Saturday, April 01, 2006

What Boonies-Living has Done

I had to share with you all the sight I saw as I was out and about doing outreaches for the library yesterday. I was on my way back to the library when I noticed a strange vehicle coming up from behind. As it passed, I had to do a double take. It was a very tricked out hearse. Chrome and the whole nine yards. The back window had been decaled with a huge skull and crossbones and read "Dead Ride" just above the skull. Of course I was quite curious as to the adventurous soul who was driving (no pun intended: P) The guy looked normal enough except for his head gear. It was a black cowboy hat covered in red bones.

And I thought my bug stuck out in the land of pickup trucks : )

Good day and I see dead rides (temperature drops)


John Cowart said...

"The dead travel fast" -- Dracula

Christielli said...

LOL That's too funny! I've never heard of a pimped out hearse before!