Friday, December 29, 2006

Ending and Beginning

Just in case you were wondering, I have not a)joined a cult b)been buried under my boxes since the move-in or c)carried off by kittens to become their new human god.

I have just had so much life going on that it became impossible to blog it all. I have survived moving, new boyfriend living here, Christmas and soon to be a new year. I did have a totally lovely birthday and Christmas though. B. took me sailing and it was a joyous experience. It remeinded me of a rollercoaster without all the heights. Afterwards we went to Columbia, a Spanish style restaurant and the waitress brought me a birthday flan. Funky but yummy! We then went to see Happy Feet at the local IMAX theatre. : ) All things which I had not done yet but it was a blast doing all three.

Christmas was goodish this year. We went over to D and H's new house. They were just great hosts and fab people for taking up the role that Mom and Dad normally take up. I got so major cool stuff and had a great time just hanging out with my family. I really didn't make a chance to talk to H's family but I am sure this isn't the only time we will do something with them. I missed getting to hang out with P though. We had made plans to do stockings like we did last year. But she was too sick to come up. Hence we surprised her with a Santa visit of us.

There is more going on with her. I am going to give her a call tomorrow to return her call of the other day. I mainly wanted to give myself a day or so of buffer time. I knew already how I had reacted when I finally got home to B. He gave me a hug and I just broke down crying. I remember how hard it was for me that first time. She is my favorite little sister and I love her to pieces. Whenever I think back to that time, it flashes in my head how she looked coming out of the emergency room where they had pumped her stomache because of the things she had taken. Those were the deadest eyes I had ever seen and she barely could tell who we were. I told her for her twenty-six birthday that she was the best say no to drugs example I had ever seen. I just don't want her or me to have to go through that again.

So with everything going on, I haven't really had a chance to fully explore how the whole living with someone is going. I'm still settling into the house and it just doesn't feel like my place yet. But then we haven't really gotten up all of the personal stuff up yet. I am really looking forward to this weekend. We both have a fairly long one and it will be our first weekend of just us and nothing else going on. It is funny but I feel like I saw him more when I was in my own place : ) But I do like the fact that he has stuff going on outside of the house. B. is a wonderful guy but I so crave my alone time to recharge. Right now I just get annoyed with having all the stuff everywhere. But we made dinner together tonight and I have staked out Wednesday as our night. : ) I love that he is such a huggy guy : )

Good night and renew a right spirit within me.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Life Interuptus

That, my dear bloggers, is what I am suffering from... I am on a countdown to moving day. I will be picking up my stuff (well techniqually it's two guys and a truck that will be picking it up) and moving to a house. It isn't MY house but I am renting it. Plus half of it is B's who has already proved himself an even more wonderful guy.

Last Saturday after much packing and moving o'things, I hopped on the ladder to change out a lightbulb. On my way off of the ladder, I had a back spasm. Imagine a charlie horse but on your back. I must have yelled or something because B heard me and came out to help me down. I spent the next three days in bed. It is getting back day by day but not nearly fast enough for me. But B has been just beyond great. He took care of me for two of the days but had to head back to work on the third. Just being the best of all B's though he has had to resist the temptation to make jokes like how many Eves does it take to change a lightbulb :)

It has definitely put a crimp in my packing but I am all scheduled for next Friday being my moving day. The day after J, P and I have a sister's day planned to celebrate J and my birthdays. Hers is the nineteenth and mine is the twenty second. I'll be 31 years young for all those curious peoples. I've never been one to hide my age. It is just a number and a state of mind. Plus I've done in 31 years some things people never do in a lifetime : ) Woot!

Good night and all life is yours to miss.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

I shocked my kitties...

Yes, that's it. They were surprised I do believe. By what? : ) Yesterday when I pulled into my drive (aka Driveway of Death) and was parking, there were two little strays laying on the pavement closest to the other apartments. They were so skinny and skittish. Now I hate seeing skinny kitties. Actually any strays in general. I just don't get why people get their cats fixed. I listened to Bob Barker so why didn't they?

So I went inside where my kitties had semi fullish bowls and opened up the plastic bin where I keep their food. Basil was all around my feet meowing like crazy. Even though there was food down : P I grabbed a scoop of food and took it outside. Well, seeing me walk OUT with food made them (Basil, Hazel and Henri my kitties) crowd the window... they just didn't understand what I was doing with THEIR food. I was feeding other kitties. The inkittinessness of it all... When I came back in, they were all meowing at me. Obviously trying to get some handle on what had just happened. LOL

Good day and pet a kitty today!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Listening for the phone....

Another fun fourth thursday in November. There was much to be thankful for and much to wish for. As was our tradition, we sat around after dinner writing up our Christmas wish lists. I remember to have Peace on Earth and got at least to the second page. I must be slowing down as normally the list is longer than 30 items. But before you think me a greedy person, remember this is a wish list. There is no limit of what to wish for. But that is for another day.

Today I found myself avoiding the phone. I have 7 or 8 saved messages now. There are two reasons I am avoiding it. One is my moving people have descended. They all want to give me quotes. I don't like people who don't let me do things at my own time. Hence my letting them go to the message box. As much as I want this move to be over and to be settled with B in the new place, I also don't want to move. I can hardly believe how much life has changed in the past months and I am still catching my breath a bit. I imagine it is a bit like cliff diving. Thrilling, exciting and as scary as anything. But that is way anything in life should be.

My other reason for avoiding the phone is that person called today. I had taken the number out of my phone and almost picked it up. That person didn't leave a message. I imagine it was about library materials still checked out as the notices would have gone out last week. But still. I prefer not to think of that person. I wish I could forgive that person. I wish I could pray for goodness for that person. Those were two items left off my wish list. The only thing I can do is pray for strength for me. The strength to forgive...

B says I am the nicest person he has ever met. I don't think so. I wish today I could have spent under the covers and not come out. I feel a bit peopled out right now. I am looking forward to heading home in just a hour and fifteen minutes to the quiet of my apartment. I love you all but go away :)

Good night and to err is human; to forgive divine.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

My Life in Boxes in Major E

Well it appears to be day 15.75 billion of packing. Yes, I know. It is like a month before I move but I want it to be done before then. I want to make sure that everything is packed and it is not a thing done on the day of the move while the movers are already packing up the van. I have decided that I am old enough and make enough that I can spare my family the chore of moving me once again.

And those thoughts (old enough and make enough) are beyond scary. There is a shirt in one catalog that I get that says "Pretending to be a serious and responsible adult". Though one only needs to see my Hello Kitty work bag and they might figure out my gig.

We had our No Food Thanksgiving Party. I know, I know... I had to explain it to my staff at first too. I told them that if they all brought in at least one canned good then I would provide all the food for the party. Well, they are just great! We filled three file sized boxes for the Community Hospice and Second Harvest Food Bank.

Sorry kiddos but it is very late. I still have to get up tomorrow and work out with J even though we both have the day off. Plus it will be day 16.75 billion of packing tomorrow.

Good night and Hello Kitty: )

Thursday, November 16, 2006

10 Questions

So a new look and a new blog posting... how sympatico I am. At one time, I was a good questioner. And I thought who better to try out some new ones on then my bloggers...

No worries... I always ask nothing I won't answer...

1. Name?
(See, an easy one first: Eve Mercy Cowart... I've always like my first name. It is however very hard to find personalized things though. Darn all the Evelyns in the world... they take that spot on most every personalized ____ rack)

2. What was the last song stuck in your head?
(If I had a Million Dollars by Bare Naked Ladies is tied for this with It smells like Thanksgiving... my children's person was getting a storytime ready. It was sung along as the same tune as Frere Jacque)

3. Favorite Bible Story?
(And no, it is so not the genesis garden of eden story... Because of my name, I was always asked where's Adam. I often told people that it didn't work out or that he ended up being a real snake : ) I have really liked the Esther story. She was an ordinary person who ended up saving an entire people.

4. Best gift you have ever given and to whom?
(A fused glass pendant to P... it really fit her personality and she wore it all the time. I love for the heck of it gifts. That one wasn't but I do like those gifts best of all. Though my secret gifts I like best of all... those would be to people who don't ever know who gave it...

5. A perfect night?
(It would be a chilly and rainy night where I am in my apartment with the lights low and a fire in the fireplace, my cats snuggled up with me in a fuzzy blanket, something lovely and soft playing on the radio, B sitting on the other end of the sofa, reading and talking and laughing.

6. Single Secret Behavior?
(Okay this one I got busted on the other day but I look at it as I must really feel completely comfortable around you dear... I talk in French to my one cat Henri. He isn't French. He just has a French name but somehow I will just break into French occassionally around him.

7. Most horrible nightmare?
(It has been a while but when I was on a mission trip, I dreamed that I was walking the streets in Victorian times and I was viciously attacked and the people all around me knew me but did nothing to stop it. It disturbed me so badly that I woke up screaming and crying. It had such a residual affect that I spent the next day just hanging out with one of the chaperons and not my friends.)

8. Newest skill?
(I have recently learned how to crochet. It was mainly due to a program that we have been hosting here at the library called Warm Up America. I have finished one square and am working on my next.)

9. A book that changed you?
(Feed by M.T. Anderson... it is an amazing book. It is a story set in the future and it talks about the lives of these teens who now have implants in their heads. They do everything virtually... go to school, talk, even get high. There are two main characters and the girl gets a virus that basically is killing her and killing the implant. She then wants to experience real life firsthand but the boy is having trouble with that. His whole life is in the virtual. It was one of the books that if I ever go back to school for a doctorate or another master that I will write on. I have a couple of topics in my head saved for that very purpose.)

10. Personal mantra?
(This was another easy one for me. I am afraid. I am afraid of heights. I am afraid of driving the interstate. I am afraid of meeting new people and making an idiot of myself. But my personal mantra is " Never let fear stop you from doing what you truly want." It has helped in so many different situations. I figure it is akin to "seize the day"ish kind of attitude. I don't want to die knowing I never truly lived.

Okay kiddies... time for me to head back to work. I had to do this in two sessions in order to get it all fini.

Good day and what could we accomplish if we could not fail...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

A girl with really deep thoughts...

Running back through my CD collection as I clean and pack. I have had a couple of weirdnesses today.

Yesterday when B and I were in Basket Case, they had a display of cool fact birthday key chains. Mine said people born on December 22 are like organizing, need to feel that their love is secure and that Puccini the Italian composer was born on this date too. Well, okay, as I had no idea who Puccini was. But this morning as I was trying to complete the daunting task of deciding which books to pack, I just happened to flip open one of them. It was a copy of the 1917 Metropolitian Opera production of La Boheme. I have always liked the story but never heard the opera. I believe also that it is the basis for my favorite musical Rent. The music for this opera was by none other than Puccini....I had never realized it before. Okay so strangeness....

My other piece of weirdness was something that came to me just now. I was contemplating this move. I then remember what I had told everyone way back when I moved in here. I like moving but I hate moving so I told everyone this was my last apartment. Next time it was going to be moving into a house. Which just happens to be true... just not exactly how I originally planned it. Too odd... which is my life in a nutshell.

I had a great time with T and her mom in the land of good and evil. We headed out early because the Lady and Sons was where we wanted to eat and we knew it would fill up quick. It is the best Southern cooking I have even eaten. The last time I ate so well was the last time I was there. Just unbelievable. We had plans to stop off in a doll museum that they wanted to go to as well. But it appears that the museum is not longer there. The ride back was just as good as the ride to the land of good and evil...T and her mom are a kick. I spent a little time at their house as well. I am almost certain that that was the first visit I have ever had to another library person's house. T made me nap before leaving. It had been a fairly early leaving time so I didn't fight her too much on that idea.

So Good day and have you had any weirdness lately?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

On the first day of Patricias...

I find myself in a whole other county and city tonight. I have wandered south and west to P's home. I had already decided to take Wednesday off of work. And thus seeing P at the wedding, I really didn't get quality sister to sister time. I figured now would be primo time spent well. She is such a cooly girl. I just love her to beyond and back.

On the second day of Patricia's, I will be heading to the land of good and evil for a day of good eating and fun. We are heading to the Lady and Sons for some of the best Southern food around. I have only eaten there once and it has stuck in my head for all that time.

B and I are getting the house. We'll be moving in in mid-December. It is just a wonderful house and just perfect for us. Plus I get to live with B. : ) He is beyond wonderful. I knew I was due for a good this next time around. I have a pattern. Bad, good, bad, good, bad, good... little did I know that he would end up being the best of all... for me. I wrote to his mom tonight. Just an introductory letter. I have been able to introduce to most of my immediate family but he can't due to distance. I hope she likes the letter. I mainly tried to tell her a little about me and find out a little about her. I plan on being with B for a while and I would like his family to like me.

I am doing a coolish thing with my new Hello Kitty locket. And yes, today I was decked in Hello Kitty from head to toe today : P I have always saved my fortune whenever I have Chinese food. So I have started pulling one at random, reading it, folding it up and tucking it in my locket. Just a little reminder... most of my fortunes have ended up fairly cool. I will never forget when J made those fortune cookies with youth group up in Maryland. LOL She put in things that she wanted to happen to her. If I remember correctly, most had to do with a little known band called Duran Duran : ) Today's fortune was perceived failure is oftentimes success trying to be born in a bigger way.

Good morning and much love from a traveling girl....

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Sad Bunnies

Why do sad bunnies never jump? Because they're not hoppy.. (insert laughtrack). Just another wonderful day here in library land. The joke was courtesy of the Daily Riddle that we have been doing here at the library.

I remember when we did a joke contest at one of my other branches. I commited the cardinal sin of joke telling however. I started laughing at my own joke before I finished it (sorry Uncle Mark... it was the one with the duck and the grapes).

I love to laugh. I was always the one who got the giggles at the dinner table. I just don't know why... something someone said or did struck my with such silliness that I could not help it. Life should never be taken seriously. Sometimes the most serious of times is the time for laughing.

I really must get on the ball with the choir searching. I miss singing. I do it everyday it seems but I miss singing with a group and singing hymns.

I also need to get writing as well. I feel like life is on standby with all of the packing and moving I am getting into in the next month. I need to get into a schedule too. I am a work in progress as always : ) It gets a bit overwhelming with all that I want to do. I just have to keep thinking that in order to eat the elephant it requires one bite at a time.... (really must think of better tasting analogy: )

Good day and bon appetit!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Old and New Halloween

I have always loved dressing up. That was part of why I loved being a children's librarian. It was free rein on the whole dressing up.

I dressed up today. Today, as I sit here in my manager's office, I am a princess. Now most days I am a pretty royal... but there is usually more to the phrase.

I have always heard that they used to dress up to fool the spirits that roamed the earth on All Hlallow's Eve. I think in today's outfit I wouldn't fool any of them. It is a combo of both old and new. I am wearing the new long black braided wig of H, the new circelet of flowers that B. got me, his long tunic, sword belt, pouch and rings. I am also wearing my old sandals, my old velvet dress that the kindergardeners loved and my old fleur-de-le and celtic knot ring.

Old and new is part of so much in our culture. We sang about it in brownies, we work it into our wedding traditions. Old and new...

Okay enough musing for today.. I think we may have found a possible house for renting. Huzzah! We are still going on looking on Saturday though. It will have to be after the wedding. No, peoples, not mine. D's is marrying H on Saturday. And before you start fussing that I should have told you earlier, it wasn't me. I didn't find out until yesterday. So congrats Donald and Helen : ) !!!

Good night and something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue...

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Sign that we live in a weird world

I was driving to work on day. I passed an election bulletin board. As I was stuck at a light I read all the way down to the part that starts This message was approved (yada, yada, yada). It was the last name that got the Charles Bronson for Agriculture Comissioner Campaign.

Wait a sec... isn't that the guy with the really mad face, tiny mustache and all his movies have the word Venegence in them? I then had this mental film of him kicking major butt with only vegetables to fight off the bad guys. Shudder....

Good night and hasta la vista baby carrots (okay wrong guy but you get the idea : )

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I am a voice yet waiting to be heard....

I have missed jacket weather. I have missed a blanket night. I pulled my winterish clothes out this morning in my search to find something to wear. They are winterish as most people up North would consider this a balmy day : ) However will I survive in a different climate?

But that is a consideration for another day. Today was the day I had hoped to clear off my desk of the abundance of clutter that has attached itself to it. No such luck. I think my piles are having piles. Something to work on tomorrow as well.

I did move one thing off of it though. I was (hopefully) able to track down a contact for a book Dad's is looking to webpublish. My family and friends are becoming a great source of reference questions.

I have always loved puzzles. I often imagine my reference questions being puzzles. Something to solve or track down. I have always loved to figure things out. We're having a Murder Mystery at the Library this weekend. I already got my masking tape dead body outline on the floor. I even got real live police line do not cross tape. I really hope everything goes well with it.

I may stop on my way home and grab a firelog. Heaven knows if the new place will have a fireplace... I love a fire on a cold night, wrapped in a blanket and sipping cocoa....aaaaaahhhhhhh... here's to more cold nights.

Good night and don't kiss an elephant today.

Monday, October 23, 2006


Life seems to be settling down just a wee bit here. I just spent the weekend with B. We went to the Professor Plum's Murder Mystery Playhouse for dinner and then Dave & Buster's for lunch the next day. All in all, I had a great weekend. But then weekends with him are always good.

I got mad at him this weekend. But he is getting a crash course in me and I had to explain to him that it isn't always what he thinks is wrong is what is making me mad. It is all a matter of perception. He says something, I interpret it my way and get upset. Upset is not really the right word though. I don't cry and yell or anything like that. I just get quiet and kind of stop talking. But if he asks, I will explain. It is a good thing that we talk about it. It makes the relationship more real I think. More substance. I remember reading once that you are in love with someone because and you love someone although.

He is this amazing wonderful flawed person but that is good because so am I. It is hard to imagine how much my life has changed in the last couple of months. It is still becoming balanced. We won't be seeing each other until Saturday this week. The whole missing seeing him kind of sneaks up on me. I just don't expect it. But then the whole love thing surprises me too. It was not what I was thinking when I agreed to a first date. In truth, I was still fairly afraid of being in love. It was a big risk. But I think of how I feel when he holds me and it makes it worth it.

Good night and smile at the person sitting next to you at the stoplight.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Hunger vs Hungry

I hunger, you hunger, we all hunger. Easy enough to say but it is more complex than that. Every year our library supports a local event called Empty Bowls. And each year I search out statistics to bring home a point about feeding the hungry.

It always awes and horrifies all at the same time. This years' statistic was around the world, every 3.6 seconds someone dies of hunger or hunger related diseases. And it is not just in places that you see in National Geographic. It is here as well. A rich nation but still people go hungry here.

We used to do a day of fasting for World Hunger Day (October 16th) when I was in youth group many moons ago. Now at work, we'll be having a food drive.

Not much but every little bit helps. Which reminds me of one of the things P has talked about doing is getting a tattoo (okay I swear not off subject or out of mind : ). She has wanted to get the phrase "A drop in the ocean". To me, it is a phrase which signifies the strength of the one.

Picture it... The Ocean. Billions upon billions upon billions upon billions... you get the idea... of gallons of water. But it all started with drops, drops of rain, drops of snow melting, just drops. It is beyond amazing the power of just one. I have a quote on my door which reads, "To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.". Just something to think on...

and for $19.95 you can received the official Eve speech on CD or cassette. Call now and get a second copy for just 5 cents more. Operators are standing by. Please no CODS just gold and silver : P

Good day and 1,2,3...

Monday, October 16, 2006

To that person

I believe my sister.
I saw the bruises.
I have been around when
you manipulated her
to get what you wanted.
I know that no one in your
entire life loved you
as much as she did.
I believe her.
I feel sorry for you and
that you have to live
for the rest of your life
with what you did.
It was not her fault.
She is not perfect.
You are not perfect.
I believe my sister.
I know how controlling you can be.
No one deserves to be
emotionally, physically
or any other way abused.
It is not her fault.
You need to get some help.
I do not hate you.
I can not judge you.
But this is not right.
I believe my sister.
When will you take responsibility
for your choices?
I was drunk is no excuse.
See what you made me do
is no excuse.
I believe my sister.
One time is one time too many.
Why did you hurt when
you know what it is like be hurt?

Saturday, October 14, 2006

A Week and a Half later....

My apologies, bloggers. Life got in the way of blogging : P Needless to say, I have been dealing with a lot. Work, love, moving, abuse... that's just a small sample of what has been going on recently. So how am I? A bit overwhelmed but fine otherwise. I have a good support system. It has just been a lot of changes in a short amount of time. Complete one eighty in the last year.

Thus I am still catching me breath. And I know you thought the heavy breathing was an obscene caller : P

Today was a good slow day at work. I was able to clean out my email just a wee bit more. I was having to spent quite a bit of time here at the circulation desk. But it gave me time to answer some good reference questions (What is citizensship was one of them?) and get my stuff together for my internet basics class on Monday.

Tonight B and I am having a horror movie marathon. He has been one of the big changes this year but oh what a great change he is.... : ) I borrowed several DVDs from the library (It's good to be the king.. manager... whatever) and plan to watch to the wee hours of the morning. A little escapism is a good thing. It's just been so stressful recently. One of the things that I have started doing is going to the gym right down the street from work in the mornings. It is the best gym. Plenty of equipment, helpful people and very few people there in the mornings. I have been going 3 days a week with J, one of my staff. I really love it. It is such a great way to start the morning. We would go more but schedules just don't seem to fit more than 3 days.

Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow (hats off to the Weekend Update SNL crew : )

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Can my car count to six?

I got in a little over two and a half hours of beach time in the other day. It was a very needed day. I was having a lot of trouble focusing on work issues and trying desperately not to worry about things the other day. So I slept in, went to breakfast with Dad and J and then ran off to the beach. It wasn't one I had ever visited. I mostly just laid out and read. I was within about a chapter of finishing Taken when the rain came in.

My head seems pretty well put back together. I have also been able to get some resolution with the volunteer situation. She wasn't having a good week either. Her pastor has pancreatic cancer and she have to deal with that news as well. We talked and I am so glad she is back to helping out around here. Please keep her pastor in your prayers and thoughts.

I miss having a church of my own. But I am pretty picky and know what I want in most things... guys, churches, etc. I do want to stick with the Episcopal church. That was one of the best things about being in London is that they all (for the most part) were Church of England churches : )

Short and sweet today.... Good day and remember to hear God laugh all you have to do is make plans : P

Monday, October 02, 2006

Star of the Silent Pictures

I would have made a wonderful actress of the silent pictures. Everything shows on my face. I can not play poker to save my life. Another plus in this role is that I can cry. It is a defense mechanism of mine that I have worked on controlling but not completely. It is a reactionary thing normally. I hate that I can do it so easily.

With everything going on, I was a bit worried about J for most of the day. I knew she was going to pick up her stuff which would be hard enough. But I was also worried about her safety. With all that I have heard from her, I wondered if she would be able to make it safely through the day. I've seen P mentally attack her and also the bruises from when she physically attacked her. But thankfully she got her things and got out of the house safely.

I have decided that I can not judge either of them. I just mainly hate that they are both in such pain. It falls under that whole those without sin casting the first stone in my book. I mainly want to be there for her as much as I can. No one deserves to be deliberately harmed by anyone else. I have been lucky that that hasn't happened in my relationships.

I will be taking tomorrow off. I have decided that a mental health day is in order. It has been a stressful weekend. In order to be there for my friends and family, I need to first be there for me. B. was really wonderful this weekend. Especially considering he was dealing with himself. I thought to myself this morning that because of him, I feel like a completed jigsaw puzzle. Weird analogy but very fitting.

Good night and of course I am special... I have the sticker saying so....

Saturday, September 30, 2006


I am talked out. Discuss amongst yourself. I'll give you a topic. The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, roman nor an empire...

So much going on... not in my life but in those close to me. Some I can talk about openly, some I can't. Needless to say, any thoughts or prayers would be welcome. No one person in particular. Just pray for the ones I love. I'll even make you a deal. You pray for the ones I love, I'll pray for the ones you love. That might end up being one heck of a prayer chain.

My title reminds me of a story called No News. It is best told in tandem and I'll post it here as best I can in honor of the National Storytelling Festival....

This woman is away for six weeks from home and the minute she stops off the train, her good friend is there to meet her. Eager for all the home gossip, she demands to know what has been going on the six weeks she was away. Her friend thinks for a second and tells her that there's been no news. She can hardly believe. Surely something, anything must have happened in her absence. Well, her friend thinks again for a long second and says, Well, your dog did die. My goodness the woman exclaims... how on earth did my dog die. Her friend tells her he just ate some burnt horseflesh and died. Wait a second where did the dog get burnt horseflesh. It was when the barn burnt down. Some horses were inside. Hold on... my barn burnt down. How did my barn burn down? It was a spark from the house. My house, my house burnt down to... how did my house burn down. Oh, yeah, well it was from all the candles. Candles? I don't keep any candles. Someone must have brought them in then. To go around the coffin. What! A coffin! Who died. Your mother-in-law. Oh, gee that's too bad. How did she die? Well, some say that it was the shock from when your husband ran away with the preacher's wife but other than that... there's been no news...

Oh so funny! Good day and pray hard.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Learning about Good Intentions

I have only been doing the manager thing for a little over a year and I still find myself learning new things daily. Today's lesson was all about good intentions. A day or so ago, I had took it upon myself to speak with one of our volunteers. My understanding was that she was looking for someone else to take on the crocheting group that she has been heading. She has been doing a great job of it but it has been over a year since she took it on and I could understand wanting a break. I let her know that the staff would be sitting in so that she could take a break if she wanted to.

I learned today that I was completely and utterly wrong. I had hurt the feelings of this wonderful person who I was really trying to help. I thought that if I offered a break, maybe she wouldn't want to stop. Well, I did a horrible job of it and now because she sees it as me taking away her group she does want to stop.

I feel just wretched about it. That was so not my intention. I was thinking that I was doing something good only to find out it was just plain bad what I did.

Well, I've sent her an apology letter. I considered a phone call but was afraid I might end up making it worse. I am hoping and praying that she understands.

Good day and I know that you know that I know, you know? Good communication is dog reading comics : )

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Love(bugs) is in the Air

It is finally here. The time that everyone waits for with bated breath... lovebug season. I know, I know. It was just last year about this time and yes, it is back again. Just in case you don't know what a love bug is...

They have inandated the library and surrounding areas. They are all over the front of my car and all over the library. I have never quite understood the whole stuck on you philosophy that they exhibit. I've told B that "How can you miss me or vice versa if you are never gone?"... plus it makes the getting to see him again that much better.

Pretty soon I will get to see him all the time. I have already spoken with my landlord and started researching rental options. D. thinks I should wait until after we have had our first fight. But knowing me as I do, that could be ages. I don't really fight with anyone. B. doesn't seem to be the fighting type either. We seem like the honest discussion type people. Regardless I am still going to be moving in with him in December. I'm a bit nervous about it as it has been a long time since I've lived with anyone. But we've really been talking about it pretty throughly and making sure any issues are taken care of beforehand.

More for another to get back to work.

Good day and love will find a way...

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Number 130

Happy 130th to me! I just noticed when logging on that I had at that point 129 posts. Thus making today's 130. It is hard to imagine that I have been posting that much.

So as far as the trip is concerned, in all our wanderings, somehow we didn't pick up a disposal camera... so I had to scour the web for somethings close. I do have the pictures from Medieval Times and I will try and get over to Dad's at some point to scan them in.

This was the Royal Pacific Resort and that is where we stayed for the trip. It was a gorgeous hotel. The weather was a slight bit cloudy than pictured here but overall the rains held off for the most part until we were back at the hotel. We had wonderful timing that weekend. Overall I would have to rate it as my best weekend in Orlando. We left here around 6ish on Friday. I, of course, in true vacation spirit, left all my packing to be done after I got off work on Friday. But I did remember most everything. LOL with the exception of B's Friday night gift.

I am a big believer in giving. I love to see the expression on someone's face when they open a gift. Thus I went a tad overboard on the whole B's birthday (it was Sept 13th : ). My plan was to give him a gift on every day from that Friday we left on vacation until that Wednesday. And so I did... though Tuesday was a bit planned but not done exactly. Friday he got an Irish Pub Songs CD, Saturday it was chocolate covered strawberries, Sunday was the trip to Medieval Times, Monday was a love letter. Tuesday he got the day with me. Not my original plan... that was to go to lunch with him at work or to send flowers to his mom...but good gift none the less. And then Wednesday was trip to MOSH (Museum of Science and History), lunch out, Taboo, and dinner out at Outback Steakhouse.

Based on the reaction, I think he loved them all but the Medieval Times seemed to be the thing he liked best. So we did Universal on Saturday and then Islands of Adventure on Sunday. I think we rode almost everything in Universal but not in Islands. I am a completely not a roller coaster girl. LOL And if anyone asked The Revenge of the Mummy is so a roller coaster. We were able to use our hotel keys as express passes and he wanted to go on Revenge of the Mummy. I asked him several times if it was a roller coaster but he thought it wasn't. When we got the front of the line, in big letter on one of the screens, it pronounced that it was a high speed roller coaster. But I didn't run out. I merely got and saw maybe two seconds of the whole ride and screamed really loudly and often. He received several evil looks after the ride was over. LOL When he asked me what I thought of the all the special effects, I could only answer truthfully, " What special effects?". LOL

So today has been pretty quiet thus far. We are down a couple of people. Keep my LA in your prayers today. Her husband is undergoing a procedure today and I think it is more the results that she is worried about than the actual procedure. And while you are at it, J is going in for surgery for her arm on the 3rd of October and Grandmother apparently just got out of the hospital. I am not sure for what.

As for me, I am doing good. Cold is still hanging in there but it is on the fringes at least. Henri my middle kitten is driving me batty. He gets sick and then is fine for a day and then gets sick again. I am thinking I may have to switch out foods or something. He isn't sick according to the last visit to my vet but I am not sure what is making him vomit. He has done this before and it cleared up before. B survived the trip with me and is still quite wonderful. Sorry my mind goes off on a tangent when I think of him. I just love and he is so the perfect guy for me.

Okay wiping silly grin off my face and finishing this.

Good day and peace be with you.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Head of Fuzz

Hello all! Oh but I have missed my blogging world. Half the vacation was wonderful and the other half not so wonderful. At least it was the second half that was the not so wonderful part.
The whole Orlando experience was just beyond great. B was just the most wonderful person to be there with : ) We just had a blast. I will fill in with details tomorrow when I have more time.

Today was all about playing catchup. I was out yesterday (part of the not so wonderful) still getting over this horrible horrible cold/flu/black plague thing. I really want to go home and be buried under covers but I felt back enough yesterday about leaving my staff here with no manager. I am actually feeling better though I still sound quite wretched.

My car has also decided to be evil as well. The battery completely died this morning... it was enough to make me wish for another vacay : P The first part of the week was just sublime. And even with the worst part of the week, it wasn't all bad. B. was extremely sweet and kept me in popsicles and pizza rolls : ) He did a great job of keeping me cheered up during my bothersome bit of being sick.

Good night and I missed you all : )

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Good, the Bad and the Wet

Well, kiddos, this certainly has not felt like the Sunshine State in the last couple of days. There was a momentual downpour yesterday as I left work yesterday. But it was not that bad once I got to my side of town. I had dinner with T. yesterday and got caught up with her. We are thinking of making Wednesday the day for dinner and hanging out. She has yet to meet B. but very much wants to. I love having friends who are so very happy for me and she is one of those : ) She is an absolutely lovely person all around and I always have fun with her.

Afterwards I headed out to Wallyworld to do some trip shopping. I was in the toy department contemplating when this girl (early twenties) approached me. She was hunting a toy boat. After hunting aisle after aisle with her, we (myself, the girl and the very non-helping shopguy) had finally found a police boat in the matchbox cars. I then suggested that she check the pool toys aisle. The story was that she was sending them to her boyfriend. He wasn't sure if he wanted to go into the AirForce or Navy so she was going to send the toys and a note saying she didn't care what he did but that she would be there for him regardless. I could understand where she was coming from since the only reason I was in the toy department was hunting a birthday gift for B. LOL The things you do for the guy you love...

But the adventure doesn't end there. After a mad dash through some major rain (it had let up a little when I had headed over to WW originally), it began to really, whole heartedly come down. I made it through several large lakes when I made the turn onto my street and was just leaving the puddle when the car died. It's late, it's raining and I am just seven blocks from home. Ugh! I promptly called J and P as they are knowledgeable car peoples. The nice neighborly guy whose house I stopped in front of stopped to make sure I was okay and then the police. A tiny eek... as I have yet to have any dealings with them. The neighbor guy and police pushed my car to a side street and thus began the wait. I contacted J&P back and they were on their way to rescue me. I then spend my time on the phone with B as he kept me company. He was very sweet and wanted to know what he could do to help. But he did that as he kept my mind off my car. But J&P quickly showed up and set about to getting me home. After much drying of the engine and checking of wires and etc, I finally made it back home in my own car.

Thankfully it appears that the crisis didn't leave aftereffects on the car as I made it to work this morning. I was a bit worried as I am so far from home at work. It is a good 45 minute drive one way. But all ended well. Tonight I am just heading to J&Ps for laundry, dinner and sleepover. YAY! And so will end my day... onto tomorrow and the start of VACATION!

I will try and post tomorrow. But past that, I will be off until the 18th.

Good night and happy, happy, joy, joy!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A Big Thanks...

to my whole family for being your own sweet wacky and interesting selves and to B (formerly MH... yes same guy different inital..this is not a two rabbits situation) for not heading for the hills after meeting them : )

No, a good time was had by all at the shindig at Mom and Dad's house this weekend. It was wild and quirky as always. He got to meet the family (minus P who was on a much needed vacay) and some of the family friends (kind of a secondary family for me). I think he fit in pretty well. He did seem a bit nervous when it was just Mom, Dad and I left. But I liked Dad's question of "What is important to you?" I must get my good questioning skills from him. But B's answer of " Well, Eve..." was just perfect : P

Overall this was one of my top weekends of all time. I spent the rest of it with B. We mainly hung out at the apartment. This was definitely not one of those safe to drive weekends. We played several games of SkipBo which is really fun ( and no, J, I did NOT sing the song nor made him sing the song).

I thought today would be harder to get into with work but it hasn't been that bad. I've gotten quite a bit done. I still need to finish next week and the week after's schedule though. Hopefully my week will just fly past... bring on the vacation! All right, dinner's almost over so I best go now. One day down. Only three more to go.

Good day and hope you had a lovely one too.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Major Yawn

If I am not my vivacious self today, blame it on my late night. Late but good... it was date # I have lost count...the always wonderful MH took me out to dinner and then back to the apartment to watch movies. Yes, we had planned to go to the movies but thought to make an early night of it: ) by watching a movie at my house. Since he then left at 2 in the morning, our plans obviously went a bit awry: P

Tonight does not sound to be any earlier. P is stopping in for an overnight on her way onto her vacation spot(s) but won't be arriving at my place until 2ish herself. She is going to miss the Labor Day party. Maybe we can stop by at her place on the way back from our vacay.

Which is taking its sweet time in getting here. But I have schedules to finish and schemes to arrange so maybe it is an okay thing. I need to call the place for Sunday and make sure everything is set and I need to go by PB's to get something for Saturday. I already have the Friday thing. I am still working on the Monday thing but it is a bit easier now.

I should have napped. Must pencil one in today : P

Good day and sweet dreams...

Major Yawn

If I am not my vivacious self today, blame it on my late night. Late but good... it was date # I have lost count...the always wonderful MH took me out to dinner and then back to the apartment to watch movies. Yes, we had planned to go to the movies but thought to make an early night of it: ) by watching a movie at my house. Since he then left at 2 in the morning, our plans obviously went a bit awry: P

Tonight does not sound to be any earlier. P is stopping in for an overnight on her way onto her vacation spot(s) but won't be arriving at my place until 2ish herself. She is going to miss the Labor Day party. Maybe we can stop by at her place on the way back from our vacay.

Which is taking its sweet time in getting here. But I have schedules to finish and schemes to arrange so maybe it is an okay thing. I need to call the place for Sunday and make sure everything is set and I need to go by PB's to get something for Saturday. I already have the Friday thing. I am still working on the Monday thing but it is a bit easier now.

I should have napped. Must pencil one in today : P

Good day and sweet dreams...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Short and Sweet

My internet manna appears to have dried up at home. It was a good run while it lasted though. I have yet to decide what to do about it.

I am throwing a salad party for my staff to celebrate highest holds percentage and highest circulation for a neighborhood in July. I get the stats after the month is already passed : ) It is hard coming up with a theme for these parties. Yes, librarians are party animals. We usually have a party every month for this or that : P And they decided on the salad party idea. It seems everyone is pretty much on a diet. But no worries... I baked them a Danish Puff with Vanilla Walnut glaze to conteract all the healthy stuff.

I had forgotten how much I enjoy baking. Though I need more supplies. I am so used to not cooking that I have to wash the dishes in between cooking to make sure I have enough pots/pans/etc.

I get to see MH tomorrow : ) And no don't worry... everything is going really good. We had two more lovely dates this weekend. He wasn't feeling well so we kept it pretty low key. Lots of snuggling on the couch. But he didn't want to share his cold so he was hestitant to kiss me. He really is just the best guy for me. I was so not trying to be all MHish... all gushy and mushy and stuff but how do I not when he is just very really wonderful. Okay, okay, I'll rein it in... : P

Good night and Bake On!

Monday, August 28, 2006


I have been buried in the piles of evaluations due by end of this month. {Okay breaking news, for those of you who can get a copy of this month's Library Journal, I am on page 50}

It got me thinking about ratings and reviews. I don't mind doing my self evaluation. I can be honest about what areas I need to work on or those that I excel at. Overall I am a pretty good boss. I still need to work on my responsiveness to things and consistency. I am not perfect in anything. But I don't think I ever want to be considered perfect. I prefer in the process of becoming a masterpiece. I am not even perfect in being me. Not perfect just Eve.

I feel pretty quiet tonight. I think it was the long conversation with myself in the car morning that triggered this. Occassionally I feel like a fragile piece of glass that would shatter into a thousand pieces were a loud noise to happen. Maybe fragile is the better word. After reading through some of my old journals this weekend, I got very upset with someone in them. Part of what I got upset about was because of how it changed me. I just hadn't realized how much until recently.

Good night and shhh.....

Thursday, August 24, 2006

She lost my chicken

And yes, it has been that kind of day.

I decided to get lunch out. Normally I am very bad about taking my lunch. I usually wait until the end of the day. But today I braved the closest highway and headed out. It never fails... driving with me is always an adventure. The drivethru that I stopped at (I am not naming any names... just that it starts with a B and a K : ) was obviously having my kind of day. The girl handed me my Icee and salad. But she couldn't find the bag 0'chicken that was supposed to go with my salad and then she got another one but I still didn't have a straw : ) I totally understand those days so I didn't fuss.

J and P got to meet MH last night. They both had good things to say about each other once out of earshot : P I was a wee bit concerned about it but it turned out to be a really great evening. I missed getting to hang out with him one on one though. Saturday just needs to come along faster.

I was supposed to edit my last post. There was a freudian slip that was supposed to be that I fell in the zoo. Plus it's meerkats and not meekrats : ) Obviously my brain was still on my slip. I think that I will just leave the post alone. Maybe there is such a thing as a meekrat... and my slip not a slip but a fall : P

Good day and maybe the sky wasn't falling but the chicken was?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


I think my headache is finally going away. I had come home a bit early today as I had spent most of today fighting off this lowgrade headache. It is usually pretty easy to tell when I don't feel good. I just don't act like my normal happy self. I feel like I scowled the entire day.

I think it throws off my staff too on days like today. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

The weekend was great. We did low key on Saturday and then onto the Zoo on Sunday. I had forgotten what fun it is to go there and how enormous the place has gotten. It does help to go with a person you have fun with.

I remember the time P and I were running and I tripped and fell in the love. These two nice Spanish ladies came running up to check on us and we went to the zoo office. The staff were teasing us as we waited for our parents to pick us up by saying "Fresh meat for the tigers tonight. Fresh meat for the big cats"... Whenever I go to the zoo, I always have to visit the red kangeroo CJ. There were nine (I think) other kangeroos but they all got sick and died. CJ got sick too and lost part of his arm. I think he ranks as one of my favorite animals. I also like watching the otters and meekrats. But this time the otters were no where to be found and the meekrats have moved. But overall a good visit.

T and I are going to MOSH this Sunday. Oh but the class idea is tabled for now. Schedules still need to be worked out. With the way I have become more social I will have to start pencilling people in.

Good day and what would you do if you ran the zoo?

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Shhhh.... I am doing my very best to not let anyone know I am here. But failing at it miserably. I spent my lunch talking to people. So thus far I am having breakfast with Dad tomorrow, going over to J and P's tomorrow, reminding N to sign up for the stained glass class tonight and possible dinner plans with her tomorrow, and caught up with P.

Maybe I can be incognito tonight. Just a quiet night with myself and the cats. Hopefully they make it through the day okay. I had to shut them up in the bedroom as my landlord was coming over today to work on the bathroom sink. The cold has been leaking.

All I want to do currently is curl under covers and nap. Perhaps snuggle... :) But I still have to go and pay for the class before I can head home. Tonight will be a mostly turn off the phone, lock the door, leave the laptop off (mostly) and just chill night though.

I should invite N and T to the party too on the 3rd. Oh btw party on the 3rd at Mom and Dad's... I'm still working on calling people. It will be potluck and going on around 12. I told MH it will be the meet my family party... they need to meet him so should I go missing, they can pick him out in the lineup : P LOL We had a lovely time last night. But P. told me I am becoming too MH crazy so I decided to keep the gushing to a minimum. Oh so wonderful.... okay I'm done : P

Good day and don't kiss an elephant today ** It was my fortune the other night... utterly weird**

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Thy Answer of the Wilted Rose

Thy hand trickles down my cheek
like a broken hearted tear.
My hearts flutters in my chest
longing to be let free, longing to fly.
It has been so long shackled
locked in a prison of my own making.
Dare I let it stand
blinking in the dawn of a new day?
I catch thine eyes of the ocean's calmness
as a laugh spills from my rosy lips,
bubbling forth like a pressure kept,
underground and treasure-laden spring.
The answer to the question lies upon
those same two petals from whence my laugh arose.
To be given with a kiss.
And thus a kiss give I.
As my heart doth soar as one unbound,
As my answer echoes yes.

**Just something I've been fiddling around with one rather lazy Friday. I've been retyping a bunch of the old stuff but this was a new work.**

Monday, August 14, 2006

He Left the Fritos

Thus ends my best set of days. I have just spend about a total of 21 hours with MH this weekend. We started with lunch and a movie yesterday. We had originally planned to go see The Night Listener but we got out of the TGIFs too late. So we ended up going to see Barnyard. It was good. Then onto Professor Plum's Mystery Playhouse where we obviously made a great team and were the only one to solve the mystery. Then back to my apartment to watch Saturday Night Live and other late night shows.

He left pretty late(or very early depending on how you look at it) and so it was late afternoon Sunday when we got together again. LOL Which actually struck me as funny because I had actually spent all night dreaming about him. LOL I didn't count it in the 21. We had already decided to have a low key afternoon of movies. He brought over a bagful and we watched Mystery Men, Little Nicky and Snatch. They were all very good. I hadn't seen any of them. I felt worse for the pawn people in Snatch. A trunk full of bodies but they never killed anyone...

I really enjoyed all the time I spent with MH this weekend. We never ran out of things to talk about. Plus he is amazingly funny and sweet. He has picked up on the fact that I love to be hugged and would hug me at random times during the night. He is looking into getting a long weekend so that we can spend it together in Universal : )

Oh and a funny thing happened Friday while unpacking delivery. We get delivery on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the library. It is usually a mixture of our books coming back to us or reserves that people have placed. But this time there was one envelope marked for me. I opened it only to find a smaller envelope in it and then opened that for a smaller envelope. Inside the smallest envelope was a ring. But there was no note or explanation. I figured it out quite quickly though. My friend T had complimented me on my pendant last weekend at the party. It is a tiger's eye. She had also mentioned that she had a ring of that same stone. She apparently had decided to send it via delivery : )

Before my explanation, one of my staff exclaimed that it must be an engagement ring. LMAO Okay, she is majorly jumping the gun. Poor guy... only five dates and already she's got me married off. When I explained the story to MH, he joked that so I could be bought off with cheap jewelry. Don't worry. He was teasing me and I did bop him once or possibly twice. He used to it though. I seem to do it at least once everytime we get together. I think it ties back into the whole smacking the kid you like in elementary : )

LOL Which reminds me. LOL I punched a guy I liked in sixth grade in the mouth. He had come up to me with his friends surrounding him and asked me to kiss him. Well, I think my brain must of misfired and I ended up punching him in the kisser. LMAO It didn't hurt him. I think it mainly just surprised him. Poor guy. I couldn't believe that I did that. And I wonder why I didn't have a real date til 16 : )

Good night and when they say love hurts, they aren't just whistling Dixie : P

Friday, August 11, 2006

On the Road to Recovery (Hopefully)

Feeling almost all the way better today : ) So on with the planning of the vacay... It does suck having to cancel, Christelli, but the eternally optimistic me can find a silver lining in this cloud. I have been talking it over with MH and we are talking about doing a mini vacation together and then I was thinking of taking the rest of my days and heading out on my own. After dinner with my friend N. last night (which I stubbornly went to, sick or no sick), we looked at all of her pics from Orlando trips and it got me thinking. It has been ages since I went down there. I do not want to do Disney because I have been there so many times before but Epcot or Universal or MGM might be fun to do again. I have only been to those guys only once.

So it is definitely a maybe there. Throw in the fact that it would be with MH and it is looking more and more of a yes. Wow... talk about big step (at least in my eyes)... there is so much to discuss and get settled. Part of me feels like I'm at the highest peak of the roller coaster just before the plunge. Scared out of my mind yet thrilled and excited. I mean you have to cover some serious issues such as same room, money, what you plan to do while there, etc. But it's not just vacay that got me feeling that way. I have this insane desire to see him right now. At 2:30 PM on a Friday...

Dinner with N. was great last night (being sick aside). She has a very cool family and I really enjoy hanging out with her. She is a lot of fun and we are thinking of taking stained glass classes together. I tried to get her to commit to a belly dancing class but no such luck... but she did agree to a dance class for the next term: )

Okay work calls...

Good day and ta-ta for now!

Thursday, August 10, 2006


Why does my body decide to rebel on one of the few full days I will be at work? Only fifteen more minutes to freedom... Oh and Switzerland is off... again : P I am going to have to come up with a vacay spot. H. had responsibilites so D. is heading off to the conference by himself. I could still go but I really wanted someone to pal around with during the day and he will be conferencing... I still have the time off and I want a vacation. Any suggestions, dears? But the only way to get over that blah is to plan the next European vacation... can we say September 2007? So be there or be sitting at home in underwear : )

Good day and quell the rebellion : P

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Long Drive Here

I have one of my single longest drive to and from work each day. It is probably about 40 minutes at least one way. So what do I do on my long drive? I tend to do a lot of thinking, talking, praying and singing. For a time, I was also learning French in my car. I do need to get back to that I think.

This morning's drive was especially thought-filled for some reason. In that short span of 40 minutes, I had wondered about culture, art, civilization, becoming a man or woman, law, and what to bake for my next neighborhood meeting. I ponder quite a bit (insert bit of "The Wanderer" but change to ponderer for comic relief : ) At first I started out with becoming a man or woman and culture. I pondered exactly how culture and civilization came about. I pondered what it takes to change a culture. I pondered how art is defined. I pondered on exactly how laws come to be and how intertwined they are with the culture that you live in. And then at last I decided that my pondering was just a wee bit too much for the morning and finished it off with the baking ponder.

No, I hadn't just come off a PBS bender. It was all things that just came to me this morning. Occassionally I can trace a thought pattern backwards and figure out how it all started. But not today's...

My weekend was great! I had to work all Saturday and was monumentally busy. It did make the day go by quite fast. Sunday was wonderful. I love hanging out with my family. They are just so wonderfully wonderful and weird. I love how much we laugh together. Families should do that more.

I went into work slightly crabby on Monday. The only thing I could figure as to why and once I said it, it was unfortunately true. I think I missed seeing MH over the weekend. He didn't attend the family thing on Sunday because I didn't relay to him that he was invited in time plus we already had P's guy coming. We're trying to stagger the number of guys brought home to meet the fam. But then I get to see him Saturday so I am hurrying the week along.

Tuesday was slammed with meetings. I was barely actually at my branch for maybe 2 hours out of a workday. But I am hopeful about the focus group meeting we had the other day. I see such potential for libraries. It would be cool to apply the credo of "What could we achieve if we could not fail" to the library world. But I am an odd optimist. Odd because I am and because I see such potential and I believe utopia is possible.

Good day and la vie est bonne!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Busy as a Bee

I'm finally getting to enjoy some quietness today. Today was all about busy. We have lost one employee to a transfer and the other was out for a family thing. Thus it was just me and one other person. It was a quick day though which is always a good thing. I spent pretty much the whole day on desk. It 's not so bad though. It just means dealing with people all day too.

I have been going over my poems and journals from the last couple of years. They have proven to be pretty interesting. I've kept some form of journal since about the eighth grade and my thoughts are as always serious and silly and very amusing. One of the things I found was my journal entry the day after the 9/11 attacks. A lot of it was just writing it down for rememberance. Though not the kind of day that one just forgets. I will never fully comprehend the kind of mindset or hate that one needs to commit acts of violence. Violence only begats more violence. And if so, where does one draw the line? How do you even begin to stop?

One of the other things I found in these writings were a number of story ideas. I had completely forgotten about them. Only one of them has been fully developed into a children's book though. Most of them were starts of chapters and character sketches. One of my favorites was the short story that was to be about a niceness contest done at a high school. It was going to be written in journal format and from the point of view of one of the contestants and all the mean things she did to win.

I took my kitten to the vet yesterday. Henri appears to be doing a lot better. No more getting sick today. Evil cat just had to appear all healthy when we were in the vet. It is all part of his maniacal plan to make me appear insane. But I am glad he is doing better. He was not a happy cat on the way there or back. He yowled and he is normally not a vocal cat. But he is home and on his way to being healthy. I will just have to put up with the battle scars from trying to give him his meds. I did better today as I used the towel to wrap him in.

Date number four was good as all of them have been. We went to see Pirates of the Carribean 2 and then to a late dinner at Steak and Shake. S & S was out of ketchup and shakes which made for humourous discussions of why it was out. The best one we came up with was the disgruntled employee. You can not have steak without ketchup and shakes.... well, without shakes : ) Way to bring down the business, you rebel you : P It was late going home so I tended as usual to get a little silly.

All right, lovelies. It is getting late and I should hit the hay as I have partying to do tomorrow : )

Good night and when in doubt, pet a cat.

PS. M, it is incredibly good to hear from you in a manner of speaking. Expect a holler this week...I have so much to tell you and so very much to hear from you. Love you beyond much!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Shade of Cotton Candy

There's not much business today. I think everyone is out eeking the last bit of summer out of their summer. But our stats for the month were fabulous... over 3,000 people came in our doors just for this month. Major coolness. With the slow day comes the ability (normally) to get a ton of stuff done. I have been mainly working on stats and schedules. But for some reason I keep getting distracted... which will be explained shortly. Overall it has been a busy week. I had to do interviews on Monday. We're promoting one of our parttime people to full time. I think she is going to do just brillantly with the change.

So we are planning this very typical throw together get together at my parents' house this Sunday. It should be very cool as P and hopefully T will be there. P is thinking of bringing her guy and I need to talk to MH about it. I want it to be out there as an offer and not a requirement. Especially as this is not something he can recipocrate with as his family is over a 1,000 miles away. I usually have gotten along with my guy's parents in the past though.

My distraction stems from the large vase of a dozen long stemmed blush pink roses which are sitting in my office. I keep staring at them as if I expect that one second I'll look away and they'll be gone. He was late on Saturday so I requested flowers. But LOL I was thinking 3/10.00 Publix flowers next time he saw me... not these beautiful filling my office with rose scent flowers. I'm still a bit speechless about them. They are very much like him... unexpected. My whole plan was to not like him too much too fast and he is making increasingly difficult.

Good day and I blushed more than the roses.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It's either the guy or the pizza...

It is wicked early Wednesday morning (a little after one am) and I can't get to sleep. The minute I get quiet and settled at any point during these last couple of days, I begin to think about what I have thought about for the last couple of days.

I can not decide if this sleeplessness is a result of these thoughts or the fact that I accidentally ordered two pizzas. They were good but I have the strong suspicion that if I actually were to finish the pizzas I would never again be able to look a pizza pie in the crust ever again.

Okay so the thoughts are four in nature. Two are for future reference for MH and the other two are current reference. I was planning on sitting him down on Wednesday and sharing with him all four. But if I write about it now, he'll just have advance notice. Oh well... The first was to tell him how much our third date talk meant to me. My dating self confidence took a swan dive with my last serious relationship. For the last several weeks of it, I could tell something was wrong but had no idea if what I did hindered or helped the situation. That has really made me question myself in the area of dating. But it really relieved me when we talked. That was the main jist of the first current reference. Throw some stuff in about how wonderfully wonderful he is and you got me talking first point.

The second point was to find out whether or not he would be willing to see me twice in one week. We had made plans to get together for a low key something on either Wednesday or Thursday. I am supposed to call him and let him know what day. I am currently leaning towards Wednesday since that will mean getting to see him tomorrow but if I go with Thursday, the work pressure is off of me at least since I am off Friday. So me and my brillance came up with " What about Wednesday and Thursday?". But me and my dating self confidence were a bit concerned on how he would take that suggestion.

LOL I was talking to someone today about baggage. Some of us have carry ons and others have full six piece matching sets : ) Ugh... it is really carry on....

So from my wondering head to yours...or from my wondering head to God's... Worry about nothing. Pray about everything.

I had a wonderful lunch with two of the other branch managers. They are just hysterically funny. I am glad that they were in my training. Yes, by the way, I now am going to add online reference to my vast knowledge bank of skills. Oh and I am about to be publish in Library Journal. Nothing fancy... just a case study that I responded to. But it is a national magazine for librarians : )

First LJ then the world (manicial laughter inserted here)...LOL

Goodnight and just you wait.... I'll get you my pretty, you and your little blog too...(wicked cackle inserted)

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Supporting the Arts

Thus far yesterday was spent in support of the arts. After a lovely morning of sleeping in, I decided to spend some quality time with myself. I'm great and myself wanted to take me out to lunch and then to the museum. So off to lunch and to the museum of Modern Art. There were just incredible pieces there. I am not a huge fan of Modern Art but I love how it is not clear cut as to what the picture represents. I especially the surrealists. Plus the museum had a play area up on the top floor and I am all about playing.

Today was all about fun today. MH and I went to dinner and then to comedy club. I had never heard about the comedy club we went to but it turned out to be quite nice. At one point I was laughing so hard that my cheeks hurt. Afterwards we headed back to my apartment and talked a bit. I really like hanging out with him. He is just really incredible and wonderful... I have yet to have a bad time with him. I feel special with him. Even more so after our talk.

After he left, P and I finally got a chance to talk... she has also been doing well in the dating department. The rest of my evening/early morning was not doing so well though. Henri ran all over the apartment getting sick. My poor kitty. I finally shut him and me up in the living room so at least I only had one room to clean up. I also turned on the AC hoping maybe he was just overheated. He has since settled down somewhat and no more getting sick. I may have to leave everyone in here.

Good day and : )

Friday, July 28, 2006

Chica Chica Boom Boom

The first line from this has been rolling around in this head of mine. It is a wonder all the things that are in there. Last night was just great. I got to hang out with T. who is this great person who works at the library. We talked and laughed and ate pizza. Really really good pizza and really really good laughs. I am hoping to remember to call Mr. Magnificent and N. tonight at some point. I am going to try some nicknames instead of all the initials. Mr. Magnificent was the librarian at MH and one of the funniest guys I know and N. is the nurse in my eye doctor's place. T. is staying T until I can come up with something....

So I left a message with Mr. H. It's not that I don't really like the lawyer but I want to keep my options open. What if (insert horrific gasp here) he ends up not liking me? I either have to end up going out with Mr. H. or the seemingly weird guy at work. The seemingly guy is just that... he seems to be just a smig too odd for me. As I told T. last night, you see a porcipine and you know not to pick it up... some guys are like that.

I also almost ran away today. You know me... it is a spur of the moment thing. Well, while IMing CB today, he mentioned wanting to quit his job and go home and play on his XBox. I've never played on an XBox so I asked if I could come over and play too. The next thing I know I am investigating tickets to Colorado. Yes, crazy me... but it would only be for a long weekend. Plus I have never been there. Had I not had plans for this weekend, it would be have been mightly tempting. Oh but while I was checking out tickets, I also took a look at Boston. Why Boston? My best friend lives there or just around there. I could go see her and her husband. How very coolness would that be!

I'm just ready for a little getting out of here for a little bit. But my weekends have been pretty full. I'm planning on going to Library Night next Sunday and I have to work Saturday. But the week after that.... who knows : ) I just like seeing and doing new things. Life is about living : P

Good night and no matter where I end up, there the heck I am : P

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Our love is her bitter need

I love those magnetic poetry pieces. I have them at work on my files and at home on my fridge. The title is one I made the other day. The regular poetry I haven't written in a while. I do have a stack of it set aside to bring into work. One of the girls was working on a story and asked to see what I had done.

I spent last night over at J and P's house. I like going there as it is like a hotel with dogs. It gives me a break from the norm and I have fun with them. Tonight I have plans with T. which is super cool as I haven't really hung out with her since the last committee meeting. I did add calling M. (not lawyer M.) and N. to get back in touch with them. As well as email M. (not lawyer M. again... I should call him M.H. to make it a bit more clear...) to find out how the big city in the south is going for him. I like doing to do lists. I am just a list kind of girl apparently. I find that if I don't write it down, there is a pretty good chance I won't do it.

I am also tossing around the idea of call Mr. H. It would be a semi weird call since I am not sure if the number was given to me really to call him or to call him and ask about the group he belongs to. But since I am interested in the group (him I am not so sure of since we only talked a little that day) , I will call him later tonight. It's odd. I feel like I am having to refind my balance. I've been so focused on career. And now there's friends and family and dating to figure in. It's a good way to grow.

It feels like a life brimming with possibilites. I love that feeling.

Good day and all life is yours to miss.

Monday, July 24, 2006

My special talents

During the date (okay biggest grin of my life on my face: ), we got to talking about special talents. At first, I only gave myself the worst poker face person. But after much thinking on it later, I discovered I had a slew of special talents. Which happens to tie into another conversation I had today with EFB about worth. Why is it easier to believe the bad? I was attempting to tell my friend just how good he truly is but I didn't seem to be getting anywhere with that. On the same vein, I blush like crazy whenever M. gives me a compliment. There were several yesterday. Which I haven't been thinking of all day... nope, not in the least (see, told I can't lie...see special talents to know what I am talking about)

So special talents... I have two magic tricks I am good at. One I learned from Dad, the other from a math professor at JU. I can rip a paper straw into little bits and put it back together again. I can also rub a coin into my skin. I can pirouette fairly well. I rarely loose my temper and if I do I usually stamp off instead of hurting the other person. Think of how many wars would be better if we stamped off to cool down instead of hurting other people. I am a good thinker. Rodin's guy had nothing on me. I can type fast. I can curl my tongue. I am a good tease, not the hurtful kind but the playful kind. I am quiet. It ties in quite well with the whole thinking thing. I am a good listener. I am a great dancer especially in the wee hours of the morning. I am honest. I can't lie to save my life. I can face paint. I even impressed the clowns at the branch birthday party. I breathe really well. All those years of practicing haven't been in vain. All these special talents... true, others can do them. But no one does it just like me.

I bet you all have special talents too. You never know when a special talent might come in handy.

Good night and practice, practice, practice... (and EFB, all the money in the world couldn't add up to what you are worth. Believe me)

Sunday, July 23, 2006

With a Face to Match my Shirt

This outfit was definitely more me than the last time. Very cute and very comfortable was definitely a neccessity for the day. Second date done. We headed out to one of the museum in town. I had a lovely time just showing M around the gardens and museum. We just talked and laughed the entire time. Afterwards, it started to really come down just after we got to the car. Somehow we seem to always be heading to the car on a Sunday just in time before the rains come. We were going to go catch a movie. But I had spent most of the night and part of the morning cleaning my apartment and suggested we go to my apartment to watch movies. My cats all seemed to like him which is a good thing. We watched two movies and then since we were both hungry headed out to grab a quick bite.

He seemed a bit nervous though this time. As we were watching and talking during the movie, just based on body language, it seemed like he wanted to kiss me. So I did something a bit unusual for me. I kissed him. It was good. I think it surprised him just a bit. Heck, it surprised me a bit too. I'm not normally that forward. I had even thought about asking him if he wanted to kiss me. It's interesting to me that that is the one thing I wonder if I will forget how to do. We're making plans to get together next weekend.

As far as the rest of my week, work was good. My car has decided to be difficult. But I am hopefully that I may be able to worked on tomorrow. There is a slight problem with the front left tire and unfornuately the anti theft lugnut key that I bought to replace the one I had before is just a shade to big for the lugnut. Argh! My hope is they will have an extra one at the dealership tomorrow.

Last night I fell asleep early in front of the television. I woke up around 1:30ish and decided I still need to do some major cleaning. I hadn't decided whether or not to invite M in or not. We had already made plans to meet at the restaurant but I figured maybe at the end of the date. Plus PBS was running a program on string theory and the fall of the Peruvian president in 2000. Who could pass that up?

I had originally planned to go to dinner with a friend of mine on Saturday but we realized Friday night that we had gotten the dates mixed up. But it was good that I emailed her as I finally got her number. I had mainly been either contacting her through work or email. She is very very cool and fun to hang out with. I have a lot of friends like that. I guess like attracts like : )

Good night and blushing should be banned. I am way too good at it.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Worry about nothing and pray about everything...

Those billboard can sometimes have very good advice. Well, it is now Tuesday and what a week last week was. This week is shaping up to be just as jam packed.

I have had my date with the lawyer M. and it was really good. We went out to lunch on Sunday and talked throughout the meal. I was just like 10 minutes late so major oops but I did look really good. J had taken me shopping the day before. After lunch we took his car and drove to the mall for a movie. We were early but walked the mall laughing and talking. He is amazingly sweet and cute. He had already seen the movie but was willing to see it again with me.... major brownie points. After the movie, we got ice cream and talked more. It was so good. I haven't gotten that many compliments in a long time. He thought I was beautiful, intelligent, funny and creative. I am positive I blushed more than once. I think many of the same things about him. I loved that he knew how to tease just a little and he just kept staring admiringly.

And yes, we already have a second date set up. He asked me out again as we were driving back to the restaurant for my car and then called me yesterday to set up details.

I am a bit nervous as I haven't dated in so long. Should we move into the area of liking to loving, I will be a complete wreck. I'm very very protective of my heart. I haven't given it to anyone in about 10 years.

Worry about nothing and pray about everything looks so easy but it isn't. It is hard to turn over the worries even though I know in my head that worrying doesn't nothing. But praying does everything. If God can bring his son back to life, what is one little heart being reanimated?

Good day and pray often.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.

I so appreciate all of your comments for my last blog entry. I was just so shocked, hurt, betrayed and humiliated. It colored my whole sunny day into a deep shade of grey. I am so grateful and glad I turned to my dad to help me with this. He really did an amazing job of standing up for me.

I am this amazing organized and smart person but there are just some situations that knock me off my proverbial feet and I just don't handle them well. The only seeming thick skin I have is on my feet.

Though not right now. As a treat to myself, I went and got my hair, feet and hands done. It was just lovely and just what I needed. It was also just in time as my date is Sunday. With all that was going on to bring me down, I haven't had a chance to call my lawyer back but plan to Friday night. I really enjoyed our first talk and we seem to have a number of interests in common. Plus, he seems to be a truly genuine guy. A very rare breed... or at least as far as I know.

I will be busy Saturday with the branch birthday party. It feels like it will end up being a really good time. We are going to have storytellers, a Tae Kwon Dao exhibition and medieval fighting. We are also going to have a fire engine and cake. All the things you need to have a truly spectacular time.

Okay totally bushed so good night and cake makes the world go round : ) P.S. The title was my fortune for tonight from Hot Wok.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Good Thoughts

After a lovely conversation with the lawyer, something happened today to throw me off my emotional center. Nothing to do with him but something else that someone else asked me. It made me feel like such crap especially at a time when I was getting excited about dating and relationship and marriage.

So all good thoughts, prayers and hugs would be appreciated.

Good night and Needed: Good Thoughts. Apply within

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Deliver Us!

Yesterday was good and surreal all at the same time. I've spent some time talking to old boyfriends (we are friends now : ) and it got me thinking about dating. I am a horrible dater. I usually just skip the dating and move right into the relationship. I usually fall in love hard. But overall I think that I am a good girlfriend. I have my flaws but I am a masterpiece in progress so the flaws just highlight the beauty.

So in the interest of dating, I signed up for a trial session with an online personals place. The hometown lawyer is the one that I liked the best. Though I think I actually answered about five but his was the only one that I added my email address too. Most of the things I am interested in are pretty solitary so meeting guys that way is mostly nil. I'll keep you posted on how it all goes. I mainly want someone who is just a little off center but not in a scary way. Someone who can keep up with me conversation-wise and talk serious and completely silly all at the same time. Someone who makes me laugh and think.

I am glad to still be talking to the old guys though. They are both really good guys. A lot of why I loved them is still there and I do still love them but just as friends. I like being friends with people who understand me... at least somewhat : )

So today was a good day off. My list of should haves has grown somewhat but I have plans to take care of some of it after blogging. I did get to sleep in. My plans to go get the labwork done and the car worked on kind of fell by the wayside. So lunch and a movie were taken care of instead. Now it is on to cleaning the apartment. It is definitely one of the should haves. I try to clean a room each day but that is still a work in progress plan.

The offer of a date is now on the table. YAY! Trying to keep my grin to a minimum. The lawyer is busy this weekend and so am I so I'm looking at next week or the week after. He's written me these long letters that I have really enjoyed. I haven't answered today yet but I like to wait to the end of the day to take care of email. I'm so used to work and then fun stuff that my days off throw me off a bit. Oh, there is also an international trip in the works. Double YAY.. not definite yet but oh those possibilities. P. is looking into cheapish tickets so possibilities become much more definite. All around good day thus far. Oh, also got free salad with lunch cause they messed up my order. Triple YAY. Any more reasons for YAYS and I will just explode into this messy happy goo. : )

Good day and this message will self destruct in 5,4,3,7... so happy I can't count :P

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

As a Lobster

I had a lovely American Redneck Day. I went to the beach with D, H, M and S. We had a blast just playing in the sand, swimming and talking. So I didn't get a redneck but redlegs, redchest and redfeet.

I have never understood the mystery of how I can want my legs to tan and then burn my feet. It is one of life's puzzles.

And just for the record, I am boycotting Independence Day. If only the colonists had not rebelled, then I would have a much easier time getting a job in England. I remember flat shopping in England the day after July 4th a couple of years ago. The realtor asked how my Fourth had gone and I had just naturally inquired about his. He kind of laughed and said that they really don't celebrate it the way we do. LOL

Good night and vive la revolution!!!

Friday, June 30, 2006

Being Sociable

After working all day with people, I often want to lock myself in my apartment for a long while. I like people just fine but I get overloaded sometimes.

Apparently not recently though. This weekend I have gone to a friend's farewell party on Friday and have just come back from a cookout tonight. Both events were quite lovely. Outside of the truly great company at both events, they also had small experiences that made them truly memorable.

On my way to and from the farewell party, I got completely lost. At one point, I passed two cars that were pulled over. It appeared that one had pulled over to help the other. I felt a twinge of guilt the first time I passed. The guilt had increased the second time I passed. I felt that had I passed it a third time, I would have just had to have stopped : ) I am glad I got lost though. It did help me not be so lost on the way home.

The memorable part of the second sociable gathering was again on the way home. I had just turned onto the street that would take me almost the whole way home when I realized that I had picked up a passenger. A lizard was peeking at me on the dash. He must been holding on pretty well. He made it up to 25-30 miles an hour. Eventually he made this amazing leap of faith off the side. I really hope he made it safely home. I know I am glad I did. For a couple of minutes, I tossed around the idea of driving to visit P. but I wasn't sure of her work schedule.

Occassionally I like to run away from home. It helps to curb the urge to travel all the time. But this weekend is not a good one to be out and about. Too many people out partying and not very responsibly.

So good night and in the words of those three wise men "You've got fight for your right to party"

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Forget regret. All life is yours to miss

As I have been just listening to Rent in ze car, I am once again putting it in the title. This will have to be a short note as it is rather late. It is hard to keep up with a daily entry. I usually end up running out of time.

Well, my compromise of just going to the baptism was thrown out of the window. Somehow I got massively lost (who knew there were so many streets named Baymeadows) and it began to rain not just cats and dogs but lions and tigers too... I missed the actual baptism but I made it for the party. I was surrounded by SJC librarians and some DC librarians. It was pretty good. Julia (the baby) was cute as most babies are.

Between the party and today's meeting, I learned that a number of librarians are leaving. Most are moving onto different jobs. I am thinking of going to another farewell party on Friday. Librarians are the worst for gossiping I think. You would think not because of the whole training we have about trusting your sources.... but no, the absolute worst : P But then we are also the weirdest bunch of people. It is like a cross between computer geeks, teachers and complete bookworms.

Of all the people who have left since I started, I miss Marlan the most. LOL A complete and utter character but exceedingly loveable. He was one of the few that I hung out with outside of work. A very good friend and so good at proding me out of my norm.

The clock should be dinging in mere moments and back into a pumpkin go I. I'll try and remember to fill you in on winnings tomorrow.

Good night and hope Atlanta is working out for you, Marlan the Magnificent

Saturday, June 24, 2006

525,600 Minutes

Yes, I watched Rent last night. I like to watch musicals. Especially on DVD since I can find the songs I like to sing along with faster. I've got "Seasons of Love" almost down. Just a couple more tries until I could take it to Broadway.

I've always loved to sing. Mostly of the time it is to myself. I am still in the search for a good church choir to join. I miss it but it is hard to find an episcopal church that sings both traditional and contemporary. At least , as best I can tell, here in Jax.

There are a couple of other requirements for good church. But until I find them, I'll just have to have church in my car. Lots of singing and prayer going on there.

Today's prayer/think was about friends. I get so caught up with work and stuff that I have become a bad friend. I'm about to be even worse. I am peopled out and I am supposed to go to a friend's daughter's baptistism and party tomorrow. My current plan is to tell her that I will come see her on my next Friday or Saturday off.

Right now I feel like today is a day for covers. I'm ready to throw them back over my head. Mainly just tired and cranky and un-peoplely.

Good day and Lord, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. It fits.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Appeal of Other Beds

No, it's not what you are thinking... I had trainingplanned for today. It was a middle management class. It was being given at a Holiday Inn just down the way. So I had the brillant idea of getting a room for the night. It appealed to me as a break from the ordinary. But I couldn't decide whether to do it or not. Occassionally I am as wishy-washy as Charlie Brown on his worst day. So after much debate with myself, I decided to do it. They had cable, a bigger bed and bath and I wouldn't have to clean the mess up after I made it (though usually I am not that big of a mess maker).

Overall it was a good night. A big bonus was getting to sleep in until just before the training started. Though my night started off with a laugh. I could have swore that the desk clerk told me 435 was the room number. So I parked as close as I could. I was perfection in the parking which should have clued me off that something was up. I get out, get my stuff and head up stairs. I slide my keycard in and no green light. I am about to do it again while mentally cursing the hotel business since I am so far from the front desk. It was at that point that I realize that there is stuff in the window. Okay I am not trying to get into my room... I was now trying to get into someone else's room. My room number was 453 and I can only imagine what the person in the room thought. I had checked in after 9 PM and the room was dark. I really hope that they were out and not shivering in the dark while someone was trying to get into their Holiday Inn room.

The training was very good. I wish someone had gone over management more when I was taking my classes for elementary education or in library school. They really need a permenant person just to teach these things and teach them well. Though supervising staff and supervising kids, you do run into the same situations. I don't feel as woefully unprepared as I did teaching.

That was a bad experience. I had no idea on how to ask for help and the person supervising me just took over my class. It got to be so bad that I couldn't talk about work without crying. I feel a lot stronger now. It is weird but now I think of it as a good thing. It was the push I needed to get out of the profession and into something that I truly love. I still get to work with kids but it is a whole difference atmosphere.

Well, the kittums are pestering me for loving (as I took off last night) and my pillows are calling...

Good night and may the job you do and the one you want be one and the same.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Death, peace and Hello Kitty

When I take time off from writing my blog, there seems to be an extraordinary amount of things I ponder. The title is just a listing of a few.

Okay so peace was Friday night's topic before sleep. It was one of those just starting to drift off Pull -Me -Backers. I was debating on whether peace was an actual obtainable goal. Do we as humans have it in us to be at peace with one another? In the song, peace is supposed to begin with me. Am I peaceful? I think so. If you were to ask me right now, "Do you hate or wish to do harm to anyone?" My answer would be No. But is that peace? Does peace mean no fighting or is it something more? And I wonder why I have trouble sleeping sometimes... And sleep overruled as I never did finish the discussion with myself.

Death came up yesterday at Mom & Dad 's. I had gone over to do laundry. Being as it had been at least weeks since I did it last, I ended up standing for dinner (Mom, Grandmother did get the flowers). We had been talking about HMOs and I, as usual, was interjecting my own spin on Luke's message. Somehow from that we got on death & who gets to make the decisions. Mom emphatically told me that Dad would be calling the shots and vice versa.

It was one of those weird thoughtful times where you want to listen and cry all at the same time. For me, it was what I expected especially as Dad knows her mind most and she knows his. I am even not too concerned with if we bury or what happens to the body. Dad said something about dumpster and Wendy's for himself. I know it won't matter as it is just the cocoon left behind. The spirit will be with Jesus and the memories will be with me. Now before you start thinking I will going the Mendendez route... don't worry. I love my parents and I want to be around for quite some time but I also understand the natural progression of life. So we are born, so we die. We have such an odd handle on death in this country. I remember when Mom and Dad asked us to make a list of things we might want of theirs after they die, I started on it right away. My siblings thought I was being morbid. I didn't see it as that. It was a request, I like making lists and it wasn't like I handed in the list and asked them to die right now.

So from Goodbye Life to Hello Kitty... my mind works in mysterious ways. That was one of last night's thinks before bed. One of the stickers on my car is of Hello Kitty and Mimi. Somehow in thinking of that, I got on this whole balance of life kick. Which actually tied into my other topics quite nicely as they are also other sides of the balance... life death, war peace... Too much on either side changes things and skews your vision. I guess it ties into everything in moderation. I am bad at being balanced at some things. I tend to get too much of things until I don't want it any more. Too much junk food, too much sleeping, too much being alone. I need to work on that.

I did do a little more work on the international job thing. I finished my resume submission for one part of the DOD. There is a position in Germany. Though I do need to do a bit more research. I think I messed up one part. So onto research...

Good day and bring on the rain but keep the hurricane away....