Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Ma familia

Did you ever see Moonstruck?

It has the quintessential lesson of no matter what your family does , they are your family...(in the movie, Cher got engaged to one brother and ended up being engaged to the other brother that she was supposed to convince to go to her wedding)

I am still learning this lesson. There have been times when I wanted to disown them. But in truth they are what makes life life. I do want to throttle them at times.

I don't mind being the quiet one though. There is one day though that I want to be the one in the center of it all. It will be the most important day thus far. I really want it to be just a day of family and some friends. This may mean being really strick on the guest list... which is weird for me. Normally I have such a hard time and so dislike excluding anyone. But with the cruise, it is supposed to be 20 for the package and it is a set price for any extras.

But in truth, there only needs to be me and him and it becomes the perfect wedding.

How do I tell someone I only wanted to invite them and not the person that they just turned to and invited? It isn't because of the person but I feel like somehow it will turn the day into all about them and not about B and I. And writing "No, they can't come" is a lot easier than saying it. But I will if need be. I never want to be a demanding person. But it is a fine line between standing up for your self and being demanding. Ugh!

Good night and be strong, E.


John Cowart said...

And just what are dads for?
Anybody you want told, tell me and I'll tell them.
No sweat.
And, Dearheart, you are the center of attention and conversation much more than you realize.
Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

Win the Lotto.
Then you can buy a new family -- one that You like.
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

No matter who's there you won't see them anyway. When you see B standing beside you, the whole world disappears. Let Dad help if that one extra person really matters but you won't see her anyway. B in that suit with the boutonniere he hates but wears just for you. And your Dad is right you are always the center of attention just being who you are, kind, honest, loving. Missed You.