Saturday, February 04, 2006

Blub, blub, blub...

Sorry bloggeries.... I have been just drowning in work recently. It was a six day work week this week and I am so glad I don't have to do it all of the time. Thus far I have resisted the evil urge to take work home. It is very tempting though. I must get focused. Work is for at work and home is for relaxing, playing the kitties and plotting to take over the world.

I was fussed at the other day. Very disconcerting since I thought I was doing the right thing. Definitely something I am so getting rid of once I am in charge. Unless of course it is constructive.... so I want to be challenged but not challenged. Thus our rule as Queen of Contradictions continues into our thirtieth year (Note: I took on the royal tradition of responsing to self as we and did not develop momentary schizophrenia)

Oh and I'm bringing back the Brian Jacques' Redwall program to PBS. It apparently isn't shown in our area anymore. I am guessing the 6:30 am Sunday morning time slot demanded something else... I love those books. I always had to raid the fridge after reading them as the characters always were having feasts. They were mice after my own heart as we are party central here at work. We will party at the drop of a hat... I must schedule hat dropping soon.

Good day and go hug your librarian... it's love your library month : P

1 comment:

John Cowart said...

Anybody wants to fuss at you, send 'em to see me!
-- The Dad Who Kicks Ass.