I have been fighting a bad cold this last week. Last Friday I had no voice. And this weekend was no weekend. I spent it all in bed asleep. But tonight when I got home, I had the most lovely surprise waiting for me.

The card is a get well card entitled "Meee-Ouch!"

The note pad has this written above it:
When I Look at You...
I see a remarkable woman with a kind and caring heart who is beautiful in every sense of the word. You are everything wonderful and if I had just one wish it would be that you could see what I see when I look at you.
Thankfully I had tissues galore...

Good night and lucky me!
This is lovely.
I'm so happy for you.
Love, Dad
I prayed so long that God would send you someone that could love you so wonderfully. I asked God to make sure it was someone who is as thoughtful and loving as you are. I am so very glad that God answered my prayer and sent M. God is so great! I hope you are feeling better!
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