Thursday, January 26, 2006

Fighting evil by Moonlight...

Would the multi-millionaire prince who needs someone to organize his yacht's library while vacationing in the Mediterranean, please raise his hand?

Oh yes there you are!

The daily imaginings of a country librarian... I need to slow down. I am still in the process of finding that happy medium of being busy but not so busy I need to start popping Valium from a Pez dispenser. It is probably just the timing. Or I just need to find a happy medium in a couple of other areas. I should give Dionne Warwick a call. Though all the mediums she knows are probably quite desperate since the Psychic Friends had to declare bankruptcy. Not quite the happy cheery people now... shouldn't they have seen that coming?

I've spent too much of the week on work stuff. Hence the whole blahs. I'll be better tomorrow.

Good day and I have places to be and kitties to snuggle.


Christielli said...

lol I love the part about the prince with the yacht. Too funny.

Clint Bodine said...

I wonder what you would do in this situation....

Librarian Stands up to the Feds