Voluntarily I might add. I have been having some numbness in my foot recently and so my doctor scheduled a nerve study. Basically they test both legs by shocking the nerve to test its timing.
Thank goodness I had J and T around for it. T drove us there and back and knew what I was going through. J went in with me and let me hold onto her for support. I don't think I would have made it through but for those two.
I had thought it wouldn't be so painful. Man, was I wrong. Parts of it were tolerable but others... shiver... And the thing about the numbness is that there really isn't any pain : P
LOL I just kept thinking of this thing I had read in a science book when I was younger. It was about this French guy who applied current to frog's leg. Not to a frog just to their legs and how he thought he was bringing them to life because they kept twitching. The thought of "I'm just like that frog" kept popping in my head. Plus J made me laugh with her idea of a cheap version of a Cabbage Patch doll. She wants to call it Baby Coleslaw.
She may have questionable ideas. But she was wonderful yesterday. She even offered to beat the guy up who was causing my pain. Just like we were growing up. I am so lucky to have a great sis.
Good day and J and T rock.!
1 comment:
Glad you made it through the test... How soon before you know the results?
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