Well, so I give up. I got my annual evaluation today. I got a Full once again. Every since they put this evaluation system in place, that is all I have ever gotten. It is like always getting a C. Average. To me that is someone who just comes in and does their job.
I do. But I feel like I do so much more. I mean I set up five programs to fill in for the summer programs that the committee didn't schedule. I went out and got all sorts of donations from the community to supplement the prizes for summer reading that never came. I ran the branch for a month doing both children's and management duties for the third time. I increased the volunteer hours by like 200%. I have planned an afterschool program that includes reading activties, scavenger hunts, science projects and arts and crafts activities. I feel like I kick library butt.
i know it is silly but just once I would like to get an Explemary. And that isn't even the highest I could get.
I know that the people and children I work with do appreciate it. But just once a little recogntion would be nice. As a motivational tool, this evaluation thing stinks.
Good night and I think you are doing a wonderful job.