Thursday, November 30, 2006

I shocked my kitties...

Yes, that's it. They were surprised I do believe. By what? : ) Yesterday when I pulled into my drive (aka Driveway of Death) and was parking, there were two little strays laying on the pavement closest to the other apartments. They were so skinny and skittish. Now I hate seeing skinny kitties. Actually any strays in general. I just don't get why people get their cats fixed. I listened to Bob Barker so why didn't they?

So I went inside where my kitties had semi fullish bowls and opened up the plastic bin where I keep their food. Basil was all around my feet meowing like crazy. Even though there was food down : P I grabbed a scoop of food and took it outside. Well, seeing me walk OUT with food made them (Basil, Hazel and Henri my kitties) crowd the window... they just didn't understand what I was doing with THEIR food. I was feeding other kitties. The inkittinessness of it all... When I came back in, they were all meowing at me. Obviously trying to get some handle on what had just happened. LOL

Good day and pet a kitty today!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Listening for the phone....

Another fun fourth thursday in November. There was much to be thankful for and much to wish for. As was our tradition, we sat around after dinner writing up our Christmas wish lists. I remember to have Peace on Earth and got at least to the second page. I must be slowing down as normally the list is longer than 30 items. But before you think me a greedy person, remember this is a wish list. There is no limit of what to wish for. But that is for another day.

Today I found myself avoiding the phone. I have 7 or 8 saved messages now. There are two reasons I am avoiding it. One is my moving people have descended. They all want to give me quotes. I don't like people who don't let me do things at my own time. Hence my letting them go to the message box. As much as I want this move to be over and to be settled with B in the new place, I also don't want to move. I can hardly believe how much life has changed in the past months and I am still catching my breath a bit. I imagine it is a bit like cliff diving. Thrilling, exciting and as scary as anything. But that is way anything in life should be.

My other reason for avoiding the phone is that person called today. I had taken the number out of my phone and almost picked it up. That person didn't leave a message. I imagine it was about library materials still checked out as the notices would have gone out last week. But still. I prefer not to think of that person. I wish I could forgive that person. I wish I could pray for goodness for that person. Those were two items left off my wish list. The only thing I can do is pray for strength for me. The strength to forgive...

B says I am the nicest person he has ever met. I don't think so. I wish today I could have spent under the covers and not come out. I feel a bit peopled out right now. I am looking forward to heading home in just a hour and fifteen minutes to the quiet of my apartment. I love you all but go away :)

Good night and to err is human; to forgive divine.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

My Life in Boxes in Major E

Well it appears to be day 15.75 billion of packing. Yes, I know. It is like a month before I move but I want it to be done before then. I want to make sure that everything is packed and it is not a thing done on the day of the move while the movers are already packing up the van. I have decided that I am old enough and make enough that I can spare my family the chore of moving me once again.

And those thoughts (old enough and make enough) are beyond scary. There is a shirt in one catalog that I get that says "Pretending to be a serious and responsible adult". Though one only needs to see my Hello Kitty work bag and they might figure out my gig.

We had our No Food Thanksgiving Party. I know, I know... I had to explain it to my staff at first too. I told them that if they all brought in at least one canned good then I would provide all the food for the party. Well, they are just great! We filled three file sized boxes for the Community Hospice and Second Harvest Food Bank.

Sorry kiddos but it is very late. I still have to get up tomorrow and work out with J even though we both have the day off. Plus it will be day 16.75 billion of packing tomorrow.

Good night and Hello Kitty: )

Thursday, November 16, 2006

10 Questions

So a new look and a new blog posting... how sympatico I am. At one time, I was a good questioner. And I thought who better to try out some new ones on then my bloggers...

No worries... I always ask nothing I won't answer...

1. Name?
(See, an easy one first: Eve Mercy Cowart... I've always like my first name. It is however very hard to find personalized things though. Darn all the Evelyns in the world... they take that spot on most every personalized ____ rack)

2. What was the last song stuck in your head?
(If I had a Million Dollars by Bare Naked Ladies is tied for this with It smells like Thanksgiving... my children's person was getting a storytime ready. It was sung along as the same tune as Frere Jacque)

3. Favorite Bible Story?
(And no, it is so not the genesis garden of eden story... Because of my name, I was always asked where's Adam. I often told people that it didn't work out or that he ended up being a real snake : ) I have really liked the Esther story. She was an ordinary person who ended up saving an entire people.

4. Best gift you have ever given and to whom?
(A fused glass pendant to P... it really fit her personality and she wore it all the time. I love for the heck of it gifts. That one wasn't but I do like those gifts best of all. Though my secret gifts I like best of all... those would be to people who don't ever know who gave it...

5. A perfect night?
(It would be a chilly and rainy night where I am in my apartment with the lights low and a fire in the fireplace, my cats snuggled up with me in a fuzzy blanket, something lovely and soft playing on the radio, B sitting on the other end of the sofa, reading and talking and laughing.

6. Single Secret Behavior?
(Okay this one I got busted on the other day but I look at it as I must really feel completely comfortable around you dear... I talk in French to my one cat Henri. He isn't French. He just has a French name but somehow I will just break into French occassionally around him.

7. Most horrible nightmare?
(It has been a while but when I was on a mission trip, I dreamed that I was walking the streets in Victorian times and I was viciously attacked and the people all around me knew me but did nothing to stop it. It disturbed me so badly that I woke up screaming and crying. It had such a residual affect that I spent the next day just hanging out with one of the chaperons and not my friends.)

8. Newest skill?
(I have recently learned how to crochet. It was mainly due to a program that we have been hosting here at the library called Warm Up America. I have finished one square and am working on my next.)

9. A book that changed you?
(Feed by M.T. Anderson... it is an amazing book. It is a story set in the future and it talks about the lives of these teens who now have implants in their heads. They do everything virtually... go to school, talk, even get high. There are two main characters and the girl gets a virus that basically is killing her and killing the implant. She then wants to experience real life firsthand but the boy is having trouble with that. His whole life is in the virtual. It was one of the books that if I ever go back to school for a doctorate or another master that I will write on. I have a couple of topics in my head saved for that very purpose.)

10. Personal mantra?
(This was another easy one for me. I am afraid. I am afraid of heights. I am afraid of driving the interstate. I am afraid of meeting new people and making an idiot of myself. But my personal mantra is " Never let fear stop you from doing what you truly want." It has helped in so many different situations. I figure it is akin to "seize the day"ish kind of attitude. I don't want to die knowing I never truly lived.

Okay kiddies... time for me to head back to work. I had to do this in two sessions in order to get it all fini.

Good day and what could we accomplish if we could not fail...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

A girl with really deep thoughts...

Running back through my CD collection as I clean and pack. I have had a couple of weirdnesses today.

Yesterday when B and I were in Basket Case, they had a display of cool fact birthday key chains. Mine said people born on December 22 are like organizing, need to feel that their love is secure and that Puccini the Italian composer was born on this date too. Well, okay, as I had no idea who Puccini was. But this morning as I was trying to complete the daunting task of deciding which books to pack, I just happened to flip open one of them. It was a copy of the 1917 Metropolitian Opera production of La Boheme. I have always liked the story but never heard the opera. I believe also that it is the basis for my favorite musical Rent. The music for this opera was by none other than Puccini....I had never realized it before. Okay so strangeness....

My other piece of weirdness was something that came to me just now. I was contemplating this move. I then remember what I had told everyone way back when I moved in here. I like moving but I hate moving so I told everyone this was my last apartment. Next time it was going to be moving into a house. Which just happens to be true... just not exactly how I originally planned it. Too odd... which is my life in a nutshell.

I had a great time with T and her mom in the land of good and evil. We headed out early because the Lady and Sons was where we wanted to eat and we knew it would fill up quick. It is the best Southern cooking I have even eaten. The last time I ate so well was the last time I was there. Just unbelievable. We had plans to stop off in a doll museum that they wanted to go to as well. But it appears that the museum is not longer there. The ride back was just as good as the ride to the land of good and evil...T and her mom are a kick. I spent a little time at their house as well. I am almost certain that that was the first visit I have ever had to another library person's house. T made me nap before leaving. It had been a fairly early leaving time so I didn't fight her too much on that idea.

So Good day and have you had any weirdness lately?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

On the first day of Patricias...

I find myself in a whole other county and city tonight. I have wandered south and west to P's home. I had already decided to take Wednesday off of work. And thus seeing P at the wedding, I really didn't get quality sister to sister time. I figured now would be primo time spent well. She is such a cooly girl. I just love her to beyond and back.

On the second day of Patricia's, I will be heading to the land of good and evil for a day of good eating and fun. We are heading to the Lady and Sons for some of the best Southern food around. I have only eaten there once and it has stuck in my head for all that time.

B and I are getting the house. We'll be moving in in mid-December. It is just a wonderful house and just perfect for us. Plus I get to live with B. : ) He is beyond wonderful. I knew I was due for a good this next time around. I have a pattern. Bad, good, bad, good, bad, good... little did I know that he would end up being the best of all... for me. I wrote to his mom tonight. Just an introductory letter. I have been able to introduce to most of my immediate family but he can't due to distance. I hope she likes the letter. I mainly tried to tell her a little about me and find out a little about her. I plan on being with B for a while and I would like his family to like me.

I am doing a coolish thing with my new Hello Kitty locket. And yes, today I was decked in Hello Kitty from head to toe today : P I have always saved my fortune whenever I have Chinese food. So I have started pulling one at random, reading it, folding it up and tucking it in my locket. Just a little reminder... most of my fortunes have ended up fairly cool. I will never forget when J made those fortune cookies with youth group up in Maryland. LOL She put in things that she wanted to happen to her. If I remember correctly, most had to do with a little known band called Duran Duran : ) Today's fortune was perceived failure is oftentimes success trying to be born in a bigger way.

Good morning and much love from a traveling girl....

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Sad Bunnies

Why do sad bunnies never jump? Because they're not hoppy.. (insert laughtrack). Just another wonderful day here in library land. The joke was courtesy of the Daily Riddle that we have been doing here at the library.

I remember when we did a joke contest at one of my other branches. I commited the cardinal sin of joke telling however. I started laughing at my own joke before I finished it (sorry Uncle Mark... it was the one with the duck and the grapes).

I love to laugh. I was always the one who got the giggles at the dinner table. I just don't know why... something someone said or did struck my with such silliness that I could not help it. Life should never be taken seriously. Sometimes the most serious of times is the time for laughing.

I really must get on the ball with the choir searching. I miss singing. I do it everyday it seems but I miss singing with a group and singing hymns.

I also need to get writing as well. I feel like life is on standby with all of the packing and moving I am getting into in the next month. I need to get into a schedule too. I am a work in progress as always : ) It gets a bit overwhelming with all that I want to do. I just have to keep thinking that in order to eat the elephant it requires one bite at a time.... (really must think of better tasting analogy: )

Good day and bon appetit!