Monday, February 13, 2006

Three Wonders for the price of One

Okay so the whole wonders in a row only works if I am blogging everyday. Due to the lack of computers in my house, I can't blog on the weekends. So Saturday's wonder was the sense of touch, Sunday's was ability to laugh and today's is being able to read.

I love to play this game with myself. I focus on what I am feeling all at the same time. The clothes on my skin, the keyboard under my fingers, my tongue in my mouth. I think touch is taken for granted. I often wonder what my life would be like without it. There was a news story once about a little girl who didn't feel pain. As much as one might think that would be great, the pain wasn't there to tell her to stop doing something to herself. So wonder #1: to feel.

Everyone does it. Though we do it for different reasons and some of us do it when they hear someone else doing it. Laugh (I know what you thought I was talking about... cheeky buggers). We may forget how to do it sometimes or feel like we may never do it again. But it doesn't stop us from being able to. I know for a fact that God does it too.

And lastly, number 3 of which you have otherwise you wouldn't be able to follow this blog in the first place. Can you imagine what your life would be like if you couldn't? The smallest things we take for granted would be massive hurdles.

So wonders done for now. I had a lovely weekend of hanging out with most of my family and lazing around with kitties. It was within inches of heaven. I think all life is within inches of heaven. You determine how many inches...

Good day and may your inches be few : )

1 comment:

Christielli said...

Oh man, I would die without any of my senses. I think the sense of sound is very important 'cuz I'd hate not to be able to listen to music.

Plus, I love how smells are very evocative of memories.

Have a good week!