Save the Whales.... Collect the Whole Set! Quirky and Serious Musings of Me, A Quirky and Not So Serious Girl
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Kitty Incognito
We went away to Wild Adventures for Memorial Day. I did my first big interstate driving. I avoid it normally. But I don't want to not be able to do. I can be so hard on myself. I am my worst critic.
I am still waiting to hear about the children's position. It is weird in that I never thought about it before and now it is agony waiting to hear. But B is being lovely. I feel like I have been so snappish recently.
Hazel (my cat) needs a new name. I have decided to reclaim it for use later. So any ideas on kitty names, guys?
Good day and shhhhh....
It looks like my posts are now showing up at
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Was there a Batboy before Batman?
But things may change. I may be getting more time. Or at least less time going towards something else. There's nothing definite yet. But I may be going back to working with children. I am a great manager but children's work makes me happier. It was so hard coming to that decision. But I think it is the right one for me.
Good night and here's to kids : D
Saturday, May 12, 2007
But here I sit on saving. B and I are doing all the wedding expenses ourselves. That is our choice. So far I have about half of what I would like to have saved by August. But one expense is out of the way.
I bought a dress. Yes, it was online but it was the one I kept coming back to. I would post the pic but they took the pic off the site.
Everytime I think of our marriage, I want to sing and laugh and cry all at the same time. I am so lucky.
Good night and live your own adventure story.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Five Minutes Until New Day

This is my favorite photo of B and me. It was taken at our engagement party. I was and am so happy to be marrying him. And I love the look he is giving me... all sorts of either "what a wonderful person I will be marrying" or "who is this crazy person I am sitting next to?
I've never been married before. For a time I thought maybe God had it planned to just leave me single. Or at least single with lots of cats. I can only pray to be a good wife. LOL I am sure the first couple of times someone calls for Mrs. Harm, I will look around for Nancy, Mark's mom : ) The two hardest things for me are communication and trust. I have a bad habit of understanding what I am saying and assuming so does the other person. Just one working on in the masterpiece of me.
The trust is an old issue. As happy as I am with him, in some ways, I would rather be on my own. Even though he has done not one thing to make me not trust him, it is hard to put my trust in someone else. I keep wondering when is the day that he will leave me alone and hurt. I just have to have faith in him and me. It is easier to hide away but not nearly as joyful. My B. brings joy to my life and a completeness that I don't think I have ever had.
Good night and have a little faith in me...
Lip Synching
Thus I am reduced to just lip synching. Acting like I am doing something when I am not.
Hmmm.... could be the definition for my day. I have been acting like I am happily working but I am more just working. Today I want to be going on a long drive to somewhere cool I have never been, listening to the stereo blasting and enjoying the feel of the warm air breezes rustling my hair.
Good day and look forward to a day off....