Friday, November 19, 2010

Day Off

My new place of work is giving me something I have never had before.... regularly scheduled three day weekends. It is weird. And somewhat wonderful. I am just not sure exactly what to do with it. There are so many possibilities. I mean some of my day is already eaten up by the haftatos. I have to take the car in for an oil change. I have to send a letter. I have to feed the kitties and take my meds. But there is a luxury of time. Or at least it feels that there is. Even my haftatos are based on my free will. I could not take the car in. The kitty feeding is a bit more a willdo though.

I just finished a very excellent zombie book. It included zombie cats so hence why the feeding of kits is a willdo and not a haftato. It actually made me cry. The book not the zombie cats. It was set in the time after. Zombie were now a way of life and survival was possible. Normal had become a different type of normal. Plus how do you not love a book in which the bloggers have become the source of info...particularly as a blogger?

Good day and watch out for zombie cats...

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