This is my favorite photo of B and me. It was taken at our engagement party. I was and am so happy to be marrying him. And I love the look he is giving me... all sorts of either "what a wonderful person I will be marrying" or "who is this crazy person I am sitting next to?
I've never been married before. For a time I thought maybe God had it planned to just leave me single. Or at least single with lots of cats. I can only pray to be a good wife. LOL I am sure the first couple of times someone calls for Mrs. Harm, I will look around for Nancy, Mark's mom : ) The two hardest things for me are communication and trust. I have a bad habit of understanding what I am saying and assuming so does the other person. Just one working on in the masterpiece of me.
The trust is an old issue. As happy as I am with him, in some ways, I would rather be on my own. Even though he has done not one thing to make me not trust him, it is hard to put my trust in someone else. I keep wondering when is the day that he will leave me alone and hurt. I just have to have faith in him and me. It is easier to hide away but not nearly as joyful. My B. brings joy to my life and a completeness that I don't think I have ever had.
Good night and have a little faith in me...
You sound both pensive and happy.
Remember what happened ten years ago this weekend? I posted about it this morning. I'm still very proud of you.
That is a very cute pic. :)
I'm sure everyone has the same feelings before getting married... Not that I'd have a clue, but I suspect as much.
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