Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It's either the guy or the pizza...

It is wicked early Wednesday morning (a little after one am) and I can't get to sleep. The minute I get quiet and settled at any point during these last couple of days, I begin to think about what I have thought about for the last couple of days.

I can not decide if this sleeplessness is a result of these thoughts or the fact that I accidentally ordered two pizzas. They were good but I have the strong suspicion that if I actually were to finish the pizzas I would never again be able to look a pizza pie in the crust ever again.

Okay so the thoughts are four in nature. Two are for future reference for MH and the other two are current reference. I was planning on sitting him down on Wednesday and sharing with him all four. But if I write about it now, he'll just have advance notice. Oh well... The first was to tell him how much our third date talk meant to me. My dating self confidence took a swan dive with my last serious relationship. For the last several weeks of it, I could tell something was wrong but had no idea if what I did hindered or helped the situation. That has really made me question myself in the area of dating. But it really relieved me when we talked. That was the main jist of the first current reference. Throw some stuff in about how wonderfully wonderful he is and you got me talking first point.

The second point was to find out whether or not he would be willing to see me twice in one week. We had made plans to get together for a low key something on either Wednesday or Thursday. I am supposed to call him and let him know what day. I am currently leaning towards Wednesday since that will mean getting to see him tomorrow but if I go with Thursday, the work pressure is off of me at least since I am off Friday. So me and my brillance came up with " What about Wednesday and Thursday?". But me and my dating self confidence were a bit concerned on how he would take that suggestion.

LOL I was talking to someone today about baggage. Some of us have carry ons and others have full six piece matching sets : ) Ugh... it is really carry on....

So from my wondering head to yours...or from my wondering head to God's... Worry about nothing. Pray about everything.

I had a wonderful lunch with two of the other branch managers. They are just hysterically funny. I am glad that they were in my training. Yes, by the way, I now am going to add online reference to my vast knowledge bank of skills. Oh and I am about to be publish in Library Journal. Nothing fancy... just a case study that I responded to. But it is a national magazine for librarians : )

First LJ then the world (manicial laughter inserted here)...LOL

Goodnight and just you wait.... I'll get you my pretty, you and your little blog too...(wicked cackle inserted)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't nice to be published, no matter how small! I got published last year... An EIS on Herring,just a small part that I co-wrote. I have a whole chapter in a much bigger publicatin this year on non-fishing impacts to fish habitat. I'll send you the link when it comes out. Not really too happy with it because it's been edited to death, but hey, my names on it!
lov M