Saturday, March 14, 2009

I love kids but....

We went to the Irish Festival today. We had wandered here and there enjoying Irish food, dance and music. To top off the day, I decided to get my face painted. Just some harmless fun... But....we were waiting in the long line of mostly kids and a sparse population of others (teens and adults). It was almost my turn and I had been impressed with the artist. She was doing a great job. All of us were quite excited when it was our turn.
When it was my turn, I got skipped. I got skipped by this kindergardener named Caleb. He had been getting more and more excited, turning around several times to tell his mom that he was getting the Dark Knight face painting. He had been standing right beside me and so when the kid left out the chair in front of me, he hopped right up no hestitation.
And I had to be the mean adult. I had to tell Caleb it wasn't his turn. Then I had to close my eyes to get my face done and listen to Caleb's mom behind me tell him it wasn't wrong and that he would have a turn in a second. But I loved my face painting and I had waited my turn.
I so often give in to kids. In my work as a children's librarian, I get nervous and tired and cranky. But for kids, I put it aside to give them a great storytime. I put a lot of work into crafts that may see 2 or 3 kids show up for. I spend time being a tutor or game player or an adult that just listens.
It was just this time I didn't. I stood up for what I wanted.
Good day and quid pro quo kids!

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