Thursday, November 02, 2006

Sad Bunnies

Why do sad bunnies never jump? Because they're not hoppy.. (insert laughtrack). Just another wonderful day here in library land. The joke was courtesy of the Daily Riddle that we have been doing here at the library.

I remember when we did a joke contest at one of my other branches. I commited the cardinal sin of joke telling however. I started laughing at my own joke before I finished it (sorry Uncle Mark... it was the one with the duck and the grapes).

I love to laugh. I was always the one who got the giggles at the dinner table. I just don't know why... something someone said or did struck my with such silliness that I could not help it. Life should never be taken seriously. Sometimes the most serious of times is the time for laughing.

I really must get on the ball with the choir searching. I miss singing. I do it everyday it seems but I miss singing with a group and singing hymns.

I also need to get writing as well. I feel like life is on standby with all of the packing and moving I am getting into in the next month. I need to get into a schedule too. I am a work in progress as always : ) It gets a bit overwhelming with all that I want to do. I just have to keep thinking that in order to eat the elephant it requires one bite at a time.... (really must think of better tasting analogy: )

Good day and bon appetit!


Clint Bodine said...

One day, a duck walks into a grocery store and waddles up the store manager. The duck looks up at the manager and says "Got any gwapes?" Surprised, the manager replies "No. We don't have any grapes." So the duck waddles out of the store.

The next day, the duck walks back into the grocery store and waddles up to the store manager. The duck looks up at the manager and says "Got any gwapes?" The manager, concerned about health complaints and lawsuits, replies "No. We don't have any grapes." So the duck waddles out of the store.

The next day, the duck walks back into the grocery store and waddles up the to the store manager. The duck looks up at the manager and says "Got any gwapes?" The manager, now tired of waterfowl waddling in his store, angrily replies "No! We don't have any grapes. And if you come in here again asking for grapes, I'm going to staple your feet to the floor!" So the duck waddles out of the store.

The next day, the duck walks into the grocery store and waddles up the manager. The manager is already fuming. The duck looks up at the manager and says "Got any staples?" The manager, surprised by a new question, states, "No. We don't have any staples."

So the duck says "Got any gwapes?"

EveyQ said...


In my world, it is a bar

Anonymous said...

Moving huh.... boy howdy just been doing that myself!In fact the furniture just got moved in and this was my first night in the new house. Shebazz totally freaked she has been wondering all over and crying...that is until she found a forbiden closet which she promptly opened and climed inside. Call me so we can exchange new info...and maybe we could arrange a visit to the wintery north??
lov m (think I will start signing these things as fishiegirl since there are so many people using letters).