Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Pawprints on my heart

Once upon a time, I had a little cat who wasn' t so little. He was grouchy and demanding but also incredibly loving. If I sat down, he was in my lap. My sister brought him to me from Gainesville. Before that, he was an outdoor kitty who lived around in her apartment complex.

Basil was one of the first kitties of mine that my husband met. It was love at first sight. For us and for him and Basil. He called him my comfort kitty. Whenever I would get upset, the first thing B would do would be to go find Basil.

After over eight years with me (and then us), one day he began acting strange. He just seemed to lay around (even more so than normal) and didn't want to eat or drink. I decided to take him to the vet and this was a good thing. His liver was failing and if I hadn't taken him, he might have died while we were at work. We wouldn't have been able to say good bye. But we did get to say good bye and got to tell him how much we loved him.

He died over 6 months ago. I don't know why I was thinking about him today. I do think about him often. I miss him so much. I cry about him sometimes. Heaven is where he deserves to be even with his grumpy meows. It is sad to miss him but in the end I treasure all my memories of him.

Good day and meow : )

1 comment:

Felisol said...

I feel with you.
I also have pawprints on my heart, even if we have the most amazing feline Amidala with us now.

When I was a kid, my brother and I so wished for a kitten. My Dad said no. We start loving them and then they die, was the answer he gave. A wound from his childhood.
Finally he gave in and Jaumann came to live with us for two years. Then he was shot by a neighbour.

We all cried for a long, long time. My Dad started praying for Jaumann on the New Earth. "The Bible says thee will be lions and lambs there, I'm sure our Jaumann also is among the heavenly animals," my wonderful Dad argued.
I still believe that.
That is also why I dare take in new cats when some dies or worse; disappears.
Love hurts, if not, it's not the real thing.
Love also makes me rich and happy and my hope for you is that when your time of grieving has passed, God will send you a new cat to love.