Friday, June 19, 2009

My fort of Boxes

I prayed for the moving guys today. This weekend is supposed to be over 100 here and I am sure that they are working.

We are all moved in. Things were packed and the movers complimented us on how everything was done when they got there. : ) Then it was done. If they have come the day before, it was major chaos. I let B. pack up the office. I was , as normal, trying to do it all by myself. And getting frustrated. That is so hard for me.

I always want to do it all myself. I had to force myself not even to enter the room. Otherwise I would start taking over.

I had to laugh though. We had different priorities on what room should be unpacked first. For him, it was the computer and office setup and for me, it was the kitchen and bathroom : P But we packed together and we unpack together.

Another funny thing has been the dreams. For the first several days, I had weird dreams. One was about eating a chili cheese hotdog. The other was working at a library that was only open from 12:30 to 2:30 and at 2:30 exactly all power was cut off in the building. I had to feel my way out.

And the most peculiar was the one where I was driving with Mom and the power went out. Not just the streets but the cars. We got out to walk and I remember walking past a car with a family inside. When I looked in the car windows, it looked like they lived in it. The look that the little girl inside was just so unbelievable sad. All the cars were stopped all ascew and just ahead of those cars, there were bodies lying all around.

But the last one was the night before's. I dreamed I made the kitties ketchup sandwiches. I am never where my brain comes up with this stuff.

Good night and dream not of ketchup : P

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