I've been reading this book recently called How to Disappear by Frank Ahearn. Now, let me preface this by saying I am not planning to disappear. Though I imagine if I were, I wouldn't be telling anyone either.
It really has been an interesting read. You basically not only have to learn how to leave your old life behind but then you have to create a false trail for those that come looking for you to waste time and money and hopefully convince them to give up the search. He spread intriguing stories throughout the book along with helpful advice. Like the one guy that was so hard to find until the writer found out that he had a serious love for lobsters and tracked him through one of the few companies that ship lobster around the states. Or the people who went the trouble of hiding only to be busted by their friends posting pics telling everyone what a great time Bob was having in SouthAmerica.
Though he does include a section which fit me more. It was about the controlling how much information is out there about you or making it harder for those that bug you to find you. Though I had to laugh when he said to write the misinformation (wrong address or slightly wrong name) down in a notebook. I am constantly leaving stuff down and then walking away particularly at work as I get started on a new project.
Good night and I will be back : ) ...maybe : )
Hi Eve,
I've been looking for you...
This a documentary about a British man who tries to disappear. He hired PIs to try to find him and, knowing that he was being "hunted", he became VERY paranoid VERY quickly.
I read a fascinating in-depth article about this some time ago (maybe more than a year) but this is a good introduction.
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