Monday, September 21, 2009


I feel a bit stuck. Although good news appeared on the library front, I am still holding off on an celebrations until knowing for sure. There are still changes on the horizon. I am just not sure how it will affect me.

I want to make plans. But being stuck I can't. It makes me feel a bit frustrated and sad. I rather like moving forward. I feel like a hamster on a wheel. A bit like Bill Murray's character in Groundhog's Day. Nothing changes.

Luckily life with B is always changing. We had a good talk the other night. I like that we are still figuring each other out. I could only go one way down a road before having to pull on a side road to turn around. I was sure that it was a way full of mutant zombies. They were going to pop out of the ground at any moment. Not only could he understand my fear but we started figuring out battle plans and laughing. It is lovely to have someone to laugh with like that. Not only that but the talk we had was about some of my not so laughable fears and he just held me tight and told me it would be all right. That we would figure it out together.

Good night. Guten tag : )

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Birthday Weekend

Today was B's birthday. I don't think we really celebrate the number as much as the fact that he was born. We had a low key day at his request. I got to surprise him at Outback with singing and dessert. It was so funny. Thus far he has yet to remember that I do it each year. LOL I had to laugh though as he went to the bathroom before hand. The guys all came out to see and the line stopped as they realized that he was gone. They scrambled back into the kitchen until he came back.

I also surprised him with a singing cat card. The cats meowed the Happy Birthday song. He opened it and the cats came right over. They all wanted to figure out where we were hiding the new cats.

I had a good day Saturday with J and T. We talked for a while and then researched dreams. I had had one interesting one the other day. I dreamed that Dad, Mom, P and I were at Grandmother's. But the house was a one level ranch and located in the Middle East. Then all of sudden the house was attacked by terrorists. They weren't going to hurt me because I was married. I had to show them my ring. Then they gave me some accupunture needles because I had to put the number 26 on my eyeballs so they could film me. At the end as they left, one said "Good bye" and I woke up. B had gone off to do a game with the guys. He said that it had been held in one of the guy's new gaming room. Apparently there was some discussion of turning into the Bat Cave.

Good night and dream on.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009


It has been ages since I last posted. My web life recently has been diverted into Facebook. It is a bit like blogging and Myspace. You post a couple of lines of update and then there is other social stuff and games you can do on it.

There is a Mobster game that I play on it now called ... well, Mobsters : ) My handle in that game is Pissed Off Librarian. Right now it is more like Librarian in Limbo. No one knows what is going on with our branch, our patrons, our jobs... hence the limbo. Personally I wish it were the other kind. The kind that involves Jamaica, beaches, a staff and tons of rum.

B and I have been busy getting the apartment ready to show off to the fam over Labor Day. It has been really lovely setting up house with him. LOL Even if he does want everything Star Wars themed. At least my Hello Kitty is contained mostly by my bathroom.

Apparently there is a new gadget for Blogs so that people can follow your blog. I checked. I am a poor prophet. I only have one follower. It is hard for me to be a follower. Especially when I want to do it my way. I am so stubborn. I have had many a discussion with God about that character trait : D It is so hard to let him lead. One of the message I kept from a Happening a long time ago was to Let Go and Let God. I have to stop and focus on that when I get too sure that I can do it all.

Good day and Let Go... : D