Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Good, the Bad and the Wet

Well, kiddos, this certainly has not felt like the Sunshine State in the last couple of days. There was a momentual downpour yesterday as I left work yesterday. But it was not that bad once I got to my side of town. I had dinner with T. yesterday and got caught up with her. We are thinking of making Wednesday the day for dinner and hanging out. She has yet to meet B. but very much wants to. I love having friends who are so very happy for me and she is one of those : ) She is an absolutely lovely person all around and I always have fun with her.

Afterwards I headed out to Wallyworld to do some trip shopping. I was in the toy department contemplating when this girl (early twenties) approached me. She was hunting a toy boat. After hunting aisle after aisle with her, we (myself, the girl and the very non-helping shopguy) had finally found a police boat in the matchbox cars. I then suggested that she check the pool toys aisle. The story was that she was sending them to her boyfriend. He wasn't sure if he wanted to go into the AirForce or Navy so she was going to send the toys and a note saying she didn't care what he did but that she would be there for him regardless. I could understand where she was coming from since the only reason I was in the toy department was hunting a birthday gift for B. LOL The things you do for the guy you love...

But the adventure doesn't end there. After a mad dash through some major rain (it had let up a little when I had headed over to WW originally), it began to really, whole heartedly come down. I made it through several large lakes when I made the turn onto my street and was just leaving the puddle when the car died. It's late, it's raining and I am just seven blocks from home. Ugh! I promptly called J and P as they are knowledgeable car peoples. The nice neighborly guy whose house I stopped in front of stopped to make sure I was okay and then the police. A tiny eek... as I have yet to have any dealings with them. The neighbor guy and police pushed my car to a side street and thus began the wait. I contacted J&P back and they were on their way to rescue me. I then spend my time on the phone with B as he kept me company. He was very sweet and wanted to know what he could do to help. But he did that as he kept my mind off my car. But J&P quickly showed up and set about to getting me home. After much drying of the engine and checking of wires and etc, I finally made it back home in my own car.

Thankfully it appears that the crisis didn't leave aftereffects on the car as I made it to work this morning. I was a bit worried as I am so far from home at work. It is a good 45 minute drive one way. But all ended well. Tonight I am just heading to J&Ps for laundry, dinner and sleepover. YAY! And so will end my day... onto tomorrow and the start of VACATION!

I will try and post tomorrow. But past that, I will be off until the 18th.

Good night and happy, happy, joy, joy!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Christielli said...

Enjoy your vacay!