Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sometimes the Emotions get in the way...

I have been working diligently tonight on transcribing a notebook of poetry. I am about five pages away from being done.

It isn't mine. It is a dear family friend's. She passed away today. It wasn't sudden as she had been put into hospice not that long ago. But it does make me sad on one hand. I know that she has gone Home but I am selfish and wanted her here. God does seem to get all the best people.

Though I ended up with a lot of really good memories and some good stuff. I thought about it the other day and she is literally all over my house. Paintings in the bedroom and guest room. A end table in living room and bookcase in the library.

And this notebook.

I found one that I particularly liked ( I hope you don't mind, Dad. I'll take it off if you do....):

My evening and morning canticles
Are sung by a small brown bird
Perched on the tip of a naked tree
Rejoicing in all his eye can see.

His Word delights and sustains us
My heart leaps up at the sound of the bird
My throat fills with praise for my God.
I lift my arms, like the tree I am bare.

He clothes me with blessings and love.

Thank you, Lord of the day and the night.
For the bird and the tree and their song
For the gift of praise which we lift to thee.

By Barbara White

Thank you, God, for letting this incredibly special person into our lives. I know you took great care of her here and know that you will continue in heaven.

Good night and God bless.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I have been reading a number of books all at once. It just depends on where I am. I have The Devil in the White City in the bathroom. It is the telling of the first World's Fair in America and the serial killer that used it to his advantage. I think the best thing I learned was that Elias Disney was a carpenter and told his son Walt about his part in creating the World's Fair. I have Little Women Vampires in my bookbag. It is the latest in a series combining classics literature and a current trend. It is not wonderful but it is very cheesily good. My favorite part so far is when Beth thanks Mr. Laurence for the piano by turning him into a vampire. I have also been reading Full Moon No Stars which is a new Stephen King. It is rather like looking at a baby and seeing the parents in various expressions. I see different parts that remind me of other of his stories. Though I am only through halfway into the second story, I have decided that he must have a thing about librarians. My favorite part of it all was his dedication. It said To Tabby... still. He is one of the few people who I have read where I like his introductions sometimes as much or more than his stories. This week is National Library Week and for it, my branch (well, it was me actually) put up a display of Readers Rave. These were books that staff, teens and volunteers picked out. I even created a whole line of personalized bookmarks. That way, you know who liked a book. Mine say Eve Enjoys : ) And I do enjoy my books. I still check out as many as my account will hold and have to stop myself from checking out more. I just checked out one called Hello Kitty Must Die. I'll let you know what happens. Good night and read well.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Dad's Puppet Progress

Today, B and I worked on the costumes for Dad's puppet commerical. It was something B and I came up with to promote Dad's books. Plus it gives us a chance to have a little fun together with puppets and filming. We still have to order the club wielding puppet and blue fish.

Daniel the Priest Praise the Lord!
Daniel sans costume

Daniel's Costume

Soon to be Clubs


Good day and have you hug a puppet today?

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Stewball and 500 Miles

I used to wonder what my soundtrack for my life would be and what songs would be included. Music premeates my whole life. I listen to it or sing as I wake up, work, shower and a multitude of places in between. I laugh and cry to music. Today I actually teared up singing along and listening to "Feels like Home". It was what B and I danced to as our first dance as man and wife. I had recorded a version of it as a present for him but it didn't work. But in a way it worked out better since I got to sing it to him as we danced. I remember growing up listening to some of my Mom's records. I loved Peter, Paul and Mary. And Frankie Avalon and Godspell. I even remember singing the theme from American Tale on long trips with P. Or creating a song book with all the songs from Camp Weed. ... no, it wasn't That kind of camp. It was a church summer camp. I have always taken the Make a Joyful noise to heart. Good night and sing loud!