Monday, June 05, 2006

Math Makes you crazy

This fact was learned by watching A Beautiful Mind and soon to be watching Proof as well as how insane I get just trying to add up things in my check book. I must be going crazy since I can't have negative numbers in my checkbook.

Actually hasn't been negative for quite a while. I have been working at it and doing everything automatically has helped. I wish I could do a couple of other things on automatic. Walking, going to sleep on time, etc.

After a much lauded lazy weekend, I am happy to report that it hasn't leaked over into the week. I have been busy at work setting up entertainment for the branch birthday party in July. Thus far I've got a maybe from the Tae Kwon Do and jugglers and left messages with the storytellers, SCA, and dulchimers. If I can get all of them I think it will turn out to be a good day. I still need to call in the clowns... Well maybe next year : P

But for the rest of the event, I plan on delegating. (Insert evil laughter and music here)

Plus today, my desk is almost clean. I know, I know... hold your applause... It is the ever-present to do on my to do list. Don't worry though. By tomorrow it will be as if it never was.

Good day and put the integers down nice and slow and nobody'll get hurt.

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