Monday, October 29, 2007

Taking Fifteen

Yes, I am still breathing... sorry it has been so long since my last post.

I love going home for lunch. There is something about that mental break in the middle of the day. I don't know if it is the leftovers or the kitties or just the drive away from the branch. It is just lovely.

I am so happy that I made the move back to childrens and teen. It was like putting a dress in the to-go donate pile and pulling it back out. Such a perfect fit.

I'm still settling into my new routine. But I did remember to keep out the candy bowl: D

And my cat theme for the wedding has been certified by the US Postal Office. I stopped by this morning to pick up postcard stamps and without even asking which kind I wanted, she gave me ones with big cats on them: ) Too funny.

Good night and Meow!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Who knew I had so much stuff...

I have been one busy chick.

This is my last week at the management level. As of next week it is back to children and teen librarian.

It has really been amazing. I've never received so many good things said about me. Everyone seems to want to tell me that they'll miss me and what a great job I did.

I did but I never knew that they noticed. I never noticed how much I put into this job.

Literally how much. I have packed 5 boxes and about 4 crates worth of stuff. I even have furniture to move. It's just a child's seat and a hat tree but it is furniture.

I can't wait to start at children's. The director told me yesterday that she understands that my heart is in children but that she wants me to take a position as children's senior. : )

Even she thinks I'm great...

I never saw it as great work. I just saw it as doing my job to the fullness of my ability. It just happens that I have a great deal of ability. Just not a lot of love for this position. I was afraid that I would stay in because I was good and eventually make myself miserable.

My goal for myself is to be happy. And slowly it comes to me. Just happy.

Oh and so far there is 6 pounds less of me. Go me!

Good day and be happy for you too.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Why do the wrong words seem so right?

I feel like I have been circling and circling just waiting for a place to land.

I just want things to be done. To start the new job, to be married, to be settled.

Instead I live in a holding pattern. A continuous waiting period. Some self inflicted some administration inflicted.

I want it to begin.

But in truth this is good time spent. It is time to say good bye. It is time to learn how much I want to be married to him. It is time to savor one place before moving onto another. It is time to the idea of our plans.

Good night and it is time : ) to publish.