Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Curse it all, I napped!

I can't get to sleep. I had a bad headache when I came home today. So I laid down.

Big mistake. I napped and now when it is time to get to sleep, nothing doing. I mainly can't get my head to shut up. I started thinking about work tomorrow, storytime, Mother's Day, calling sibs.... on and on.

We are waiting to hear the fate of our moving. Supposedly we have a seller for this place and our landlady wanted us to move out as of the 27th of May. But I haven't heard a definite yet. Pins and needles.

We sent our last (?) rent check in with the letter of intent to move on Monday. And we have already done our deposit for the new place. I would like to just know how much packing time I have.

Good night/morning and oh, happy day!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Fostering Reading

I have to teach a class tomorrow on the importance of fostering reading. It is to a bunch of teen moms or moms-to-be. I hope something I say will touch at least one of them or make them think.

I can barely imagine being pregant now much less when I was a teen. I am still on a wait and see as result are being figured out. I meet with my doctor at the end of the month and I need to schedule my follow up with my cardiologist. Once I get a better handle on my health stuff, then we can start figuring out the kids thing.

He would like two. I would like at least one. Everyone just wants us to get started. But it is important to me to have a little time to work on being a wife. The best thing I can give a child is a loving family to come into. Plus a love of books. Both of us read everything we can get our hands on. So hopefully no worries there.

That actually has been the hard part about packing the books up. I have to keep myself from making a pile for myself.

Good night and happy reading.

Friday, April 10, 2009

I wish I could figure out my phone...

I have a newish cell phone. It allegedly can upload pics to the computer and download music. I say allegedly because I have yet to be able to do either. I've taken a number of photos with my phone but that is as far as I have gotten. I have the cable to transfer them and a micro SD card.

But the card won't stay in the phone. That most definitely makes for a hard time in transfer.

Ugh! Two steps forward and three back.

I've been having to wear a heart monitor for the last week and I have to wear it for another two. The monitor part looks like a Blackberry : ) I haven't really felt the same fast heartbeat that I had before since having to wear the monitor.'

: ) I am bad at getting my symptoms to be caught. It is like I feel better when I set up the doctor's appointment : P

Good day and good day.