Saturday, January 07, 2006

I'm Sorry Sir but we have a "No Smoting Policy" in the Restaurant

Today's title was brought you by Dad's blog entry of reading of the irreverant comics and I can only imagine the waiter's chagrin with God's smoting in the restaurant.

Onto news, I discovered a conspiracy. No I don't know who killed JFK but it's better than that. The VW people want my money. Yep, they engineered a car to which the individual owner can do nothing. Nothing. Not a thing. It died the other day... or at least the battery did. At least twice. I don't think there is a VW heaven but there is definitely a VW hell and I was in it. I took it to get a headlamp replaced, oil change and a new battery. Yikes!

Only once they had to revive me as the oil change and headlamp were $ 154 and the battery would be $189. So I thought I would save a little and buy the battery at a random auto parts place and have P. put it in. Well she tried, the auto parts guy tried but no success. You apparently have to peel apart the car to get the battery in and out.

I have now figured out why my manual says eighty percent of the time "Take it back to the dealer". Had I not needed it for work, I would have taken it back, left it on the steps with a note saying "I have to give it up for its own sake. Take care of her." and been on my merry little way.

I have been immersed in this and catching up on all the work that I missed while immersed. My staff did what I do when they are gone. They put all manner of things on my desk.

Not much going on right now but I am being cursed by the lip fairy too. I put on some of that outlast lipstick and it is so outlasting me. I can't get it off. Really : * My lips have been Plum for like a day and a half. They should change it to Outlaw as it holds your lips hostage.

So needless to say my year is off to just a kicker: )

Good day and go long:P


John Cowart said...

Welcome to Driver's Ed 101.

I am sorry you're having such trouble.

Love, Dad

Christielli said...

Evil VW. Stupid cars. Glad I don't have one.

lol your lipstick rant made me laugh.

Scott said...

I have heard that about the new VW's so often. That is why you need one from the 80's, you can fix anything on those guys, or you can go carless like me.

Funny outlast story...
