Friday, April 21, 2006

I need Feebdack...

on two different things so this should be interesting.

The first is I am going to be spending a lot of time in my car traveling to and fro next week and the week after. I am going to need traveling music. I like most everything but it needs to be something I can sing to. I tend to get a lot of soundtracks so I get a mix of everything. The next two weeks are going to be odd to say the least. I'll be at work on Monday and most of Tuesday. Then we have a training day for which I have been on the planning committee. Repeat after me... Do not volunteer for anything else right now. So the two days after it I am taking off. Only to work on Saturday and Sunday and then I am taking the first three days of May off. It's like this weird non vacation vacation : ) I'm taking the time to be with P for her procedure.

So second request... what is the best way to tell someone how their choices are affecting your life without it getting all accusatory and ugly? It is someone I really love and care about but I really don't like feeling like I am bailing them out all the time. When does one say when, when it comes to love? Sorry, channelling my inner Carrie Bradshaw for a sec.

Maybe when I get a free second I will finally figure out what I am doing with my life.

Good day and dance to your own special music (sticker above my desk)

1 comment:

Jamie Dawn said...

I'm here via your dad's place.

Music to sing to.... well, Amy Grant's stuff is easy to sing to since her voice is in a very singable range.

Your second one is tougher. I think one should always be honest with a loved one. It is probably good to plan this discussion at a good time when both of you are willing to listen to each other. I would set aside time and tell the person that you need to sit and talk about something.