’s needle,
Her sister’s curse was born.
Sorrow begun to flow
As if some great well spring had been
Hewn in twain.
It shimmered, cascading in pool-like eyes.
Unhappily ever after.
Like a new mortality play sits she.
Willingly strapped into this new old ride.
IT hands her the blade so sharp.
I too am tied with unseen unable to rip my gaze away.
“Hack away.”
Whispers slithers out of grey lips.
“No pain, no pain.”
Hissing promises fill its deadening mouth.
And so stand I on the other side of the glass,
Heart breaking sobs torn for my chest.
Begging for an end, Pleading for her
To shut her ears.
As pieces of you fall to the floor.
Changling girl,
Why listen to pleading when
Whispers seduce?
Saturday, September 08, 2007
But I only have done all this for two reasons:
1. It has been fun doing all this planning.
2. It gets me that much closer to marrying B.
I just can't wait and yet it seems I still have a million things to do. Invitations are my next big thing. H. has been such a blessing in helping me with these. She has done the custom art and it looks beyond great.
Good day and here comes the bride.
Friday, September 07, 2007
A question of faith
I thought about the Iraselites particularly during the time of Moses. How they had this incredible faith that God would deliver them and he did. I also thought about Moses' mom. We speak often of letting go and letting god but she actually did that in a big way.
Ordinary miracles was something else I pondered. It seems like an oxymoron but it isn't. It is the miracles every day that we miss. They are the ones I think of when I hear about someone thinking about miracles during biblical times. Bringing someone back to life, healing the sick, etc.... it happens everyday. One might blame the technology or the skill of doctors but who gave the skill to the doctor or the idea for that technology.
I remember once several years ago, I didn't believe in God. I couldn't figure out why a lifetime of believing had become disbelief. I prayed that I would believe again, to let me have a mustard seed of faith. That's all I did. My prayer was answered. I still to this day have no idea what took my faith away or what brought it back. To me that was a miracle. An ordinary miracle. The funny thing is that even at a time when I didn't belive I still prayed.
Good day and have faith.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
God is Laughing
He must be rolling down the aisles by now.
Friday I get an voicemail from my supervisor. She needs to talk to me. I email her back that I will be out (B is having mouth surgery on Monday) and can she talk to me via email. She emails me to find out if I want the position that I wanted months ago LOL.
Um okay. Then the schools call me. Apparently as of Friday there is a job freeze. They think they can still hire me but are not definitely sure.
Then my supervisor calls me again today. She has another children's position to offer me. So I go from one job offer to three in the space of a weekend.
God's sides must just be aching by this point.
I'll let you know what other twists this story takes.
Good day and why did the dinosaur cross the road?
Because chickens hadn't been created yet.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
And around again
So I have an interview tomorrow. And it is for a school 15 minutes away from my home. I don't want to get excited but I am. Back to working with kids is so where I wanted to be 5 months ago when I asked for a transfer. And I want it even more now. But I am trying to keep it in check. Just in case...
Yay! Tonight is pizza night with T. I so look forward to those all week. And tomorrow is day off and interview. My cup spills over. Oh speaking of spilling cups...
Last night was Henri's night. My kitten loves water. He always runs into the bathroom when I go in there on the off chance that I might leave the water running for him. So we got him a kitty water fountain last night. At first he didn't know what to think of it. He crept up slowly to it. I guess he thought we might turn it off before he got there. And then he didn't leave the room for like two hours after we turned it on. He was in kitty heaven.
I got up this morning and he had drank so much water that I had to refilled the bowl.
Good day and drink 8 cups of water a day before Henri drinks it all for you.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
The Newest Loop
I got up this morning, got all ready for my interview and went to the school. But the principal didn't have me down as coming in. Heck, she didn't even have a school media specialist position available. I called the HR for the school system and there aren't any SMS positions available anywhere.
My best guess is that she may have called me for the Reading teacher position. I wouldn't have taken though.
It was just so surreal. I even double checked my phone to make sure someone indeed had called from the schools. The suckiest part was I was looking forward to it. It has been five months since my request at work and nada! I miss working with kids. I didn't know how much until the chance came to work with them again. I just feel so stuck here and it is like I am being punished for being good at something.
Good day and it sucks.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
I have already discussed this with B and we would both like to get used to the roles of husband wife first. T wants to be an aunt but she is going to have to wait a couple of years. Or so...
I wobble on the idea of children. Somedays yes. Somedays no. But I want it to be a time when I am a definite yes. I have been told by a number of people about what a good mom I would make. I think I will but only because I have such great role models to look up to in that department. I have a great mom. She is so incredibly capable and smart and has such a wonderful wonderful sense of humor. She has such strength and grace. And it is the kind of strength that you don't see coming. I think she could have been a great queen. LOL And she is... just of a small country and population of 6.
I also see a great example in my sister-in-law. She and her daughter has such an amazing bond. She has a lot of the same qualities as my mom. She has a deeply caring heart and I love her desire to help others. She's a fantastic role model for her daughter. And yea, God, she is quirky but it is in such a way that it shows a joy of living. But she is not afraid of showing her folliables. And that takes such strength to show a weakness. She is crazy about M. and it shows.
Maybe that is what it takes... a little craziness : P or sometimes a lot : D
Good day and hug a mom today.
A Meriade of Choices
This has been the theme of my week. It started on Sunday. The day B and I got a new car.
I'd been planning on turning in my bug and getting something new. Something bigger and more reliable and as good on gas mileage. I did my research. We ended up with a 2008 Toyota Corolla. It was ranked very higher both with NADA and Consumer Reports. Overall the car buying experience was better this time too. I went with Ernie Palmer Toyota and I didn't feel strongarmed nor did I feel like I needed to bring someone along to argue for me. Though B did come along for moral support.
So new car.... my other choice came today. I have an interview with a local school system. It knocked me a bit of a loop. I still don't know what I want to do. I am going to the interview and will have to decide once I have more information.
So much is changing. I am glad to have B to hold onto. As long as that never changes, I should be good. Good day and a change will do you good.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Keeping up with Pop Culture
Not the snooze filled, sit and listen while I talk and my syllabus looks like a doodle bug explored on it class.
Such was the case on Friday where I got up and went to my Keeping up with Pop Culture class. It was offered by Neflin. It was interesting and fun. But it also made sense with my job. I think I will stop telling people I am a librarian and start telling them I deal in information. And then tell them I have told them too much and ask whom to send the body to... :D But it is true. I deal in information and it is mondo important to know how people get information. Pop culture is a major deal in that it deals with readily available and mass distribution information.
I never imagined how fluid information has become and the ways of obtaining are growing exponentially. I think I came out of it better knowing where people go.
In the back of my brain, I do wish I could be more of a student. I love learning and figuring stuff out. LOL which got me into trouble on Friday night.
I've never been one to play games all day on the computer. But I have also never played a computer game based on Nancy Drew. Oh my goodness. I played for an hour on Friday before B got home. And then got back on about 12 midnight thinking I'll just play for a bit. He went to bed and I was still playing. A little while later, I noticed it getting light outside. When I got out of the game, I realized it was almost 7 o'clock in the morning. I couldn't believe it. It had felt like barely any time passing. And it was until I laid down that I realized how tired I was. Hence you might say I like the game. Just slightly. But I am going to have to limit my playing.
Last night I played until 3 am. Ugh! Hello, world. My name is Eve and I am a gamer.... : P It'd be tough but I will resist.
Good day and watch out for Nancy...she's evil :D
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Finding slugs
Like hate. I could never figure it out. Why would you lump everyone together into a group and pick something that they couldn't change to not like?
Or not try something and just assume you hate it. You never know what you might like if you tried it.
I try to keep an open head and heart. This year's theme for the teen reading program was You Never Know. And you don't. Think of how many things you might have missed if you had hated today and just stayed in bed.
I would have missed this blog. I would have missed my chocolate covered nutter butters. I would have missed hunting and finding books... ah the mystery of where someone put that book.
I so do love it.
Good day and never stop trying something new.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
February 9, 2008
As far as life as a Cowart, it has been interesting. P got into some major trouble.
I won't bore ( okay so not a bit of it actually is boring) you with details. If you check out Dad's blog, you will get the juicy details. Dad wondered if it had anything to do with the aerosol things that H and I found when cleaning up her place. I will say that I spoke with P and she did say that she was using recreationally the aerosol and MJ. J is supposed to go with her to some NA meetings and she mentioned wanting to receive further counseling. I think right now I am done mostly with getting upset over it. I think I don't feel that it is as much of a shock right now.
So I am focusing on the wedding. The Carnival people are supposed to be sending me a package of details to go through and over with B. And I think February was the perfect pick for us since amethyst is the birthday stone ( I so did not know that before) and violet is the flower. We're going with a black and white color scheme with purple as the accent color. But all that aside, I've marrying the best man in the whole world for me. Okay, someone stop me before I go off ona B rant : P
Good day and Woot!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Why is it...?
that I got done with HP 6 today with just enough time to get dressed and come to work?
I feel torn in two directions with a question asked of me about a loan of money?
with each kids' program I get to do, I feel more and more like less and less of being a manager?
I feel like I am so busy that I have to pencil people in?
Good night and ?
Friday, July 20, 2007
HP 7
But not just any book.
A book I have been anxiously waiting for and counting down the days to the day it is released. Which will be tomorrow. Have you guessed it yet?
I have it in my posession right now. It is in a box in my office. But due to some major jinxes and mondo huge hexes, there it will have to sit until tomorrow. Until now, I never wished to be an open 24 hours type of library...
I've been re-reading one through six these last couple of weeks. And yes, I did see the newest movie just days ago. But none of this enters into my head which can feel that box just sitting there.
But tomorrow will be here soon enough. And I will have a book to read. Sometimes the ancipation can be the greater joy: )
Good day and draco dormiens nunquam titillandus!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Head Up

the medical examiner,

Polynesian dancers,

Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Naive Eve
This doesn't make me love her any less. Nothing would cause that.
But I am so heartbroken over this turn of events. I felt yesterday as if I finally understood why ancient Jews tore their clothes and poured ashes on their heads. I wanted to. I told B that I felt as if I were in mourning. Mourning for the potential and greatness that I saw in flickers around her.
I am better today. It still hurts and I'm really not sure when we will sit down with her. B had a job interview in town today. He seems to think that it went really well. He (as always) has been really great and given me several extras hugs. We're hiding away for the fourth though. No phones, lock the doors and pull down the shades kind of hiding. Very good balm for the souls of both of us.
Good day and I'll be back Thursday.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
It's all in the planning
So for what you may ask? Well, at work, I am planning for July's desk schedule and a branch birthday party. It should be good when it happens. There will be activities and clowns, face painting, a fire truck and murder mystery. There will also be polynesian dancing. Totally fun but not right now in the midst of planning for a big event for which I have no idea of how many will be there.
I also don't know how many will be there for the big day for me for which I am planning. I can't even tell anyone when. Money is now saved but we ran into the issue of passport. I have one. B doesn't and it would be a major major horrible downer if I had to go on my honeymoon alone.
B's mom was here last weekend. It was the first chance I've gotten to meet anyone from his family. I was very nervous before she came. I liked her. She is very sweetie and can talk about everything under the sun. She did a lot of laughing with my family too. It felt a bit like a job interview. She wanted to know how I knew B was the one for me and she asked him a similiar question. I forgot to tell her about how he is only one I have talked how we will be when we're 90 or how I can see it in my head. I did spend more time in my bedroom some nights with the door closed but I wanted to make sure that B and mom had enough time together. He hasn't seen her since last year. We did all sorts of things like headed down to Orlando to see the Arabian Nights dinner theatre and out to St. Augustine to visit Ripley's.
But as lovely as it was for her to come, it was just as lovely when she left. I love having B to myself. It is almost as nice as having me to myself : P
I still have not heard anything about the position closer to home. Right now I spend at least one hour or so in the car just traveling to and from work. By the end of the week I have spent more than half a work day in the car.
Good night and drive safe : P
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Once again...
Every now and again I want to have a pity party for one. Just a release of everything I feel bad about. It is not the kind of thing I want a shoulder to cry on. It's more of a lean on myself moment. I had one last night. We were in Target looking for cards just before this. And it hit me that this would be the first time I wouldn't be trying to find a funny card or ecard to send to my grandfather. It was a stray throught that just hit me.
And then it got me thinking about my own dad. He has prostrate cancer. He is taking the wait and see attitude. I think he is mainly concerned about how it will affect his relationship with my mom. Next to Christ, she is the main focus of his world. P. says she respect his decision about treatment. I wobble on the idea of respecting and worrying. I love my father and I want him around for as long as possible. I love his sense of humor and his deeply set beliefs. I love his quirkiness and his love for my mom. I love his questing and curiousity. I love his commitment to learning and his caring for people. I love how he made childhood fun and the way he made me so very special. And even though he speaks of how dirt poor we were, I didn't feel it. I know he and Mom worked really hard to provide for us.
In the midst of all this thinking and hunting of cards, I also picked up one for my brother. This is his first father's day. He is the proud father of a teenager. And since his wife and daughter still speak to him, he must be doing a good job. All that I have seen in the times when I have hung out with them speak to that fact.
And yes, all of this went through my head either while looking for cards or on the way out the door to hunt pipecleaners. Which apparently should be added to the endangered list.
So I sat in my car for a second just pondering these facts and crying last night. But laughing too. I am nothing if not a contradiction. It didn't help that I was having a very exhausting week and a very badly bruise and hurting at that time foot. Which is a whole other story.
But not a long one though. It is all J's fault. If she hadn't brought me that dining room table, I won't have been cleaning off the old one and putting pictures up above my kitchen cabinets. I won't have then been standing on the old chair which won't have broken. And I wouldn't have landed squarely on my big left toe. It's not broken but I have had to stay off of it (mostly ; ) I kind of overdid it last night and hence the hurting at this time comment.
Thus here I am. One bruised foot but feeling better for the emotional release. Go with peace to love and serve the Lord. Thanks be to God.
Good night and peace be with you....
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Kitty Incognito
We went away to Wild Adventures for Memorial Day. I did my first big interstate driving. I avoid it normally. But I don't want to not be able to do. I can be so hard on myself. I am my worst critic.
I am still waiting to hear about the children's position. It is weird in that I never thought about it before and now it is agony waiting to hear. But B is being lovely. I feel like I have been so snappish recently.
Hazel (my cat) needs a new name. I have decided to reclaim it for use later. So any ideas on kitty names, guys?
Good day and shhhhh....
It looks like my posts are now showing up at
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Was there a Batboy before Batman?
But things may change. I may be getting more time. Or at least less time going towards something else. There's nothing definite yet. But I may be going back to working with children. I am a great manager but children's work makes me happier. It was so hard coming to that decision. But I think it is the right one for me.
Good night and here's to kids : D
Saturday, May 12, 2007
But here I sit on saving. B and I are doing all the wedding expenses ourselves. That is our choice. So far I have about half of what I would like to have saved by August. But one expense is out of the way.
I bought a dress. Yes, it was online but it was the one I kept coming back to. I would post the pic but they took the pic off the site.
Everytime I think of our marriage, I want to sing and laugh and cry all at the same time. I am so lucky.
Good night and live your own adventure story.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Five Minutes Until New Day

This is my favorite photo of B and me. It was taken at our engagement party. I was and am so happy to be marrying him. And I love the look he is giving me... all sorts of either "what a wonderful person I will be marrying" or "who is this crazy person I am sitting next to?
I've never been married before. For a time I thought maybe God had it planned to just leave me single. Or at least single with lots of cats. I can only pray to be a good wife. LOL I am sure the first couple of times someone calls for Mrs. Harm, I will look around for Nancy, Mark's mom : ) The two hardest things for me are communication and trust. I have a bad habit of understanding what I am saying and assuming so does the other person. Just one working on in the masterpiece of me.
The trust is an old issue. As happy as I am with him, in some ways, I would rather be on my own. Even though he has done not one thing to make me not trust him, it is hard to put my trust in someone else. I keep wondering when is the day that he will leave me alone and hurt. I just have to have faith in him and me. It is easier to hide away but not nearly as joyful. My B. brings joy to my life and a completeness that I don't think I have ever had.
Good night and have a little faith in me...
Lip Synching
Thus I am reduced to just lip synching. Acting like I am doing something when I am not.
Hmmm.... could be the definition for my day. I have been acting like I am happily working but I am more just working. Today I want to be going on a long drive to somewhere cool I have never been, listening to the stereo blasting and enjoying the feel of the warm air breezes rustling my hair.
Good day and look forward to a day off....
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
How about a Quickie?
1. B
2. My family
3. Long sleep-ins after staying up late the night before
4. God
5. My work (most of the time)
6. My friends
7. Chocolate
8. Windy days
9. Snuggling in on a cold day with a good book
10. Good chinese food
Good day and be happy : D... it could so be a longer list : D
Thursday, April 19, 2007
As Promised (though rather late) Evey in San Fran and Beyond ...

Two Beautiful ladies on the town : P

The picture says it all...

And they said pigs don't fly?
Stuck in my head
It is stuck on the song " You don't own me". In between chorus of this song, I wonder why and how a song gets stuck. It happens all the time and we all have various remedies for getting it unstuck.
But how does it become stuck in the first place?
Good day and Frere Jacques, frere jacques, dormez-vous?
Friday, April 13, 2007
In a Dry and Thirsty Land Where no water is...
The water at work came on and went off today at odd intervals. It would come on after I had sent the emails to my supervisor alerting her of it being off : )
Good night and all praise for Zephyrhills!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
An Easter Well Spent
Now before you start contemplating ways in which I am a heathen, consider this. Never a day passes without a prayer in some way, shape or form. I had written this whole section on faith and God. And I keep deleting it. To me, my belief in Christ is just that. I don't want to use it as a battering ram or a judgement stick. I would rather my acts speak for themselves.
And in that Easter spirit, I have a joke. Of course, God laughs. You can not make a joyful noise without joy.
There were three men standing at the gates of heaven. St. Peter comes out and tells them that they have to answer one question before they can enter. So he asked the first man, "What happened on Easter?". The first man thinks and says, "That's when we all dress up and get candy, right?". St. Peter shakes his head and asks the second man the same question. The second man thinks and says, " That's when Jesus was born and we get loot, right?". St. Peter again shakes his head. He asked the last man, " What happened on Easter?". The third man answers, " That's when Jesus comes out of his tomb...". St. Peter begins to smile but it quickly turns to a frown as the last man continues"... and if he sees his shadow, we get six more weeks of winter, right?"
Good day and welcome happy morning age to age shall sing!
Friday, April 06, 2007
Take for example, yesterday. It was my day off and in the middle of the day, the electrican showed up and was able to fix the circuit breaker which now allows me to wash and dry laundry at the same time. Woot! A small thing being able to do laundry, you might think. But having to drag it elsewhere and sit and wait for it to be done only to throw in the next load is a soulsucker.
Even if you bring along something to do, you can still feel that sutble pull on your soul.
I also got to open the windows for the cats. They love it. It is Kittyvision. I remember growing up that sometimes windows and fans were our type of central air. Maybe that is why every chance I get I love opening the windows. Woot!
The other two things I did yesterday were putting up laundry with B and going to FIHS to see my niece in a band/colorguard presentation. It felt like my first auntie outing. I was so proud of how well she did and how beautiful she looked doing it. It made me miss twirling flags. But regardless she did just great. Woot! And the putting up laundry with B was one of those moments where we were just talking and laughing and doing something together. Woot!
Good day and this is the day that the Lord hath made.... Woot, Woot!
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Ma familia
It has the quintessential lesson of no matter what your family does , they are your family...(in the movie, Cher got engaged to one brother and ended up being engaged to the other brother that she was supposed to convince to go to her wedding)
I am still learning this lesson. There have been times when I wanted to disown them. But in truth they are what makes life life. I do want to throttle them at times.
I don't mind being the quiet one though. There is one day though that I want to be the one in the center of it all. It will be the most important day thus far. I really want it to be just a day of family and some friends. This may mean being really strick on the guest list... which is weird for me. Normally I have such a hard time and so dislike excluding anyone. But with the cruise, it is supposed to be 20 for the package and it is a set price for any extras.
But in truth, there only needs to be me and him and it becomes the perfect wedding.
How do I tell someone I only wanted to invite them and not the person that they just turned to and invited? It isn't because of the person but I feel like somehow it will turn the day into all about them and not about B and I. And writing "No, they can't come" is a lot easier than saying it. But I will if need be. I never want to be a demanding person. But it is a fine line between standing up for your self and being demanding. Ugh!
Good night and be strong, E.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Feels Like Home
Makes me wanna lose myself, in your arms
There's somethin' in your voice, makes my heart beat fast
Hope this feeling lasts, the rest of my life
If you knew how lonely my life has been
And how long I've been so alone
And if you knew how I wanted someone to come along
And change my life the way you've done
It feels like home to me, it feels like home to me
It feels like I'm all the way back where I come from
It feels like home to me, it feels like home to me
It feels like I'm all the way back where I belong
A window breaks, down a long, dark street
And a siren wails in the night
But I'm alright, 'cause I have you here with me
And I can almost see, through the dark there is light
Well, if you knew how much this moment means to me
And how long I've waited for your touch
And if you knew how happy you are making me
I never thought that I'd love anyone so much
It feels like home to me, it feels like home to me
It feels like I'm all the way the back where I come from
It feels like home to me, it feels like home to me
It feels like I'm all the way back where I belong
It feels like I'm all the way back where I belong
~Chantal Kreviazuk
I told B. that this songs reminds me of him. It describes how I feel when he hugs me.
I know, I know... you'll all being going into sugar comas now : P
Good day and where do you find a one handed monster?
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Beginnings and Endings Part Two
So for the start, let's cover beginnings. If you haven't read Dad's blog, then you may not have seen the post about my big annoucement. I'm engaged to B! I have been sitting on that news for three or so weeks. I wanted to wait to post it until I had gotten all my family together to tell them face to face. He is beyond wonderful and I am so happy. Right now we are looking at next February (don't worry... it won't be valentine's day...) So in a year I will be Mrs. Eve Harm. LOL It is just so weird to see it in print : D
And the ending? My grandfather, Jack Worthington, passed away last week. We went up to Maryland for the memorial service. I will miss him so much. I had just began to plan to bug him to start practicing his waltz so he could dance with me at the wedding. I was going to call him and Grandmother on Monday but he passed away Sunday. He was a one of a kind. I will most remember his big booming laugh, all those funny t-shirts and the way my grandmother would ruffle his hair. They were married almost 65 years. I am glad we were able to be there for my grandmother.
Good day and grow old along with me, the best is yet to be...
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Thursday, March 08, 2007
I shall have to...
It was upstairs. They had an exhibit, a "symphony" of words which were pulled from online. Words that were said on a daily basis all over the place online and repeated online. They then put them on LCD displays and put them to music. It was there that I cried. Not for happiness or sadness. It was there that I felt like I wished my family was there to see this very awesome display and how B would have not liked the display which made me miss him. In that single moment, I felt every millimeter of the distance between us.
And so I cried. Rather like I always have. Quiet and without anyone noticing. I used to sing like that as well. It was only a couple of seconds really.
For me it brought into focus my plans of leaving at some future point. It makes me step back and want to weigh with B this heaviness and bulk of this idea. This people, the people I just happen to know because I was born into them, are wonderful. But I also ponder that idea that the world is getting smaller by the minute. How I could keep in contact via all sorts of ways and how I did when overseas. A balancing act of old and new.
That appears to be my life in a nutshell.
(I am going to try to post bunches upon bunches of pictures next time and share more of my CA adventures.... at least that is the plan)
Good day and life is what happens to while busy making other plans.... Gung Hay Fat Chow!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Double Trouble in Walla Walla....
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Made-Up Holiday!
I think of it as a made up holiday but this doesn't stop me from wanting all that it symbolizes... love, hearts, valentines, chocolate, flowers, etc...
But I do like having one day where love is the word of the day. But it is a word I hear everyday : ) I don't think that there has been a day since we first told each other "I love you" that I don't hear it from B. Or don't hear it from family or friends or say it first when talking. Or feel it when reading a comment or mentally pray it when reading a blog.
Everyone should get a chance to feel it or hear it everyday. I wish you could...
This reminds me of caritas... It is defined as divine love. But to me it means a sacrifice for another person. When I was younger, we had an event in the episcopal church called Happening. It was a weekend retreat and during this retreat, you got a bag. In this bag there were letters and notes from people you knew who were encouraging you and sacrificing things for you. A small example of that divine love....
So my caritas for you will be getting up and working out at home until Easter. I would normally do this at the gym for $2 a day three days a week. But I'll do it at home and then take the money I would have spent on the gym and donate it. Send me a suggestion of where you would like me to donate it.
Good day and I love you.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Competing for title of Busiest Girl...
Everyone keeps telling me I look tired. Trust me, I know... I am tired. My brains seem to be going ninety miles an hour even when I am asleep so I don't always feel rested.
P. came into town and arranged a couple of familish outings. It was awesome. I have such a wonderful family. I really liked our family pow-pow time on Sunday. I wish B. could have been there. He was at home feeling under the weather. But it was quality family bonding time : )
I did take home some of their comments about proposals. I told them that he was saving up for a ring. When D. brought up the idea about saving afterwards, I vetoed that. I think of this as my one and only time I will get married and I want it to be right for me. When I told B. about it, he asked about styles I liked and price ranges. That had come up in the discussion as well. I want white gold or platinum setting. I want amthethyst to be the primary stone with diamonds either around it or on the side. P. said sarcastically that I never want something unusual. LOL
LOL This is just me thinking about logistics. But when I actually think think of it, I have to catch my breath. He is beyond wonderful. He is proof of prayers being answered. He isn't perfect but he is perfect for me.
Good night and Zzzzzzzzzzzzz......(hopefully)
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
The Yang beat up my Ying
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
The Title Comes Last
It also reminded me of Snow White. Not because of the storytime but because of lunch. I had an apple with it. I had been reading a number of short stories based on traditional tales. I had been telling one of my staff about it and she didn't recognize any of the stories not based on Disney films. So I had gotten a book of some of the original Grimm tales.
It was cool to go through and see how things had been changed from the original. Did you know that it wasn't a kiss that woke up Snow White? They dropped her coffin and the jolt knocked the apple lose.
Hence my reminder... : P
Good day and someday my prince will drop my coffin... just doesn't have that same ring to it : )
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Wanted: More Chocolate
Yesterday was my day off. I actually got quite a number of things done which is sometimes what I want to happen on a day off. I got a bulb for my car's tail light. I got the oil changed and the tires rotated. Though don't they rotate themselves like every day I drive it?
I also did laundry and washed the dishes. Tomorrow is a day off as well. But B and I are heading off to the museum. They are having a big exhibit of Egyptian Art. If I can't go to the pyramids, I can definitely go to the museum.
I like having like one fun day and one do stuff day during my week.
Good day and live happily.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Why does napping make you more tired?
I just had to have the windows open today. It was just a gorgeous day. Well... that of it I saw while awake. The cats love when I open the windows too. It is like KT-TV:P There must have been a Sally Struthers-a-thon on though. There was this one little cat who spent the day meowing outside our windows.
I hate seeing strays but I know the minute I help one, half a million will show up on my doorstep. The cats around here though seem to be pretty taken care of. It appears that it is one big extended family as they all seem to be black and same coat.
Speaking of families, my mom's side is working on getting all together in June. I really want to see everyone but a lot of things are up in the air. I'd like to get together with everyone else and see what their ideas are about it. Right now we seem so ensconced in our own lives.
Good night and mrrow!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Do you know the way to San Jose?
I really hope I can get everything together for the conference though. It would be so awesome especially since it would be right in the neighborhood of Uncle R and Aunt D. And since it is a whole day and two half days, I might be able to bring B. Huzzah!
How cool would that be. I am so incredibly lucky. To have someone who makes it a point to hug me before I go to work.... sublime... It just starts my day out so very well.
Good day and dream with your heart.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
This is a picture of Hazel and Basil getting in their required 22 hours of sleeping in per day.

I must not have an all three of them pic on this computer. Henri in looks is a cross between Hazel and Basil. He is also the one who gets spoken to in French. I love all my kitties. B. keeps trying to convince me that Basil is the one who deserves the most love. But I love all my kitties equally. How fitting as I cat post today that I am wearing my cat shirt. Though not a crazy cat lady. That would require four cats and no boyfriend: P
Good day and if you don't talk to your cat about catnip, who will?
Monday, January 08, 2007
levofloxacin ophthalmic solution
I wrote a letter to myself today. It was good. Sometimes if something has me on the fence, writing it down helps me figure it out a little bit better. It helps me clear the air. It is normally something I don't want anyone to read.
I feel like I have been so serious both at work and at home. I need to have some fun soon. I have felt very focused on getting stuff done. It isn't that I haven't been having fun but few things have been fun for fun sake...Ewww I am acting all grown up... what an eek situation!
Good day and drop the work at work....
Saturday, January 06, 2007
an umbrella ambles on London's classic park theatre
Outside of that, I am still taking in the new year. The thing I am working on now is continuing the getting healthy plan and working on time management. I have recently seen myself as a masterpiece in the making. It wasn't always like that. I used to be very down on myself. It was like a whole other person inside my head always making me feel horrible. It sounds crazy I know but it was very much like that to me. I just never thought I was good enough.
I don't remember what was the catalyst to make myself stop putting myself down. I just know now what are my strengths and what are the things I need to work on and what are the things I just have to let go of. I love having new things to discover about myself.
What makes this post even weirder is I have been indulging on an America's Next Top Model Marathon. You might think that it might make you feel worse watching these incredibly beautiful girls but it is so cool to see what they see as flaws or sensitive issues. Everyone got one. For me it has always been the weight. I am very bad at snacking when I am upset or bored or tired. Or not stopping when I am full. Right now it is not so much losing weight as it is getting healthier or making better choices. I screw up all the time but I try to learn from my mistakes. Okay removing self from soapbox.... even funnier if you read Dad's posting : P
Good day and stay healthy!
Thursday, January 04, 2007
England is walk on rich history for explorer spend stroll
Yesterday at the end of the day I found out that there is another manager position available at another branch. I have been here for two years and have been really happy here.
But within the last couple of months I have been debating what I want to do. I am pretty certain that I want this year to be my last in Jacksonville. And I have been considering moving from branch manager to senior children's librarian. It would mean different duties but same pay scale. So now this position for another branch is available. And so I sit here pondering on it.
This is my list of pros:
shorter drive
no evenings or weekends
getting gate (less chance of theft)
J, my friend
less staff
settled community
already know this branch (worked here as children's lib and one month as manager)
This is my list of cons:
less staff (I know it's on both list, usually more chances for rubbing the wrong way)
urbanish enviroment (right now I am dealing with a very rural enviroment)
still managing (ie not children's)
less circulation (we have a higher circulation here)
leaving the easier job
Good day and any ideas?
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
raven river sounding as musicly like sky
Well, still settling in quite well. It was a lovely end of the year. D and H came over for supper and I made bbq chicken. We ate in front of the television but had a good time laughing and talking as well. I like having them close by.
I was lucky enough to have the last couple of days off. The job gave me the 31st and 1st and then I had to take another day off other than Friday. I, of course, choose Tuesday. Yay! Long weekend. B and I spent some time getting bookcases for the new places. Okay, I know I work at a library but yee gods we have a ton of books. I have currently filled two tall and one short and have one set aside for just graphic novels and role playing books. But I still need to get another tall for just the regular books.
Of course being the crazy library lady I decided to put them into order by fiction author and pulled out the nonfic to shelve somewhere else. I know, I know... insane-o-lady. But I really did like getting to go through mine and B's books. I had no idea what all he read. There was a lot of Prachett, Turtledove and other scifi/fantasy authors.
Tonight is our night. Even though we have been together for the last couple of days, we have been busy with errands. So tonight we'll just get to spend time with each other. I love spending time with him. That is happiness.
And for those of you wondering after reading Dad's blog, it is not me. I've never gotten a speeding ticket : P
Good day and okay joke.... This cop pulled over a car full of older gentleman for going 17 on a highway 17. When the cop asked the driver about it, he explained that he had taken the highway sign for the speed limit. It was then that the cop noticed the gentlemen in the back seat who looked very very scared. He asked the driver "what was wrong with those gentlemen?". Oh nothing, the driver replied, they're just still getting over our driving on highway 110.