Monday, January 09, 2006

I am flawed but I am cleaning so well...

I love when I get to start the day with a really good song.

My life is messy and so is my apartment as I am in the midst of remodeling both. I am attempting to get rid of clutter and become more organized. So I have cleaned out my front closet, 1/2 of my junk drawer, and moved my living room around. I went through half a million papers (okay so I am exagerating... it was more like a million plus : ) and chunked quite a bit. My current mantra is why am I saving this?

I haven't even got to the hard stuff which is currently housed under my bed. It's all the sentimental savings of 30 years. If only I could be as good with saving my money, I'd be a millionaire by now.

The hardest toss was one of R's emails. I reread it and decided that had he truly meant all he had written then he'd be there helping me clean out this monlith of a project and writing me sappy love stuff still.

It was a bit defeatish in a way. I held onto it so I had proof that I was loved instead of going on there and finding someone to love me.

Good day and I wonder can I just google love ?


Christielli said...

Dashboard Confessional lyrics! Nice reference! I love dashboard!

Good for you for cleaning and organizing and the like. I hate doing that stuff.

Yeah, wouldn't it be sweet if we could google love? ;) Maybe we should email the fine ppl at google and suggest that would be a way to branch out their business.

Scott said...

Google love....hahahaha. That would be something wouldn't it? I am sure they could some up with a online matchmaker... not your normal one but like the one from Fiddler on the Roof (is that the play with the matchmaker?)

Good for you and the cleaning!!