Friday, September 09, 2005

And I ran, I ran so far away....

Eighty song lyrics get stuck in my head occasionally. Whenever they make the movie of my life ( and you know they won't be able to resist:), the soundtrack will definitely be memorable. I am currently housing myself in Gatorville for my day off. I've come down for two reasons. I didn't want to get blown away by Ophelia (out damn hurricane out) and I needed to come visit P. She's got some major stuff going on. She resigned from her job due to worries that she might be fired. She also isn't able to continue classes this semester due to finances.

I figured it was best to make sure everything would be okay with her most of all. She is my favorite little sister by the way. It helps that I have no others to get jealous of that fact. She is doing fine though. She is working parttime at a soon to be opened coffee bar and helping with the manual side of setting up i.e. painting, moving supplies, etc. I am not sure what she wants to do next. J. is wanting her to move back home but I know that she loves here so very much. God, I just want her to be happy regardless.

On my front, I just got an email from a friend about positions open on Celebrity Cruises for a librarian. I have thought long and hard about it and I am going to send them my resume. They only sign contracts for 6 months with the option to resign at the end of it. It should like a great opportunity. With only one life, I have got to enjoy it. Maybe there should be prayers for all of us... with Ophelia, D and H dating, J and P selling the house and M and D hanging in there...

Good day and smooth sailing to you!

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