Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Ask Me?

So it's Wear Your PJs to work Day... did you enjoy it? Did you miss that memo?

Well, I didn't. We are doing a Family Bedtime stories so to encourage those coming tonight to wear their PJs... I just had to wear mine. Though not the entire day. I did have Drug and Alcohol Training course to attend and figured that they would yank me right away for the random test if I was so duly attired.

So it was take off pjs, go to training, put on pjs and go to work. I must be making up for missing topsy turvy day. I have more training and meetings for the rest of the week so this is the only day I can make it up on.

Other than that a pretty normal day. Oh, I did get so see my good friend M. He was in training with me. Since the switch to management, I haven't been able to see him in a while. I do miss hanging out with him. I hope to be out of this job before I have to supervisor friends. That would make this a million times easier and harder.

You know us librarians. You've got to warn us off the D&A all the time. I mean talk about your high stress jobs : P Though we are just a neighborhood branch and we definitely keep busy. In just 6 and a half month, we've have over 10,000 items checked out. Major kudos to my staff,volunteers and community.

Okay, I'll stop before this begins to sound like an award acceptance speech. I'd like to give a shoutout to all my peeps especially the easter chickees... though the peeps at christmas were good too : )

Good day and remember always eat the head first... it is the best part of the peep.


John Cowart said...

Keep practicing that award acceptance speach -- you deserve an award!

Christielli said...

lol you should have totally warn your pjs to that training thing. That's sooo funny!

Scott said...

Okay, so the drugs and alcohol are a big thing with the librarians eh? That is classic!