Thursday, January 19, 2006

I smoke my friends down to the filter

I can not wait to escape to the quiet of my apartment today. It's not that it's been noisy but it has been busy. I just want to sit and be. My life has been taken over by a cat. Not just any cat but this cat:

I decided to do my bedroom in Hello Kitty. It fits in well with me and I don't mean to Hello Kitty everything. Just a couple of things. P. suggest I hit up ebay. She helped me pick out a Hello Kitty rug the other day. I went down there last weekend to just hang out. It was just great as she is a great person to hang out with. She cooks for me. The ultimate sign someone loves me... I dislike cooking for myself as I have to do it all the time. She is the best little sister I have.... okay so she is the only little sister I have. Just like D. and J are the best older brother and sister I have. D. actually edges out on this though. I used his gift card to get a Hello Kitty bag. Though J. gave me Hello Kitty stuff too. Must ponder on this more.

Oh, I went to see Hoodwinked the other day on my fun day off.

Very, very funny movie. I really like the retelling of popular fairy tales. Plus it did a fairly decent job of being funny on two levels: adult and kid. I liked it. P. and I still have plans to see Narnia. At the rate we are going, we may be renting it instead of seeing it in a theatre : )

Good day and shhhhhhh.

1 comment:

Christielli said...

I have a friend who love Hello Kitty and goes into meltdown when we hit the cutesy stores in Chinatown.

You'd be in Hello Kitty paradise there. I've seen Hello Kitty phones, toasters, tvs, radios and even a hello kitty waffle iron!