Monday, November 29, 2010

I did not...

I did not go shopping in the wee hours of the morning post Thanksgiving. I believe my sleep is worth more than any sale.

I did not completely stuff myself with turkey. This year, our first year in the new house, it was just the two of us. I got a small turkey breast (which we are still working on : )

I did not see my family. That might seem a bit odd. I did get a voice mail and had talked to my dad earlier in the week.

I did not feed the cats turkey. Well, at least not until Sunday night : P

I did not get cranberry jelly. I got the whole cranberries sauce instead.

I did not eat stuffing. With no turkey to put it in and no Mom's best stuffing to eat, I just made some for Mark. I ate mashed potatoes instead.

Good night and do not....

Saturday, November 27, 2010

My short list

Growing up, I was known for my enormous Christmas lists. I considered it a wish list and therefore anything was game. I used to always have Peace on Earth on it too.

Right now my list is about 20 or so items. It is probably the shortest list I have ever written. Don't get me wrong... I still want presents. But I am content right now. I have a job I like. I have a husband who loves me as much as I love him (which happens to be quite a bit). I have friends and family that I love and who still love me and like spending time with me. I have a joy about life that I treasure. I am fairly healthy.

My wish list is now a would be nice list. LOL But I am continuing a tradition of one abstract wish on the list. A couple of years ago, I asked for sunset in a bottle. I got it from my parents. They took a picture (I think it was a sunrise but I'm not quibbling) and put it into a glass bottle with a cork stopper. It is one of the best things on my desk at work. Last year, it was a jar of moonlight. I got that from Mark. He had found a candle in a jar. The candle's name was Moonlight : ) It is in the office at home. Two things I've learned.... ask because you just might get it and intangible doesn't mean impossible.

Good night and make a wish.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Without a List

A package came in for me yesterday. Well, for me, in the sense that I knew what was in it. It was a present for Beloved and my parents.

So I ended up hiding half in my closet and half in the guest room closet. I bought both before I knew what anyone wanted. Though B's is something he has mentioned wanting. It wasn't from his list. Since no lists have been made. We always make our christmas lists after thanksgiving.

I am a list girl. I make lists for shopping, goals, my to dos. I even have an eighth grade one of the man I love/marry lists. That one was a long one. I don't recall what was on that one but I believe cute buns was : ) Though it didn't make the starred list. The starred list was the one we had to create of the things that were important from the first list.

I also had a daily verb adverb list. It was things like love fully or laugh deeply or sing loudly.

Good night and live joyfully.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bitten by Shrimp

I normally love shrimp. I am not to the level of Bubba, Forrest Gump's friend, but I do like it.

Yesterday it did not love me back. As best I can figure, it was either the shrimp or the ranch dressing. Regardless it was a less than stellar night. I don't think I actually truly got to sleep until about 5 a.m. Too much running to the bathroom. I hated pulling B. away from his Friday night game. I just wanted him to be there with me. There wasn't much he could do. But I wanted him there.

I am feeling better today. Not quite 100 percent. Maybe more like 75ish.

Good night and be well (me too)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day Off

My new place of work is giving me something I have never had before.... regularly scheduled three day weekends. It is weird. And somewhat wonderful. I am just not sure exactly what to do with it. There are so many possibilities. I mean some of my day is already eaten up by the haftatos. I have to take the car in for an oil change. I have to send a letter. I have to feed the kitties and take my meds. But there is a luxury of time. Or at least it feels that there is. Even my haftatos are based on my free will. I could not take the car in. The kitty feeding is a bit more a willdo though.

I just finished a very excellent zombie book. It included zombie cats so hence why the feeding of kits is a willdo and not a haftato. It actually made me cry. The book not the zombie cats. It was set in the time after. Zombie were now a way of life and survival was possible. Normal had become a different type of normal. Plus how do you not love a book in which the bloggers have become the source of info...particularly as a blogger?

Good day and watch out for zombie cats...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

43 days left

I like seeing things that not everyone does. It is like a secret between me and God. I just happened to glance behind me while driving. There are these little bumps in the road. I am sure that there is a proper name for them but it eludes me right now. They are what tell you if you skirt out of your lane. They are also what when my used to be brother in law would call driving by braille.

Did you know that if the sun shines on them just right and you happen to look in your rearview mirror that they look red? A long red dotted line.

I have looked back plenty of times but the sun wasn't shining the right way I guess.

Now it is a secret between you, me and God.

Today's thing was the number 43 on the calendar. There are only 43 days left in the calendar year. Well, granted that does assume that you are reading this today and before today becomes tomorrow for you. This is a day I am happy with. I rode to work with Beloved, have a good lunch, talked to friends, did a teen program, laughed and there is still another 7 hours or so left in it.

Good day and good day : P

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

By the wayside

I lose track of things. I will have something in my hand or be on my way doing something and poof! I get sidetracked by something else. I will realize later that I had something else I was doing or holding before this new thing or idea.

I realize that there are people, places and things that I never get back to. I remember a peach courderoy sundress that I loved some time ago. I don't think I outgrew it but danged if I can remember where it went to... There are high school friends that I wanted to keep in touch with but this new experiences made me wander off this way for a while. I realized that I had not kept in touch like so many of my yearbooks signatures had asked.

In the library, we get rid of things fairly often. We see that a book hasn't been checked out or the info has changed or the spine is falling apart. The book gets discarded. But this weeding is necessary. Information or the need for information changes. It ebbs and flows. Today's popular book is tomorrow's remember when. I was looking up ideas for teen programs and came across this blog. It asked an interesting question, " In 100 years, will any one remember or read Harry Potter? "

Good night and remember me.