Saturday, October 29, 2005

God's Dry Cleaning

Okay, so the sign actually said Good Dry Cleaning but how cool is what I thought I saw. God's Dry Cleaning... no stain too tough and mention that you just love my son and get 100% off. I have never understood the mysteries of DRY cleaning. Sounds like a miracle to me : )

So I made a midnight run the night before tonight and had a Krystals' hangover. The midnight run is a parental unit invention. When we were growing up, we would beg our parents to go get donuts late at night. We all pile into the car in our pajamas and head to whatever donut place was open. It was simply the best. So in their honor, I ran up to Krystals the other night in my pjs and got Krystals. For one brief second I thought of calling a parent or sibling but it was midnight. I figured on the way home I would have to start pre-arranging my MNRs if I wanted to have company.

We are all dressed up at work today. I've got a gypsy, cat, and pirate on staff today. I love Halloween. I love the idea of dressing up and getting to pretend. But I keep forgetting about my wings (no, not angel I am that the other 364 days... I'm a butterfly fairy). I've got another foot to add to my shoulder width. We are having an anime costume party tonight with some lovely "Fear Factorish" treats. We're having kitty litter cake, chocolate covered worms, snot on a stick and blood punch with frozen hands. YUM!! I'll let you know how it goes...

Ghoul day and have a horribly happy Halloween!

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