Friday, September 07, 2007

A question of faith

My faith is a quiet one. I would rather my actions speak of my beliefs than my mouth. I remember thinking of many things along these lines on this mornings drive.

I thought about the Iraselites particularly during the time of Moses. How they had this incredible faith that God would deliver them and he did. I also thought about Moses' mom. We speak often of letting go and letting god but she actually did that in a big way.

Ordinary miracles was something else I pondered. It seems like an oxymoron but it isn't. It is the miracles every day that we miss. They are the ones I think of when I hear about someone thinking about miracles during biblical times. Bringing someone back to life, healing the sick, etc.... it happens everyday. One might blame the technology or the skill of doctors but who gave the skill to the doctor or the idea for that technology.

I remember once several years ago, I didn't believe in God. I couldn't figure out why a lifetime of believing had become disbelief. I prayed that I would believe again, to let me have a mustard seed of faith. That's all I did. My prayer was answered. I still to this day have no idea what took my faith away or what brought it back. To me that was a miracle. An ordinary miracle. The funny thing is that even at a time when I didn't belive I still prayed.

Good day and have faith.

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