Friday, March 03, 2006

Comments from a Fishbowl

Blub, blub, blub and a-gurgle. I feel like that sometimes as my office has a window. Not to mention an open door.

I saved a Cowboy the other day. He was very cute and cuddly. Thank goodness he was wearing a collar.

Okay so it was dog named Cowboy. He spent last Sunday afternoon hanging out with me at my apartment. I had just left for lunch when this little dog came running up to my car. I spotted it in my driveway to check on him and he jumped in the car when I opened the door. Since I didn't have my phone, I shut him in the car long enough to run back in the house to get it. I called the number on the tag. No person just a machine. So I went back in the house to get it organized ie. corral the cats into the other room. Basil puffed up twice his size with the mere whiff of doggish scent. Cats in the living room... now to sneak the dog in the other part of the apartment. That taken care of, I headed off to get drive thru. Once home, Cowboy and I hung out. He was a very very friendly dog. Several hours later after a couple more calls and some napping in my bed, Cowboy's family came to get him. It was a mom and her two kids. They had torn the house apart looking for him and not realized that he had slipped out the door when they had left.

Thank good ness they came to get him. He was such a little thing and I was glad I found him when I did. The street I live on is a very busy street even on a Sunday.

Oh and the bad day is slowly moving out. I told you ... hope helps...

Good day and yeee-haaaaah!

1 comment:

Christielli said...

Wow! You're a hero! Congrats!