Saturday, November 27, 2010

My short list

Growing up, I was known for my enormous Christmas lists. I considered it a wish list and therefore anything was game. I used to always have Peace on Earth on it too.

Right now my list is about 20 or so items. It is probably the shortest list I have ever written. Don't get me wrong... I still want presents. But I am content right now. I have a job I like. I have a husband who loves me as much as I love him (which happens to be quite a bit). I have friends and family that I love and who still love me and like spending time with me. I have a joy about life that I treasure. I am fairly healthy.

My wish list is now a would be nice list. LOL But I am continuing a tradition of one abstract wish on the list. A couple of years ago, I asked for sunset in a bottle. I got it from my parents. They took a picture (I think it was a sunrise but I'm not quibbling) and put it into a glass bottle with a cork stopper. It is one of the best things on my desk at work. Last year, it was a jar of moonlight. I got that from Mark. He had found a candle in a jar. The candle's name was Moonlight : ) It is in the office at home. Two things I've learned.... ask because you just might get it and intangible doesn't mean impossible.

Good night and make a wish.

1 comment:

John M Cowart said...

While me and Tracy were together I always had that on the top of my list.

She'd ask, what do you want for Christmass and I'd always answer the same. Peace on Earth.

Then of course I'd get "The Look".

I got such a kick out of it at those times.

Then we'd light her ugly, nasty, heathen (Yule log) and get on with things. :)

Ah, good memories.

Love you Sis,

