Sunday, March 19, 2006

Just Breathe

Another awesome weekend with P. She came into town on Friday and just left today. She is one of my favorite people to talk with. She is so able to do the silly and serious conversation.

Work was good on Saturday. We did reader's theatre for Saturday Surprise. Who knew that there were so many ways to say the word "please"? We just had a blast. It continues to get a bit easier. The first couple of my evaluations came in. I am so glad I stole that idea. It just really helps to have an idea of how I am doing from my staff that is very constructive. I have been able to take some of the ideas and start working on how to incorporate them. I am really trying hard to be a good boss but at the same time grow some thicker skin.

I need to work harder at getting out more. I am so used to heading home just after work. No detours. I need to find some fun. I hope P. does decide to move closer so we can hang out more. I really think that having someone cool to hang out with would make me do more stuff. Motiviation : P is not my strong suit. Neither is picking up on subleties... It's a good thing that I'm a lifelong learner believer. Life is too precious not to learn or be stagnant.

Maybe I should learn to remember to get my key before P. left town. She accidentally took it out to my other library : 0 I've got to go pick it up in order to go home. Woops! : )

Good day and learn darnit!


Christielli said...

Good idea with the evaluations. Yeah, having a thick skin can be tough. I've always considered giving my students in my more mature classes a course-end evalution, but I've always chickened out.

One of my math teachers in high school did this. One of the questions was "What will you remember from this course?" My friend and I pulled out our probability formula and calculated:

Probability of remembering anything from this course = # of things I've learned in this course/# of things I've learned in this course = 231 / 2,410,539. Therefore, the probability that I'll remember anything from this course is very, very small. Hahaha. Man I miss being a cheeky teenager. The teacher found it very funny though.

John Cowart said...

Hi, just a note to let you know Sunnibunny is back to blogging. Hope Hot Titles went well. The other two books came in yesterday.