Tuesday, December 06, 2005

From H*ll

The title of today's blog, children, is taken from the book I finished last night. It is a telling of the Jack the Ripper story as a graphic novel. It is taken from the point of the motive behind the killings is the fact the Prince Edward had a child with a candy store clerk/prostitute and the killer killed the women who knew about it. It was an interesting read. What is it about this crime that makes it so unforgettable? I was in London a couple of years ago and we did a Jack the Ripper walking tour on Halloween. It would have been scary but for the fifty other tours doing the exact same thing. Ugh!

Do you ever have moments where your external actions match your now-playing soundtrack? Today was the second time that I happened to drive by the sign " State Prisoners Working" and have the soundtrack for O, Brother, Where Art Thou? playing. It is one of the six CDs I have currently in the car. I tend to like soundtracks for their variety of songs.

What else is going on? I am going to be heading to J and P's for my weekly visit. I usually stay at their house on Tuesdays since they are so close to my work and I am always tired on Wednesday mornings. The switch from a late close to an early open is bleech! It will be especially nice since tomorrow is my day off.
We also kicked off another drive here at work. We are collecting greeting cards and calling cards for service people as well as we have a banner that we'll be sending off soon.

I have told my staff to slap me if I volunteer to do anything else. Not that I could seeing as there is so much I am already a part of. I could have a nice quiet never leave the branch job but no, I have to volunteer for everything under the sun. Right now I am looking into the possiblity of donating books from the booksale to libraries that were hit by Katrina. No more... that is it!

I now refuse to help out in any other ways. I offically give up (at least for today). I just feel blah and have written a blah blog. Don't give up on me though. It will get better I promise... give me a week and I'll be back to my fantastic self.

Good day and being the change you want to see in the world


Christielli said...

There was a song called "Get Up" by a now obscure Canadian band and a couple of times, it was what woke me in the morning on the radio which was totally appropriate. I like your prisoners working soundtrack moment.

ninetieschild said...

i like the prisoners thingy..funny...